Chapter 10

*Alexanders point of view*

The moment the car pulled out of sight,  it felt like something was taken away from me, the feeling was so strong it left me gasping. Stunned, I came to the realization that I already missed her being near  me. Begrudgingly, I walked to my mother's car and hopped into the back with her.

'Oh, Louise was ever so delightful, you said she was to be your secretarial assistant?' my mother inquired as she gushed about how nice Louise was, ' I never did like Scott anyway.'

 I wanted to roll my eyes at my mother, obviously her influence didn't stop at just me but my entire family, yet refrained from openly doing so due fear of a beating of her.

'Yes mother, it was an instinctual thing, I needed a better assistant and she needed a better Job,' i said shortly trying to quickly end this conversation. I didn't want to have any thoughts of Louise in my head when I was in my meeting with that dick. God, I didn't want him anywhere near me, my family or my business; if it wasn't for our parents being friends and my father's condition upon getting the business, I would've punched him straight in the jaw. although big in the business world, the man played dirty. It was almost common knowledge among business men that Ryan did some business under the table and wasn't afraid of backstabbing any business partner in the back if it meant gaining more money. and women.

Now don't get me wrong, we were both cut from two very similar clothes but I made my intentions clear from the get-go and only went after a specific type of women. Ryan, he was a conniving jealous son of a bitch that liked virgins. He bought their virginities and made their life hell.

I want to say that I was infuriated when I found out but honestly i wasn't. I had become desensitised to it as it was such common practice among the rich. No, I only developed a deep hatred when I found that he had bout not only my long term girlfriends virginity's at the time but also my sisters. Safe to say when I found out, he had two black eyes and a broken rib, the dick.

The car pulled to a stop in front of my building, quickly pressing a kiss to my  mother's cheek with a promise of a call before boarding the plane tomorrow, I exited the vehicle and entered into chaos.

For a moment, I thought I had entered the wrong place. There was paper everywhere, people were running around like headless chickens and there was a very red and angry fat man yelling orders at Group of what looked like interns who were slowly shrinking away from the man.

'WHAT ON GOD EARTH IS GOING ON HERE!' i yelled once I had gotten my bearings.

Suddenly everything went silent and everyone froze, a look of complete and utter terror fixed firmly on their faces.

'M-M-Mr Hoffman! I-I can explain,' the man that was yelling from before stuttered as he seemed to shrink before me.

'Really, because I would really like to know what happened in the four or five hours I was away from the office that changed it into some farm,' I growled angrily as I stared at everyone and anyone who dared look me in the eye, ' This is a place of business I expect a certain amount of professionalism, is that understood?'

'Yes sir,' i heard grumbled from many a people. Satisfied I turned my attention back to the man.

'Well you see, the finance department got the numbers for this quarter and found that there were some anomalies in the numbers,' he stuttered. the man couldn't even look me in the eye, I could see his fat shaking in fear.

'What type of anomalies?' I asked narrowing my eyes at him, I didn't like where this was going.

'We think someone has been stealing money from the company,' the man whimpered as my eyes hardened. 

'How much?' I said through clenched teeth, it took a whole lot of willpower not to punch someone right now.

'Two hundred and fi-fifty million,' he whimpered before finally losing his balls and scuttling away. Turning around I stomped to the elevator. 

I was fuming. I didn't need a detective to know who was responsible, I just needed to know how much was stolen so that I could times the punishment by the amount and make his life a living hell. I exited the elevator and not paying attention to anyone else on the floor headed straight for Scotts office. he should still be there as I hadn't fired him yet, However on opening the door, I was met with the face of someone I would gladly use as a punching bag had I been even slight angrier.

'What are you doing here Ryan?' I asked, not in the mood to deal with him or his mind games.

'I have a meeting with you, don't you remember or is your age catching up with you old man,' he smirked as he reclined back on the chair. I had an urge to yank his chair back and see him fall but held myself in.

'I am aware of that, what I am wondering though is why you are in this office and not in the meeting room like you are supposed to be,' I said, ignoring the dig at my age knowing it was meant to get a rise out of me. While I may be in a foul mood,I was not going to tarnish my business reputation for this dicks enjoyment.

'Oh yeah that, my good friend Scotty boy wanted me to give you this,' Ryan said as he dug in his pocket fro something, before pulling out a white envelope, 'I think it's his letter of resignation.'

The little shit was trying to escape before the heat came on his ass, too bad I already knew he was the little thief.

'How do you know Scott?' I asked, instantly suspicious at his familiarity.

'Well unlike you,I am a social butterfly and know people but if my memory serves me right, was I not the person who recommended Scott,' Ryan said smirking at me.

I had to physically hold myself back with the door or I would've been over the table and pounding the little cunts face in. I was almost certain that he was behind the whole masterplan and was know rubbing it in my face knowing he couldn't get caught. That's it, I am firing my HR team. were all English people this stupid or just the ones my father hired.

'Why the fuck did you want  a meeting with me anyway,' i growled as I  clenched my fists, digging my nail in so hard I drew blood, 'State your business and get the fuck out my building.'

'Well then, I only came to see if you would be interested in a business venture that would bring in millions for the both of us, ' He said trying to not appear smug but failing tremendously , 'maybe even make up some of that money that you lost.'

'Get out. Now.' I growled as i grabbed his arm  and in one smooth movement swung him around and shoved him out of the door and towards the elevator.

'No need to be pushy,' He smirked before pressing a button, closing his arrogant face from my view. sighing in annoyance I entered my office and preceded to spend the next few hours trying to salvage something and phoning my private investigator so that he could look deeper into this. If Ryan thinks he is getting out of this unscathed, he has another thing coming.

It wasn't until someone placed Louise's redrafted contract on my desk that I realised it was getting late. shutting down my computer, I phoned my driver and making sure everything was locked up securely and all my paperwork was with me, I looked at the room I had called my office for the past few months before shutting the door for good. God, I hated that place. 

By the time I had reached the ground floor, my driver was already waiting for me.

'Where to sir?' my driver asked as he opened the door for me.

'Louise's resident please,' i said as I leaned back and exhaled. This was my last night in the city of London, and I couldn't wait to get away from breathing smog for six months before moving to New York where it was even worse.

Noticing the car had stopped, I exited the car, walked up the useless three stairs and knocked on the door. expecting Louise's scowling face, I was surprised to see some man staring up at me.

'Who are you?' I demanded. suddenly angry even though I had no idea why, 'Where's Louise?'

'She's in her room, and this is my property and who are you?' he asked by hostile. upon hearing that Louise was in fact resident in this dump, I pushed past the guy and followed the loud group of voices.

'Hey who said you can come in here,' The man from earlier yelled behind me, 'Who the hell are you!'

'All you need to knows is I am Louise's Boss and can make your life a living hell,' i growled at him, now where is her room?'

Pointing to his right, I followed the hall until I reached the only door and knocked making her aware of my presence. when she didn't open the door, a feeling of uneasiness passed through me and before I knew it, the door gave way to my fist and I was inside the small room.

On the floor with tears in her eyes, sat Louise.