The Real World part 13 : Truth in Japan 3

Jio along with Hui Go, Yoka, and Mikan were just landed in the nearest airport to Yoka's hometown.

They're heading to the hotel by using the airport taxi. All of them are agreed to rest for two or three hours before continuing to Yoka's hometown by using bus transportation and then the train.

The hotel they are staying in is owned by one of Mr Libin's business partner, and they got super comfy rooms prepared by the staff.

Jio is not strange to the special treatment by his father connection. He sometimes refused the privilege to be treated differently than others just because he is Mr Libin's only son but this time he could not refuse, his mind is busy focusing on few things so he just accepted everything his father has prepared for them.

"Are sure about bringing Yoka along with you guys to Japan?" This is the first question Uncle Majan asked Jio when he called to tell the guardian about their decision to chase after Lenjao.