Getting Closer to Mikan and Visible Hui Go

"Thank a lot for saving me when I first arrived here, I promise that I will bring us all back might takes time as I'm now still weak but I will grow stronger to protect us all and found those doors for us to go back home...oh talking about the door...what happened to that door of mine after sending Uncle Ho and Wellan?" Jio just remember that they left the place as they reached out to Mikan and Yoka without even checking the door any more.

"I did check the door after but seems like it can work just one time, when I reopened the door there is nothing inside but empty dirty room...If that was your door, there must be Wellan's and Uncle Ho door left but without them here it might be hard for us to find it so let's focus on my door for both of us and Mikan's door to send him back to his world too" Yoka was the one with longest experience in this world so he did feel a responsibility of showing Jio and Mikan the way things works here.

"Sure...let's do that" Jio more sips of his tea.

In the next day, a peaceful morning

There is no sign of any activities in the house, Jio still in his bed when he hears an opening door sound from Yoka's room. The steps heading downstairs can be heard as the floor made squeaking sound whenever someone's weight pressing it down on some certain spot.

Then after some minutes the clanking sound of the pan and metals utensils in the kitchen can be heard, Yoka must be working on their breakfast down there.

Jio wakes up and made his bed before heading down to join Yoka.

"Good morning..." Jio appears near the kitchen doorway.

"Oh hi...good morning" Yoka looks cute holding a spatula while saying good morning to Jio

Has no idea of what to do in the kitchen, Jio just then heading to check on Mikan in his room.

"I will be checking on Mikan" Jio turn back and walking to Mikan room.

Some thought coming into Jio mind on how to greet Mikan this morning as he really feel bad about Mikan after Jio without advance notification sending uncle Ho along with Wellan to the real world.

Knock knock knock...

He is reluctantly knocking the door softly.

No answers from inside,Jio decide to knock again and this time, just the same silent from inside, the room

"'s me Jio...can I come in?" Jio asks for permission.

Once reply from Mikan but instead, Jio hear a groaning

"Mikan? Can I come in?"just wanted to make sure that reply was from Mikan and he is allowed to entering the room, Jio speaks a bit loud

That groaning sound on reply again, now Jio feel something wrong with Mikan's reply then Jio slowly slide the door aside and looking for Mikan

He is not on the bed but beside the bed, laying weakly there.

"Geez!!! Mikan! What's happen with you?!" Jio ran and helping him back to the bed "Wait here...seems like you're catching a fever, I will find you some medicine" Jio wants to hurry downstairs but Mikan hold his hand.

"Don't leave..." he says with tears falling from his closed eyes.

Jio notice that Mikan eyes were closed and he looks sad and in pain, Jio kneeling down beside his bed and cares and moves his long beautiful hair covering some side of his face.

"It's okay...I'm here" Jio suddenly feel hurt in his heart seeing Mikan like this"I'm sorry that I send Uncle Ho away from you guys...but don't worry...I'm here to protect you guys. We will back home safely in no time...please wait a little longer okay" keep caressing Mikan on the head to calm him down, Jio did not know that Yoka is standing outside the door, listening to them silently with heavy and relieved heart at the same time. 

Yoka feels grateful for Mikan and Jio relationship might get better after the leaving of Uncle Ho but then they should work even harder from now on to find the doors as those creatures saw them and know their existence in this world.

"Hui Go..." Jio summons Hui Go


"Yes I'm here" Hui Go appears right behind Jio.

There no need for Jio to call out his sword in order to summoning Hui Go any more and that's one more progress Jio did not realised he has now, he just gradually got used to the power he had and instinct adjusting himself with this power.

"Can you please help me to stay here while I'm going down looking for some medicine?" decided to asking Hui Go to keep Mikan accompanied while he goes downstairs.

"Sure..." Hui Go kneel down next to Jio

"Here....hold his hand" Jio takes Hui Go's hand and put them together with Mikan hand.

"Eh?!'s too" Hui Go refusing

"Eiiii...Just a minute, it's okay...don't let it go, or he will cry again, understood?" Jio leaves instantly to find Yoka and medicines for Mikan

Leaving only Hui Go and Mikan in this room.

Hui Go clearly remembered seeing this beautiful creature somewhere else in the battlefield before and Hui Go also remember that Mikan was fighting with their side, the guardians side then separating out saving their life when the winger creatures and magic team beating their troops.

"Are you that same person I saw in the last battlefield? How did you end up here with the human? Good thing you are saves" Hui Go murmuring.

Mikan slowly opening his eyes, he can feel a warm hand holding his hand and before looking at who hold his hand, Mikan tightening his grip on the holding when he feels certain energy coming from this person.

Moving his head to the side where Hui Go kneeling, Mikan got shock as their eyes met. Even Hui Go himself feel surprise knowing that Mikan is now able to see him but Mikan expression more like shocking rather than surprise.

