The Twins Swords?

"Where is the diamond again?" Yoka asks, his face is full with curiosity and confusion.

Reluctantly, Jio lift his finger and point to the handling of the huge sword which has a hole in it.

"Uncle Ho?" Yoka swift his gaze to uncle Ho as he wanted a confirmation.

"Jio... It's seems like this sword is choosing you as it master now... since I have arrived here until now on, nobody got attracts to this sword plus the diamond you said on the handling...we can't see it Jio, nothing there for us to I told you before, each weapons have their own way to show themselves to their master" 

".... I'm not sure about this uncle Ho, how will I carry such a huge sword like that" Jio look up to the sword

"haha... Well, I have no idea... let's see" uncle Ho reach one side of the glass, he places his palm on that side and a clear green smokey light comes from the palm and absorbing the glass.

"come here," he says to Jio. 

Obediently he walks closer to the sword

"Now take it" uncle Ho gave some instructions.

Jio slowly reaches out to the sword, actually everything still confusing but start from today, he will trust uncle Ho and Yoka to guide him to find the way out from this world.

Touching the handling of the sword, Jio felt electrocute then blue smoke from the sword slowly filling the storage room.

"Uncle Ho! Yoka! Where are you guys?" Jio is panicking.

Then appears from nowhere, a big guy with the warrior looking outfits, bowing to Jio.

"THANKS FOR CHOOSING ME, MASTER...LET ME INTRODUCE MYSELF, I'M HUI GO, YOUR SWORD" politely this guy does introduction. From his appearance, he looks so tough but also calm. 

"When will I stop meeting all these surprising stuff from this world? Jio sighs once again


"So... you are my servant now?"Jio takes a closer sight of Hui Go. Amazed by the guy heights and curious about how strong he is, Jio slightly excited.

"NOT SERVANT,MASTER...I'M YOUR PROTECTOR, MASTER" Hui Go stands up and his height is about 3 meters while Jio is 183 cm.

"My protector? Things just getting scarier...Even now I have my own protector," Jio murmurs "In my world, things we call protectors is just a small elastic thing," he says again.

When the smokes slowly disappeared, Hui Go say.


The smokes slowly absorbing into the air.

"Uncle Ho, Yoka!!" Jio ran to these two people as soon as his eyes catch their shadows.

"So? What's happened?"Yoka and uncle Ho were losing Jio a while ago.

"I'm not sure...but this" Jio showed the sword he holds with his hand, very contrast with the huge size of the sword, there's Jio just lift it with one hand.

"See...we never know how this world working but I'm glad that you have your own weapon now...even if you still think that this world not real, at least there will be someone guarding you" Uncle Ho with his trademark kind smile walking out from the storage

"But why do I need this? What am I gonna do with this?"Jio amazed by how huge the sword although he, himself doesn't know what to do with it.

He touches the diamond, and the sword is disappeared instantly.

"Eh?! Where is the sword now?!"he looks around to find the sword.

"It will come to you when you need it," Yoka casually continue walking.

Now both Yoka and Jio walked behind uncle Jio. And there's that strange voice girl again in the living room, laying down on the couch just like a cat cuddle with the pillows.

"Today...Mikan and Yoka will go to the south of the city. They first found you there, so there might be something we can find"  Uncle Ho takes the watering can and fill it.

"Mikan can stay with you here uncle...let me take Jio with me today" Yoka suggest,

"Me? Going outside with you? And who is Mikan? Are there more people in this world that I haven't met yet?"now it's Jio's asking time again.

"I'm Mikan!! You fool! And I bet he will cry after one of those monsters touching him ha ha ha. just for you to know, there might be one or two or more people out there that we haven't found yet so gather your mind!."the maybe-girl talking still in manly voice

"I'm not fool! Stop calling me with something like that and I'm not even afraid of those things you call monsters, okay! And stop on using manly voice when you talk, it's disturbing me." 

"You are the one who disturbing me! And this is my real voice!"Mikan firing back at Jio's words, actually Mikan can changes his voice but he doesn't feel like it when talking with Jio.

"ha ha two can stop fighting, Yoka and Jio, go prepare and Mikan...just stay at home today okay" Uncle Ho middling their mouthing battle, he walks to the small garden outside the house but still within the gates which block the harm from outside.

"huh...let see if you can comeback safely with Yoka" Mikan pouting.

"Bwuekkk..." Jio is sticking his tongue out, make fun of Mikan


Jio bumped on Yoka who unexpectedly stopped and turn around, staring at Jio like he is so done with how childish Jio is.

"Just how old are you again? Stop fighting with him, try to be nice to each other will you?"now Yoka sound like a mother advice their kids.

"He? So she's a male..." Jio is smirking "He is the ones who start the fight, not go telling him" Jio so stubborn.

Yoka inhale a deep breath, having no idea to arguing with Jio he continues walking to his room followed by Jio.


Entering Yoka room, the room is neat and clean, the smell is calming.

"Change your clothes with this... our size pretty similar so they might fit you" he handing out clothes he took from the closet, these clothes is similar style with those Yoka and Mikan wearing, kind like modern Japanese style, casual but not leaving the character.

Jio without thinking much, pulling up his black shirt he wears since he here to change with those clothes Yoka gave him.

When Jio opened his shirt and now shirtless, unconsciously Yoka is blushing and turn around quickly, pretending to choose clothes in the closet.

"Will you change your clothes too?" Jio did change

" I'm not," Yoka is stuttering

"Are you okay?" Jio go closer to Yoka

"I'm fine. Let's go downstairs" Yoka in hurry going out after grabs his bag.

