The Real World part 1 The Arrival

"Man!! Why the heck you guys laying here?!"an old woman grumpily complaining when she spotted bunches of people laying deadly asleep in her yard.

"What are you complaining? I'm still busy here..."replies her husband from inside the house doesn't know the situation.

"Look at these jerks!! They must be drunk and fell asleep here last night..." the old woman takes a lot of water with an aluminium basin and showers these people.

"Aahhh!!! It's cold... it's cold!!" screaming one tall guy who wears black jeans and black shirt, one fine young man immediately gets up and trying to warm himself by wrapping his long arms around the chest.

One by one they are awkwardly get up and trying to stand normally with their confused expression.

"Get the hell out of here!!" the old woman watching carefully from asides.