A stream of memories running like an old film fast forwarding on the show came into Mikan's head but they are too overwhelming that his head got hurt for not able to accept the huge reminiscence of his memories, he started to let go Hui Go's hand, sitting up and tucking in his head in between his knee as trying to hold a headache from these overwhelming memories

"Hey....are you okay? What's happen?" Hui Go did not dare to touch him any more but stand up instead, conflicting whether leaving Mikan to call Jio downstairs or no

"Mikan...? What's happen" Yoka come running to reach Mikan and hold him on the shoulder"Hey....I'm here...calm's okay...look at me" Yoka hold Mikan chin up to look at him.

With unstable breathing, Mikan is looking at Yoka in the eyes and started to tearing up again

"I miss uncle Ho" he said with small cracking voice, the pain from those simple words reaching out to Yoka and Jio who stay still beside confusing Hui Go. The overwhelming memories running like crazy inside Mikan's head but the words he able to spit out just that he misses uncle Ho so much

"I know...I miss him too" Yoka pull Mikan into his embrace and let him cry there to calm him.

Jio silently leaving the room, followed by Hui Go they are heading downstairs and outside to the bench in the yard

"Is something happened when I leave him with you?" Jio sits on the bench

"I'm not sure...seems like he is able to see me now, I don't know how but when I talk to him, he's responding and looking at me in the eyes seems like he is able to see my existence now. He was shockingly let go of my hand then his eyes wandered like remembering something but I don't know what" Hui Go also sat next to Jio, wondered how finally Mikan is able to see him after all these time

"Hui any chance you know something about other world than Trapped World and Real World? You heard Megonor talked about Mikan before, I want to ask Mikan by myself but for now on you know...he might still hate me" swinging his feet forward backward Jio telling Hui Go what he feels

Listening to Jio's concern, Hui Go takes some time to think about telling Jio what he knows about Mikan. Hui Go himself needs to make sure that the person he saw in the last battlefield was really this Mikan

"Hui Go? You know something about Mikan?" Jio stopped swinging his feet and focus on Hui Go serious expression, there must be something to tell to Jio

Hesitantly Hui Go hold his hand together to gather courage to tell Jio about what he knows about Mikan

"Can we call Lokian with us? I'm not so sure about this yet, I think Lokian can help me" he just remembers that Lokian might be helpful because they were together that time and when they first saw Mikan, Lokian was signalling him like he remembers something about Mikan too.

"Lokian? Then we need Yoka to call Lokian to join us...let's wait for him to come downstairs then," said Jio

While waiting for Yoka to come downstairs, moving from the yard into the dinning table, Jio asked Hui Go to accompanying him boiling the porridge Yoka prepared for their breakfast, done boiling the porridge they choose to wait for Yoka on the dinning table.

About 10 minutes after, Yoka coming downstairs and saw Jio wait for him on the dinning table he walks to the chair next to Jio

"Sorry but someone is sitting there" Jio speaks before Yoka reaching the chair.

"Huh? Oh...Hui Go is here?" he chooses the chair across the first one.

Nodding his head,Jio smiles and something just suddenly pops on his mind about Hui Go

"Have you ever touch anyone in this house beside Mikan?" asks Jio to Hui Go

"Hah?! What do you mean?!" Yoka a bit surprise by the questions

"I mean Hui Go"

"Oh....okay" Yoka almost got it wrong.

"I never touched anybody, what's wrong?" Hui Go does not get what Jio mean by this question.

Frowning his eyebrows, Jio thinking hard for a second and suddenly grab Hui Go hand and Yoka's hand, put them together like he did to Mikan and Hui Go before.

"AAAhhh...!!! What's wrong with you?!"Hui Go wanted to let go

"Damn!! What's happen with you?!"Yoka could not pull his hand back.

Once their hands touched, Jio is pausing...waiting for his expectations while kept Yoka and Hui Go hands on his grip

"..." Yoka pulling his hand but his eyes is straight staring across his seat like he is seeing something there.

"Is it works? Can you see Hui Go now?" Jio is lifting his expectation.

"Wh.....what?" Yoka shifts his eyes to Jio who looks excited

"Here!!This guy!! You see him now? He touched Mikan's hand before and seems like Mikan is able to see him now and how about you?!"he excitedly went behind Hui Go chair and holding Hui Go on the shoulder

"I see...Nothing," he answers.

"Huh?! Really?" Jio turn into disappointing mode, shoulder down, head down and walks back to his chair,"I thought it would work this way with Hui Go....well maybe we can try another method. It will be easier for me if you guys can see each other" depressing enough for Jio to adapting with the condition where other can't see Hui Go

"Nice to meet you" Yoka's smiling to Hui Go before leaving to the kitchen to continue preparing their breakfast

"Nice to meet who?!" Jio lift his head looking at Yoka instantly.

"That guy with blue clothes beside you" smilingly Yoka answered the question with certain words proving he able to see Hui Go who wearing blue-sky warrior clothes

"Woahhhh!!! It's work!!! Hui Go!! It's work!! Ow, everybody here can see you " jumping from his seat he went to hug Hui Go expressing his happiness