Uncle Ho and Wellan's Deep Talk

Standing in the yard within the house, wearing plain white shirt and black pants completed by a pair of old brown colour shoes with his eyes looking at the blossom flowers that he grow by himself, the flowers here just the same with those flowers in Real World and they're still blossoming despite not having enough sunlight.

Here is Uncle Ho thinking about how is Jio and Yoka doing out there and praying for their safetys.

It's been 3 days since they left.

"Good morning" Wellan walks towards Uncle Ho and she's wearing Mikan's clothes today, pink shirt and an over size pant.

She just woke up and comes out from her room and saw Uncle Ho standing in the yard doing nothing but stares at those beautiful blossom colourful flowers for minutes.

"Oh hi...good morning Wellan, how's your sleep?"Uncle Ho moves and sit on the bench under the tree near the front gates of their house.

"I have a good sleep thanks to Mikan," she says, having hard time adapting with the places and the strange environment, she has hard time to sleep so Mikan made her a cup of warm chamomile tea to helps her relaxing.

The breeze flies Wellan's baby hair, she can feels that the breeze in this world feels even colder than the usual one in the real world, looking at the sky...those dark clouds still there like they're persistent to be there to shows there's no space for the sunlight to shine in this world.

Just by looking at the sky, Wellan realised once again that she is now in a total different world. Fixing her long brown hair, Wellan turned left to look at Uncle Ho

"Come here, sit" Uncle Ho point at the empty spot on the bench for Wellan to joining him

"Uncle Ho....May I ask you a question? Or maybe more than one" sitting next to this middle age man making Wellan comfortable, just when she first arrived to this house, there are many question Wellan actually wanted to ask

"Sure...you must have a lot of questions since this happening" Uncle Ho smiles and look at Wellan playing her feets on the ground, a sign of nervousness or maybe hesitated.

"You can ask anything...that will be fine with me," he said again to ensure Wellan

"Well, may I know?how long have you been here? In this Trapped World?" Wellan takes a glimpse at Uncle Ho. It's seems like he knows a lot about this world than Mikan and Yoka.

"Well....more or less than 20 years I think, I can't remember exactly" answers Uncle Ho

"Wow! That's almost as old as I am and that's like you are a citizen of this world already" Wellan did guessing some certain numbers in her heart before Uncle Ho answered but still got surprised by the numbers Uncle Ho just mentioned.

"Ha ha... staying for long time here doesn't makes me forgot where I belong " Uncle Ho close his eyes, trying to find which memory of him in the Real World should he tells to this young girl as far as he can remember is only the same memory kept popping up. Uncle Ho feels like something is blocking some certain parts of his memories.

"Are you here earlier than everybody? How about your life in Real World?"as she asked the question, Wellan is starting to imagine herself spending more of her life here and what will she be, that's something scary and heavy... suddenly leaving your family, your job also your friends and stay in a complete strange cruel world. Wellan somehow feel bad for asking this question.

"As long as I can remember... I'm all alone when I entered this world but not sure if I'm the first human arrived here...about myself in the Real World...I remembered that I was a hard-working employee, and I had a very pretty girlfriend that I married to " talking with Wellan about his memories is refreshing as he also curious how is the condition of Real World he left nearly 20 years ago.

"A wife?"

"Yeah, she is so beautiful and kind..." he is pausing "She must have remarried already and have children by now..."he says again then with the wide smile he pats Wellan's shoulder.

"Once I go back to Real World, I will find her to apologize" he said again.

"Of course you have to...you owe her an apology" Wellan pats back Uncle Ho shoulder and they laughed.

"Okay...Now tell me about your life, which you do for living? You must have a boyfriend right?"now Uncle Ho turn to ask Wellan

"Oh.....About myself... I'm just entered university this year...Because I wanted to work soon after graduating from High school...ha ha ha...my mom was very mad at me for a week when she first heard my decision...ha ha...she wants me to enjoy my youth like other teenager enjoying the time of their youth, going out, traveling, clubbing and other things she thinks might makes me happy..."she look up while telling the story of her and her mother, smiling but her eyes looking red holding her tears, her throat suddenly felt dry but she continues.

"She never knows that staying beside her is my happiest time..." the tears dropped, but she still looks up to the sky doesn't mind her tears falling.

"since I was young, she rarely stayed at home because she has to works to earn money for us, she sends me to child care in the morning then my aunt picked me up after child care time's over and at the night she will come to pick me at my aunt places... that is what I got during my childhood... that's why she's mad at me when I choose to work instead of enjoying college, she told me that she's able to afford anything I want but I never told her that she is the one I wanted, my mouth won't do...Aha ha ha...sorry for my boring story, I supposed to tell you a great story of Real World but I shared this pity story instead" Wellan's laughing but Uncle Ho who just listening to her story looking at her with warm expression

"You're a good daughter...I hope you can tell your mom that you love her once you get back there" Uncle Ho pats her shoulder once more and standing up.

"Enough with our story time... Now let's have our breakfast."

Mikan can hear their conversation in the yard from the kitchen and he smiles. Since Mikan first joined in Uncle Ho's house, he never heard such a deep conversation between Uncle Ho and anyone else in this house.

Well....talking with such a young lacking experience girl might makes Uncle Ho adapting to Wellan cheerful personality. Young people tend to be curious about new things and attract to various new things.

"let have breakfast.... Wellan help me bring the plates" Mikan who are carrying the soup pan out from the kitchen.