A little push forward, From Mary

Mary went and sat on a bench placed against the wall, any other time she'd get on his desk and try to seduce him. At first she was going to, but then remembered there was someone else in the room.

Valerie went and sat right beside her, and the King pulled his chair around his desk to place it in front of Valerie.

He called the butler up and told him not to disturb him for the rest of the day and to clear his schedule.

For two hours, the three of them just sat and talked about life, anytime Valerie would bring up her husband, Malphus would change the conversation. Anytime he couldn't get the conversation to change, he would give a smile that didn't reach his eyes, and clench his fists.

Then once they were finished talking, the King invited them to town to go shopping, he told them he'd treat them to anything they wanted.

The three went to the finest shop in town and bought beautiful dresses, Valerie tried to stay on the less expensive side while Mary bought the most expensive dresses she could find. Valerie felt bad for the King's pockets, so she hid 3 of the most expensive dresses on the more affordable side.

Mary started noticing little things, like the King paying more attention to Valerie, and saying Mary looked pretty while Valerie looked beautiful.

This angered Mary, she finally thought she had companionship with a maid her age, instead of her only friends being the children, who did not know about her being favored by the King.

Moreover, she was angry because she had been working so hard to get the King's attention when a new maid came in and the King instantly turned his head to see her.

She believed she'd be a better Queen to the people than any other woman on earth. She thought that it was her who deserved the King's attention, not a clumsy fool such as Valerie who would most likely use and cheat on the King, and destroy the kingdom with a flick of her wrist.

That night, Mary knew Valerie had to go. No one else would stand a chance to be the future Queen against Mary, not even the current Queen would stand much of a chance.

She knew exactly what it took to get Valerie out of the castle, maybe even beheaded.

Mary was planning a cruel set-up for Valerie to take the blame and be killed.

She went back to town and bought some string with some of the money she was saving to get herself a home.

She tied the end of the string to Valerie's door while she was sleeping, and tied the other end to the bookshelf over the king's desk with all his paperwork.

'There! Now when she open's her door tomorrow morning, she'll spill water all over the King's important papers and the string will lead to her room causing her to get in trouble and banished from the castle and possibly even killed.' Though Mary as she left the King's study.

She knew this would work, but if there was anything flawed with the plan it wouldn't lead back to her. She had more than one way to get rid of a pest if needed.

Lucky for Valerie, she slept in late and one of the maids had to get her up. Leading to her being the one to take the blame for the set-up, and beheaded in the undergrounds of the castle.

'Ugh, that pest! Whatever she just got lucky this time. I have another plan that will 100% get her away from the King' Mary was furious that the plan hadn't worked.

She stayed up all night laying out the next set-up Valerie was supposed to become victim to.

Yet to Mary's dismay, someone else had gotten to the trap before Valerie. Leading her to be safe for another day.

Every time Mary would set something up, another maid would fall into the trap. It made Mary furious. 'So, if I can't make her leave. I'll make her life horrible.'

Valerie had made other friends, while Mary was plotting her death. Mary knew who these people were, and how to get them on her side. She knew that maids couldn't help gossiping to one another, even if they absolutely hate the person they're gossiping with.

She went to some other maids, telling them that Valerie had slept with the King to get fancy dresses and extra money. When word started to spread around a little, Mary went right up to Valerie's new friends and told them what she had told the other maids.

Valerie's friends hadn't known her for long, so they believed Mary. They stopped hanging around her and started calling her sluts and freaks.

Valerie couldn't figure out why they had started calling her those names. It just happened.

Valerie told his highness about what had been going on the past few weeks, so he got her schedule changed to be his personal maid. She would stay around him all the time, that way she didn't have to suffer from those harsh words. It made it even easier because it turned out that her room was just down the hall from the King's room.

Mary hadn't seen Valerie around the castle so she thought she had left, she couldn't be happier.

She crept down to the King's bedroom, because it had been a while since they slept with each other, and the Queen was at her own castle handling things for the month.

She entered the bedroom, only to receive a

"Leave now, or I shall throw you into the fireplace myself. Don't you know I know what you did to Valerie?"