"What's wrong with him?" Jio realised the change on Yoka's face "no way..." Jio shakes his head to throw away those weird thought in his head about Yoka


"You two... be careful out there, remember not to walk in the open place okay" Uncle Ho is sending them two out

"Don't worry uncle. We can take care of ourselves" Yoka bows, so does Jio.

"Bwekk!!" Mikan face pops from the window, he surely gave that sticking tongue face to Jio

"You! uwekk!" Jio fight back but after looking at Yoka, he hurriedly put a cool face.

"See you guys...if there's nothing, just come back home okay" uncle Ho tapped Yoka's shoulder and also tapping Jio shoulder.

"See you uncle Ho" Jio says.

"See you later uncle, Mikan...stop fooling around, help uncle Ho while you're at home," Yoka say softly, he knows Mikan able to hear him.

"I will," he shouts from inside the house.

Talking about Mikan, actually both uncle Ho and Yoka don't know where and what type of creatures he is. Mikan is able to change his appearance from human to cat or cat to human form, and nobody knows where he got his ability.

Mikan came to Uncle Ho and Yoka during their battle with monsters near the east side of the city, he just happened to be there and fight along with Yoka and Uncle Ho.

Yoka and Uncle Ho and also those who had been with them in The Trapped World have tried to trick him to reveal his real self but none of them succeed, it's seemed like Mikan also forgot on how he arrived to this world.

Back with Yoka and Jio. They walked side by side on the dark side of the road and sometimes they had to sneaking into one empty house to another empty house.

" are here for eight years already?" Jio is dusting his shirt away after walking in a small alley.

"Yes...more or less eight"

"Where are you coming from?"

"I'm coming from a small village named Tsumago, how about you?"

"I'm coming from a big city named Seoul, for eight you ever miss someone from where you come?"

"I don't remember...all I remembered is everything feels like spinning around so fast that I have no time to have those kind of feeling, maybe sometime..." 

"Don't you think you are gone numb because of the situation now?" 

"I don't know..." Yoka take peak from one small hole in the window to check the situation outside.

"About uncle Ho?do you know abo...."

"ppssttt!" Yoka makes a sign so Jio stop talking "I see someone outside there but be careful, watch their eyes...if the colour is flaming red or black, you need to summon your weapon as soon as possible, they are enemies...but it they're normal colour like ours, hurry guarding them okay"

"okay... but how to summon my..."

"pstt it getting closer..." Yoka gets ready

Jio have no idea what to do, even for summoning his weapon he doesn't know how but just in case, he also gets ready. Curious about what is coming, Jio wanted to look outside from the window too but he can feel the ground is shaking now.

Take a fast peaking. Jio now can see a girl shaking with her confused expression looking around to find what might comes from those shaking grounds.

"Jio be ready." Yoka set his foot firmly on the ground, and his position now is like a runner setting their start.


One by one those big scary monsters come surrounding the girl.

"Help me!anyone!!! Please help me!!! Go away!!! Go!!! Away!!!"she tries to throw the stone at them, that mustn't hurt for them, they keep getting closer to the girl.

"AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!! GO AWAY!!! HELP!!!"her screaming is mixed with cry now.

Yoka jumps from the windows, he practically flies.

"What a wasted creature...Look at me. She is not even a match for you guys but you comes in groups just for one weak girl?" Yoka walking leisurely to the crowd

He succeeded in stealing those creatures attention, and their target suddenly change from the girl to Yoka


They are running towards Yoka. Heavy shaking grounds from their footsteps could be traumatized for someone new but not with Jio. He walks around to save the girl first before joining Yoka's battle.

"Come with me" Jio dragging the girl to safety place "please stay here... Don't move, okay" Jio once again in instructing. The girl still shaking but nodding, Jio hold her hands to makes her calm then after her breathing a bit normal, Jio hurriedly going outside to help Yoka who still on battling with the monsters.

"I NEED YOUR HELP HUI GO!!!" Jio is shouting to summon his sword but no weapon coming out

"HUI GO!!! COME OUT!!!" He shouts louder this time, still nothing coming out.

"FUCK YOU HUI GO!!!!" He finally loses his patient.

At the same time when his sword appears, something shiny also shining on Yoka's hand. 

Yoka's sword!! 

It much smaller than Jio's but there's one shiny thing on the middle of Yoka's sword. 

With no fears, Jio fight along with Yoka to kill those monsters. 

"Slice them on the neck!! That's their weaknesses!! hyaaattt!!!!"Yoka still attentively give instructions while himself also jumping up down and left right to kill.

One monster left, altogether them both end that monster life, Jio slicing the neck and Yoka slicing the body.

"Hwaahhhh!!! That's awesome!!" Jio so happy for his first experience fighting with monsters. 

"Where is the girl?" Yoka asked.

"She is in the safe places, don't worry...but Yoka wait..." Jio grabbed Yoka's arm, he is going to check on the girl.


"Sorry but, your sword... don't you think both of us have the same sword?"

"Same swords? Even newbies can see that our swords are different..."

"But I can feel that stone on your sword reacting when I summon mine."

"You can see my diamond? On my sword?!" Yoka eyes became big, he looks at Jio

"Of course I can, why?" 

" surely something, as far as I know, nobody is able to see what colour is your diamonds but yourself." 

"But now I see your diamond and your diamond shape is exactly the same like mine in here" Jio touches the diamond on his sword

Yoka is frowning "Jio... Remember that. I can't see your diamond? So stop showing that empty hole to me...but if the diamond has same shape and lights, is there any meaning behind that??" Yoka lean on his sword.

"Is there any possibility that they made from the same stone which divided into two parts?!"

They get excited telling any possibility.

"If they were made from the same stone, that's mean our swords were made by the same person"

"Wow....But what is our relation to be chooses by the same diamond stones?"