The Orange Dagger

The tongue wriggled like a worm for a second, only for Lady Elise to step on it as she sliced it open. Not only did the pig shout, but his men also stood up in a panic and ran to pick up their weapon right beside them.

"How did I not hear you?!"

The pig shouted as he covered his mouth to avoid bleeding. He ordered his man to get their weapons and kill the unknown assassin in front of them.

Unluckily, some of the men were too slow as they felt something going inside their throats. Lady Elise did not falter and went for the quick kill, thinking that if she fights them all, she's gonna die. She likes using hysteria in people, making them drop their guard because of their shock and fear.

"Quite a shock, huh?"

Lady Elise muttered as she pulled out the knife from one of the men. She dashed through the rest of them, slicing their guts and throats open like a butcher slicing through a dressed chicken.

The other men picked up their weapons, running towards the blackened figure with their weapons on the air.

Lady Elise noticed this, of course. Thinking that if these men are actually experienced in battle or not, as they look like kids with a stick. They don't even have a shred of technique in that posture.

"Ughh, what a mess!"

Lady Elise muttered once more as she dashed pass through the weaponed enemies like the speed of light. Only for the enemies to shout in unison as they fell down bleeding.

She noticed she has a wound on her body, her eyes squinted in distraught as she would never be dared to get harmed by weaklings. This meant that she was also weak.

Not long after, she realized that she had too much fun as she saw all the enemies laying on the floor of blood. The only one left was the singer that was still traumatized and the pig without a tongue to eat shit.

(The band ran the moment they saw blood...)

"How dare you do this to me!"

The pig was standing with his hand on his mouth, preventing the tongue from losing blood and drinking those that bled from it. Call it disgusting but people believe drinking their blood is like recycling a plastic bottle.

Lady Elise noticed on his right hand that he had some kind of luxurious dagger, emanating a weird aura that she is really familiar with.


Lady Elise muttered as she was in full alert. This is the first time she saw something other than a communication crystal, and this is the first time she fought with the opponent having an unknown weapon for her.

Lady Elise fought with guns to swords, but she never fought with magic before! Not only does she not know the abilities of those weapons, but she also does not know the weakness of it.

"Are you afraid, now!"

"Not really. I've read of them once... Those books in my library that I thought was fantasy fiction made for kids. I didn't know they were real."

Lady Elise muttered as she kept a cool face. She also noticed that the pig also has an earpiece, formed like his ear's outline. It looked like it was made of some material, as she did not think it was gold because of the golden-color.

"Oh, is that a mantra weapon too? Does that enhance your hearing of some sort? The reason why you were shocked I silently jumped in without hearing it?"

She said as she stared at his left ear, taking a liking on those weapons as her red-crimson eyes squinted in intrigue. She played with her dagger as she looked at it and threw it away behind her.

The pig was somewhat afraid, using his weapons as a way to think he was stronger. Not only that, but she also threw away her only weapon! His confidence went through the roof as he started to threaten her.

"How about giving up now! You think you can defeat me!?"


Lady Elise just smiled, as she expected this. A weak man being cocky to those weaker than him. A similar-looking trait to power-hungry fools like that Lady Melany. Oh, how she smiled so wide, the expectations of the pig once he falls apart!

"Yes, I love that!"



It has been three weeks since she killed someone, and today, she finally started a massacre. She's been trying to hold her craziness since she woke up, keeping a low-key presence.

Lady Elise laughed out loud until her stomached hurt, she slowly stopped as she curled her body with her hands on her stomach.

Then, the crying stopped.

Lady Elise suddenly ran towards the fattie without a weapon. Her hands opened like a cat ready to scratch. Her smile looked like the shadow at the edge of your room at night. This was her technique, keeping the enemy off guard as they get swallowed by their emotion of fear and hysteria.

The pig panicked, he flinched as he quickly snapped out of it but it was not quick enough for Lady Elise.

She was so quick that in less than five seconds, she already closed the gap between their distance. The pig realized this and slashed horizontally, only for Lady Elise to slide below the ground, picking a sword from one of the corpses, and...


The fattie's eyes widened as his pupil shook. Tears came out of it as he slowly kneeled and fell to the ground with an open stomach. Lady Elise slashed straight to his stomach horizontally.


Lady Elise stood up as she threw the sword away. She walked towards him as she stepped on his head, rubbing it like the cigarette you throw on the ground. She acted like a man, nothing about this day was ladylike.

Her face looked like the face that told you "you got pranked".

"Do you really think I'm gonna fight barehanded on a blade fight? You fucking pig!"

Lady Elise said as she laughed the fuck out of the dying man. Realizing he wasn't talking, or even breathing. Lady Elise gruntled, knowing her fun has come to an end. She clicked her tongue as she took the dagger and wearing the earpiece on her left ear.

Even though the earpiece was quite loose on her ear, it magically adjusted. It didn't seem like her hearing has increased, but she remembered that she has to put mantra on it too. There were three small colored crystals, two blue and one yellow in the middle.

That is when she noticed that it felt like echolocation, or like a seismic wave. The moment she placed mantra on the earpiece, it radiated an invisible and soundless sound wave, surrounding her.

Everything that makes even the smallest of sounds, Lady Elise knew where and what it was. From the pebble that came off from the ceiling to the water dripping at the side of the wall.

The dagger was also something to look at. A silver-hilted dagger with an orange crystal at the center. Once activated, a clear orange aura surrounds the dagger's blade, making it sharper than a normal one.


Lady Elise grinned so wide. There's no way she isn't when her senses become sharper and she started wondering if there's one for eyes or noses. She also noticed that the radius was at least forty meters in distance.

She also noticed footsteps, five of them, to be precise.

"That must be them."

Lady Elise muttered as she stepped off the pig's head. She turned around and stop, only to notice the dancer was still there. She seemed to have fainted as Lady Elise took off her mask, to show her entire face.

She carried the girl as she noticed there was something by the table of the fattie.


The five guards arrived at the mine, seeing the dead body that spread outside the entrance. It looked like an entire platoon raided the place, so they can't even believe their Lady Elise did all of this.

"Is she really a lady? She even closed the communicator when our prince was talking..." - One of the guards said as he looked like he was kind of scared, imagining what a tyrant the lady must be.

"Shush, you're gonna get killed for asking that!"


The guards talked as they went inside the mine. They arrived at the beginning, where there was three entrance to take. It was when they noticed a shadow appearing out from the right entrance appeared.

A black figure carrying a woman on her arms. The guards took off their swords from their sheath as they realized the face was that of their Lady Elise. They felt relieved as the other guy saw her as a prince carrying her princess.


The guy was amazed, as his expectation of the lady completely broke.

Lady Elise gave the unconscious woman to one of the guards. She also threw a book to the guy that was amazed of her.

"W-what's this?"

"A Ledger's book. The owner of this place and also all of the buyers are in that place."

The guard asked as Lady Elise answered. She looked at the middle entrance as she pointed towards it, telling them with a straight face like there were no slaves in there at all.

"The slaves are there. There is a lot of crying and screaming, so don't expect a haven. I'll be going to the left entrance, don't follow me."

Lady Elise said as he walked back towards the left entrance, where she had some things to do.

The guard can't exclaim as they felt a strong presence surrounding their Lady Elise. Like she was their leader, they complied and went towards their ways as ordered by Elise.

A while later, she came out of the left entrance with a bloody brown bag and looked towards the right entrance. She noticed that the place was silent, not even someone was in there, so she was quite curious and she tried to see what was in there.

Maybe it was that thing. The information was never 100% right.