
A lady sat in silence, sadly looking at the picture of her daughter hanging in the bedroom wall.

"After 20 years, it's happening again..."


Yoka is calling Mikan and Uncle Ho to come into Jio's room.

They are rushing to Jio room and got shock by what in front of their sight now. Tall Jio is standing strong with blue flame coloured eyes.

"Jio.... dude wake up!!" Yoka still tries to wake him from that possession.

Wellan, the young girl also comes to the room to see what's going on. 

Suddenly Jio's body turn around, there is no sign of him controlling the movement because all expression in his face is just cold expression. With that blue flaming eyes he seems like looking at Wellan intentionally.

Uncle Ho still scanning the situation, this Jio is really something new for him, there's no such a case from those before him in here.


Jio's sword appears, in such harmless situations why is his sword appears?

Mikan can sense that something wrong with Jio. Mikan call his sword.

"Yoka, Uncle Ho..... be careful, I can sense something wrong with him" Mikan get in ready to fight position.

Jio moving fast toward Wellan with his sword ready to fight. Mikan, Yoka and Uncle Ho call their weapons to avoid Jio from hurting someone.

"She brings something here" Stopping his steps, this Jio pointing at shaking Wellan.

"What do you mean? she is here by herself, you and me the one who brought her yesterday!" Yoka is defending in front of Wellan

"No... look carefully" Jio once again make an attack to Wellan.

Mikan and Yoka raise their swords to fight this possession Jio. Clashing swords sound can be heard loud as they defend Wellan from being hurt.

Uncle Ho rushing to save Wellan and let her out from the dangerous fighting room.

clang!! clang!! The sounds of their swords

Jio's power doesn't look like a human power at all. Fighting with him count as fighting with monsters as well, it's just he doesn't intended to hurt Yoka and Mikan. He only aimed for Wellan.

One big jump, swinging his sword left to hit on Mikan's sword and right to hit on Yoka's sword. After striking their swords away, Jio jump to uncle Ho and Wellan running downstairs. Right from behind Wellan, before uncle Ho raises his hands to pull Wellan away from Jio, like a lighting Jio's opened palm to hit Wellan's back.


Wellan coughing hard as one flash green shadow with human shapes comes out from Wellan's body. Jio aims that shadow with his sword, go after the shadow which tries to run away, Jio once again slice his sword to the shadow, but it dodged and the shadow slowly turn into a shape which looks very similar with human shapes, it's only different on the skin colour.

Stop forming and the shadow can be seen as a man with horns.

"What are you doing here?" possession Jio asking with steady tone but still firmly looking at that shadow sharply.


the only sound that shadow made to answering Jio's questions

"Tell me where to go" surprisingly this Jio seemed like he could understand what that shadow saying.

Uncle Ho, Yoka and Mikan is looking at each other. With holding on Wellan's shoulder, Mikan came closer to Uncle Ho.

Once again that shadow made a humming sound.


"I don't wanna kill you... you can go"

"Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm" that shadow now makes a kneeling pose in front of Jio.

"you sure you don't wanna go?"

"Hmmmmmmmmmmmm" the shadow answering, their conversation is very attractive and new for these three people who've stayed longer than Jio.

Jio lift his sword to the sky, close his eyes and that shadow turn into flash before entering Jio's sword diamond.

By the time he opened his eyes, the old Jio is back, his blue flaming eyes now turn into his real brown eyes. Blankly he looks at these three people who still staring at him in amazed.

"something just happened, right?" he touches his shoulder "Why is my sword here?"still in confused he kept asking then vanished his sword

"What was that before? What happened to you when you're alone in your room?" Mikan couldn't hold back his curiosity.

"Me? I don't remember... but I can feel that someone is talking to me before. Can someone please tell me what my sword is doing here?" Jio realised that Wellan looks pale and weak "Did I just attacks her?"

"Mikan.... go bring Wellan to your room and let her have rest. Jio and Yoka stay with me here."

Uncle Ho ever listened to some stories about the gods creatures living in this world. Never once he meets with them, the most powerful creature he ever saw in this Trapped World is that giant monsters with fire on it eyes and fire came out from his mouth and his palms. 

that is there last time Uncle Ho witnessed that giant before he kills it with his swords, that's the same time when Leio, his old friend died.

"Jio... would you tell us again about that voice talking to you before? Just something you might still remember" Uncle Ho sits on the bed following by Jio and Yoka.

"and that shadow talking with you? How come you understand his saying?" Yoka adds more questions.

In his silent Jio really tries to dig in his memory. His face changing to serious and confuses from where to start

"I was alone and thinking about how did I get here... figuring out of theirs some ways to returning to the real world, then I remember that this voices is coming from my sword...oh... have I told you guys about this man in my sword? He told me that he was my protector...I think it was his voice and that's all I can remember" trying to tells every detail of his memories.

"and for that shadow you asked me... I can't remember any shadow came and approaching me at all." 

Yoka is rubbing his hair, the problem is getting thicker with Jio's abilities.

"Uncle Ho.... I think we really have to go where I first found him. I know that area is pretty dangerous, but we'll get nothing if we stay in here." 

"I think about that too... now our responsibility not only him but also that young girl... just my feeling tells me that Jio and Wellan must have something in common beside from them come. Only Jio can see that shadow in Wellan, I somehow want to trust Jio for his abilities must be good thing for us" softly Uncle Ho caressing the bed sheet.

"Only me can see what? The shadow? So it was really me the one who attacking Wellan before? Did I injure her badly?"now it makes sense why Wellan looks so pale and shaking when Jio gained back his consciousness

"no you didn't, well not you exactly...we thought you wanted to hurt her, so we tried to protect her" Yoka can't lie.

Jio suddenly feel hurt inside his heart, he is a human but now trying to attacking other human. 

being confused from all these sudden things happened to him. Jio can't predict what in front of him and afraid of what might happened to other if he continues staying with them.

"let's leave tomorrow..." he said, 

"please don't get discouraged from what happening... we already promise you that we will help you until we find the way out " Uncle Ho tap Jio shoulder.

"Don't think too much... I will stay with you here tonight, just in case if you need me" Yoka going outside to see how Wellan conditions.

Uncle Ho smiles like usually and say

"Jio.....just remember that we always here with you, we also wanted to protect you and remember that we also don't want to lose you to whatever those things wanting to possess you...okay...now get rest, you guys going far tomorrow" walking out from Jio's room uncle Ho really wish a good for Jio.


Yoka sleep next to Jio on the floor with warm bed. Jio sleep sideway facing at Yoka who already in deep sleep an hour before, Jio looks at this handsome face in front of him, getting all those flashback about Yoka cried in his sleep. He gets to know how they might feel when they found him possessed by something else, like watching your friends acting strange and being themselves is also painful for those who watched it.

Just like that Jio stick out his hand to care Yoka hairs and try to sleep.