The Real World Part 13 : Truth from Yoka

"I'll be waiting for you guys at the guest house..." Yoka moves his legs to stepping out of this room, this house.

"Yoka wait..." Jio calls him.

Yoka stopped but doesn't turn to looking at the one who just called his name but his stopped is a sign that he heard him and to let Jio speaks.

"Have a rest, we will be there in no time" Jio speaks, he looked around a meet eye with Mikan a second after their eyes met, Jio nods his head in tiny gestures which then replies by the same gestures by Mikan.

Just like that, Mikan feels like he understands what Jio wanted him to do which is following Yoka.

Even though he heard Jio, Yoka did not know how to reply to it, his mouth shut tight as his steps leading him to left this place soon as he can. Out from the gates, Yoka stopped for a while to calm himself from the dizziness attacks as those memories of his family came and fills his head.

Trying to takes a step ahead, a flash heard of his younger sibling laughs came into his head.