The Real World Part 12 : Run Away


The slimy green thing melting and turned into smokes then disappeared when it reaches Jio's feets.

"Unbelievable, what was that? Who are you actually?" Lenjao realized that his slimy weapon just got vanished like nothing when it supposed to wrapping around and paralyzing the enemies once it reaches to the target.

He locked his eyes on Jio meanwhile the guy he's looking at is staring back.

"Can you please stop harming other creatures? Go back to your world and be a good leader to your kind," says Jio and Hui Go is back to stand beside him now.

"What?" listening to these words only makes Lenjao becomes more difficult to figure out these people in front of him. They were saying that they have killed his kind and now they are talking about his home, his kind.

Are these guys come from the same world as I am? I don't remember any other creatures who are able to fight back to our power anymore than those last guardians, but they are long gone and sealed.