Hopes and Happiness 1

"Come here, have a seat... let's eat together" Uncle Ho is talking to his wife who is still busy flipping the fried kimchi on the pan for today's meal.

Three of them finally sitting together around the table ready to feast.

"Should I say something first before we dig in?" Uncle Ho can feel the awkward atmosphere around.

Rather than thinking of this is could be their last meal together, he just wants to express his gratefulness for the chance he got after years being trapped in the unknown world.

"Can I go first? I also have something to say..." Wellan is reading the situation and chooses to go before his father.

Happily nods his head, Uncle Ho hold his wife's hand and eyes back on their only daughter.

Among the three of them, it's Wellan's mother the ones who's take this matter to the heart the most because she never experienced and can't imagine how cruel that world they're telling her.