The List

Lady Elise opened the old-book to see that it was rarely new, and fairly untouched inside. Even though the first page was empty, the second page showed a message that really intrigued her.

"Dear current Elise,

I am the previous Elise and I have left this book as part of the deal. Flip the remaining pages and you will see pictures of people and their information."

Elise followed as she saw what seems to be something he did as his everyday job. She smiled as she saw what was said in the message and came back to the second page to read the remaining ones.

"I have given you a job to kill these people and in return, you are rewarded with freedom. In short, you may forever have my body. I know you will not fail me because he told me so, I know you will succeed because he told me so. I will put my trust and my future to a man named Michael. I wish you good luck!"

It was what remained of the messages put in the book, flipping the next page was just the first person he has to kill. She was just having doubts at first but now she was sure.

In her previous life, Play Time meant it was "time to kill" in the underworld!

Yes, what she found was a hit list. A list of people to kill or hurt, for whatever reason, it is a job with a really great reward, there's no way the Michael in her will refuse. She has no business in anyone's affair, but only their lives.

"Freedom, eyy?"

She remembered her past was like a tag of cat and mouse. There was not a day where she could rest easy as any time she did, there was someone with a knife behind her.

The moment the name "Michael" became known, the remaining 25 years of her life was nothing but a man trapped in a world called "Earth". There was no place to escape and there was no place where he could escape and freely kill without being caught.

"I accept your offer... Elise."

She expressed a really flustered smile. This time, it was not a terrifying expression, but she realized it was the previous Elise's death wish and although she cares none for the previous Elise, she cares lots of the things she left for her...

Those things left by the previous Elise were freedom and murder!

There's no greater joy than these two! There was no way she could refuse such a delightful offer, and as a killer that was rewarded on killing for money that spanned millions of dollars, this was the best offer she was ever offered!

Although there was a lot of mystery in the message, like how the previous "Elise" knew Michael would inherit her body and who "He" is — the man that told the previous Elise that Michael will do his job diligently.

Yet, the current Elise cared for none. She was just happy that this was not some sort of dream and this was still just a job that he has to do. He knew he did not wander off from reality.

"I will solve it in due time, but for now... let's see the hit list, shall we?"

Lady Elise sat down her desk as she browsed through "Play Time" and coincidentally, the first victim was a woman named Lady Melany of the La Costre Family — The woman that invited her for her party.


Lady Elise just simply smirked with an intrigued expression. There was information about everything about Lady Melany at the side of the picture shown at the side.

She was 5'6 and she was fairly beautiful. She is the first daughter and third sibling of The La Costre Family, so she is spoiled by the father. She has a narcissistic and egotistic personality, and she always bullies Elise and other pretty women because of jealousy. She likes expensive clothing and she loves belittling everyone that is below her family's power.

"La Costre Family... looks like I have lots to study about in this world."

She muttered to herself as she bit her nails. She hid the book on her desk and started to work and study for the upcoming Play Time that she so excitedly awaits.

She stood up and compiled books from philosophy to mathematics, everything this small library has to offer. Although she already knows most of the mathematical equations that Earth had to offer, she has to know what the current math is in this world or she might stand out.

She placed mountains of books and saw that there were glasses. She was surprised that the world has the ability to make glasses but when she wore it, there were no enhancements.

"Is it for fashion?"

She brushed it off as it has nothing to do with his job. She didn't want to wear it because there was nothing to gain but she is weirdly attached to the said glasses. Wondering if this was dear to the previous Elise, she wore it with no other choice. Her body and mind want it and so she can't stop it.


During the past two weeks, she learned about the etiquette and politics of this world. The philosophy, mathematical and scientific knowledge, the style of art, and trends. She now knows the best cake to buy and the best dresses to wear, from the best things to give and the best things to be offered.

In less than two weeks, she was in the sculpted mirror with a black and red dress. Her beautiful dress complimented the hairpin that was placed at the side of her head, a pin that formed like a rose with flowing thin ribbons.

She was so beautiful that her terrifying smile was hidden by the dress she wore. She looked like a wolf in sheep's clothing.

"Lady Elise, the carriage is here."

A maid said outside her door.

"I will be there..."

Lady Elise answered as her face was hidden since she was looking towards the mirror. She turned around as her distorted face turned into a terrifyingly warm smile. Her face turned innocent and gorgeous as she opened the door.

She arrived outside the beautiful garden that guarded her beautiful mansion, a beautifully crafted carriage awaited for her as the coachman greeted her by the carriage's door.

"Let the Play Time, begin!"