My Other Form

CLANGG....!!! CLANGG...!!!

Jio try to break the magic chains tying Mikan hands but those metallic chains contained magic spell from Gilink is not easy to break.

Megonor hurriedly grabs on Gilink to distancing away from Jio and his friend along with two guardians arrived right after him. They stand tall looking at Megonor and Gilink.

Yoka found Mikan unmoved, immediately go checking on him.

"Mikan...hey dude, we are here...are you okay" Yoka touches Mikan on the face

Across from where they stand, Megonor is holding Gilink in his arm and slowly gain back strength on his legs to stand, Gilink looking at the boys especially Mikan.

"Something wrong here... something is inside that beautiful boy soul, something strong... I can feel the aura when I got there," Gilink whispers to Megonor

"Something strong? ha ha... that's sound fun" Megonor steps forward to face these people who ruined their rituals.

"Impressive... how did you find this place?"looking at Mikan condition, Megonor believe that'll be taking time to gain back his strength plus Gilink has opened some of his blocked memories, waiting for Mikan response to his opened memories will be fun to watch.

"With his help...we have our own method of telepathy, but it has nothing to do with you" answering Megonor's questions with his eyes stick on checking how Mikan doing, Yoka kept guessing what could possibly the reasons behind Megonor and Gilink kidnapping Mikan

"Of course it's nothing to do with me... but it's something to do with you who call him friend, all I know is...He has no friends," Megonor remember those old days every meeting in that grandiose palace of Grand Almighty, nobody standing close to him, despite his beautiful and weak looks.

Well... he always got that strange strong killing aura surrounding him and that could be a reason nobody went to talk with him as Mikan himself always staying away from other creatures.

But here's the real mystery.

Mikan were always there in every grand meeting but nobody got to know his true identity until the war declared up till this day.

"You. ha ha ha....all you do is talking, aren't you? How many times will you tell us that story? Even if that I said before, he is our friend we care if he was a loner or whatever you wanted to call him" this time, it's Jio the one who answering Megonor

"Well.... that's up to you guys...but how if I told you guys that he is one of us before?" Megonor won't stop persuading.

Silent for a while...

For Yoka and Jio, they never know the existence of this world including these creatures live in here before they got trapped in and realising the possibility of them the civilian of this world, Trapped World recognised each other is on possible state makes Jio and Yoka at least try to digest those information Megonor just told them.

"I trust him" one low voice vibrating, everyone looking at the master of this voice.

"Hui Go?!" Yoka got surprised, there are not many occasions witnessing this huge guardian talking especially about feeling-related things.

"Don't worry...I had known him even before he met you guys the human" not only the human got shock but also Megonor and Gilink

"You know him? How did you know him?" Gilink speaks in amaze but also throwing bait for Hui Go to reveals more secret of Mikan, he stands next to Megonor and carefully looking at Hui Go

"Let me apologize, but I'll explain this later..." he apologized to Yoka and Jio instead answering Gilink question.

"Well, that's not gonna change the facts he is one of us before and you guys better leave him here with us... we're usually not this nice but for you humans, you may leave and save your life" Arrogantly this huge winger creature smirking over that weak body of Mikan and looking down at these human.

As he ends speaking, Megonor reach out his left hand touching his forehead, closing his eyes and the times suddenly stops, everything pausing including everyone's movements.

This is one of Megonor's special power, stopping the times, such a powerful spells as it's consuming alot of powers, Megonor's spell can't last forever so he has to rush to snatching Mikan from these human and these guardians.

Flying instantly to grabbed Mikan, Gilink came along with Megonor to release the spells he put on the chains.

But then

Clangggg!!!! Clanggg!!!!

Someone's swords hits Gilink on the left shoulder causing him a big wound, it's Jio who still freely moves even though his fellows are pausing due the effect of Megonor's spells

"Fuckkkk." Gilink couldn't hide his pain from this sudden attack.

"YOU. HOW COME YOU'RE NOT affected by my spells."one more surprise from this little human named Jio, with his instinct Megonor flung to get some distance while dragging Mikan away with him

"What spells? You better give him back to me before I kill you" Jio holding his sword up toward where Megonor

Megonor realised that this boy indeed different from his fellow even from those guardians and right away Megonor touching Mikan forehead to read his memories including those blocked memories which has been opened by Gilink before.

Again, in this confusing situation, Jio is being forced to takes further action. His friends being paused when the one they supposed to help is on enemy's hand, closer to the danger.

"Think Jio!! Think!!"he shouts to himself

Focusing his mind to stops Megonor from taking Mikan further away

Jio jumps and grabbed the wounded Gilink, placing his sword right on Gilink's neck.

"Let's talk, okay...If you let go of my friend, I will let him go" Jio trying to bargaining, just what Jio couldn't see is, Megonor is in the middle of reading Mikan memories now.

No replies from Megonor

"Hey!!!" calling Megonor one more time now Jio realised he is keeping up with something up there

"He won't let go of your friend... you better save him before the worst coming, and he doesn't care about me, threating him with killing me won't work" holding his wounded shoulders, Gilink smiling by thinking of how naive these human are.

Shifting gaze from Gilink to Megonor up there in the mid-air, for a seconds Jio was hesitating of killing this guy

"What's makes you guys think that killing is something usual for us the human? I'm not threating him... I'm trying to save my friend" Jio just got Hui Go signaling him, seems like Megonor's spell is reached it limits already.


Jio pushed Gilink, welcoming by Hui Go locking right on his neck Gilink couldn't do much, he needs more time to heal himself from this big wound and he almost run out of power from using to much in order to read Mikan's memories.

Kicking the ground to jumps as high as he could, Jio aiming his sword to Megonor's wings and yes, like before this creature still got those transparent shield around him.

On his half way reading Mikan's memories, Megonor arrived to that blocked memories of Mikan's

"I'm finally here... no way I will leave without seeing who the hell is that weirdo Gilink saw before" totally forgot about Jio hitting from outside his shield, Megonor focusing more visions deeper into Mikan's mind



One black shadow, showing up to Megonor who just reached on the old memories of Mikan.

"Who are you?"

"..." no replies, this black shadow has similar form like human

Seeing this form on Mikan's memories, raising Megonor's curiosity of what exactly or who exactly this shadow?