Chapter 19

*Louise's point of view*

After the slight Altercation was luckily avoided, the rest of the meeting seemed to fly in with me barely paying attention, only enough to take the important notes. I was just too damn happy at the fact that Alexander was beginning to get better and control his temper.

I was so deep in thought, I didn't notice Alex come up behind me until I felt him breath onto my neck.

'Now where were you the entire time?' he asked teasingly, his warm breath causing goose bumps to form all over my arms, 'I've been trying to get your attention for the last five minutes.'

'Oh sorry, I'm still in my haze of happiness,' I said not able to contain the beam I sent him before collecting my bag and notes and limping towards the door. I, however, did not manage to get very far before Alex's oh so familiar arms wrapped themselves around my waist and dragged me towards his solid torso so that I was forced to lean on him, I sent him a thankful smile as it eased a lot of the pressure on the ankle.

'yeah, what has you so damn happy?' he asked confused as we waited for the elevator, 'It's like your floating on rainbow's or some garbage like that.'

'It's not a what, it's a who,' I replied cheekily as the elevator chimed and I stepped in, followed closely by Alex. His eyes were narrowed as he looked at me, yet I ignored him and looked straight ahead, waiting for the other people to board the elevator.

'Are you not gonna press the button?' he asked me obviously amused at my antics.

'Arent other people going to get in?' I asked confused as there was obviously enough space in the elevator yet people chose to stay outside and wait for the next one.

'you don't understand french people, they like their space, they are not like Italians,' he told me as he leaned over me to press the button for the ground floor. the door was almost completely closed before it sprung open again and David entered the lift giving me a flirtatious wink before standing on the other side of me.

Instantly I felt Alex go tense and rolled my eyes at him yet I made sure to avoid eye contact at all cost. No point in aggravating an already angry bear, right?

The ride down was worse than the ride up the elevator. It made me feel almost sick, Alex was so tense and his grip on me was almost painful but I knew not to make a scene. As soon as the door of the elevators opened, Alex was dragging me outside and into the waiting car.

I saw him try and calm himself down as he stared straight ahead. Again, I felt a rush of pride for some unexplained reason. Grabbing the hand he was fisting ever so painfully over his knee, I asked him, 'Are you alright?'

'You never did tell me who had you in such a happy state,' he said tightly through clenched teeth,completely dodging my question. I felt myself go slight pink  before scuttling away from him slightly in embarrassment.

'Oh, it's no one important, you don't even know them,' I lied. I couldn't tell him that he was responsible for making me so unexplainably happy, not only would I be embarrassed but I didn't even understand why he was capable of doing so.

I, however, was so deep in thought, trying to explain my reactions to myself that I didn't notice the mood that Alex was going into until it was too late and he was stomping up the pavement looking like a five-year-old who just got told they couldn't have what they wanted.

Immediately I found myself out my seat and limp running to catch up with him.

'Alex!' I yelled as he him and his stupidly long stride kept him constantly a good distance away, 'Can you slow down and tell me what is wrong with you?'

Completely ignoring me, he strode into the building and up the stairs, only giving me a glimpse of his feet as I finally entered. Rolling my eyes at his behaviour I went in search of the kitchen and Agatha. I was getting hungry.

I found her making some sort of pasta, so I pulled up by the counter and watched her cook, hoping to pick up some tips on how to cook good edible food instead of the disaster I tend to create more often than not.

'Where is Alexander? did he not come with you?' She asked me as I tried to steal some food.

'Oh, he went upstairs in one his moods again,' I grumbled as I finally managed to steal some of the garlic bread she had just taken out the oven.

'Alex and his mood swings, you would think he was going through menopause,' She joked causing me to fall into a laughing fit that was rudely interrupted by the sound of a throat being cleared. Turning around I was met with the scowling face of Alex.

'I do hope you don't think this is a free vacation Miss Spiers, I am not paying you to sit on your ass and do nothing all day,' he said coldly, 'I need all the notes from during the meeting typed up and all the figures organised in a table for the six O'clock meeting tomorrow, am I understood?'

I quietly nodded my head.The fact that he didn't say my first name like I was accustomed to was not missed by me and left me feeling a sharp pain the chest area. like heartburn. Oh, Jesus. My attraction to the idiot was beginning to mess with my body functions. I had to get it through myself that he was my boss and would be prone to snapping at me and blaming everything that goes wrong me. He was supposed to dod that.

Yet, No matter how many times I said that to myself, it didn't diminish the pain that flashed through my body.

'Where are you going, Alex? I made dinner already,' Agatha asked. Hearing her question, my eyes snapped to his attire, I was so focused on the cold expression he had that I didn't notice that he was dressed for a night on the town.

Looking me straight in the eyes, his next words were like a punch to the gut, 'I have a date tonight. I'm afraid Miss Spiers is going to have to keep you company tonight, don't expect me back till tomorrow morning.'

Turning back around, I tried to act like his words did not affect me as much as I am ashamed to say that they did but I could feel my face follow my heart and drop as I heard his footsteps leave the building and the car drive out the driveway.

'This is just not right,' Agatha grumbled.

'What?' i asked stupidly as I tried to distract myself, 'If you're angry about your food, don't worry, I can eat for two, three most likely.'

'No not that!' Agatha said narrowing her eyes at me, 'This is your first time out of Britain correct? He should have taken you to see the sights instead of ditching you to sleep with some other woman.'

'No it's fine, you heard him, his isn't a vacation and I need to do all the paperwork for today, I wouldn't have had time to anyway,' I said giving her a pathetically weak smile before getting up, 'call me when you have finished the food. I have paperwork to do.'

The next few hours was spent with me stressing out on translating the stupid recordings then typing them into a readable document. I was just finishing writing out all the recordings in English when there was a knock on the door and Agatha popped her head in. She had come up with a tray of food earlier so that I wouldn't have had to leave my work and I was ever so grateful.

'Are you almost done?' She asked me quietly as she entered the room and sat on my bed, instantly folding the clothes I had just left around randomly.

'Nowhere close, this is going to take me well into the night,' i said sighing as I glanced at the clock and saw that it was almost midnight, 'what are you doing up?'

'We'll, I was just on the phone with my godson who allowed me to convince him to take you sight seeing tomorrow evening,' she said beaming at me. I held back a groan, my love life was so pitiful that Agatha had to convince someone to take me out, I wanted to keep the little pride I had left and refused but she looked soo damn pleased with herself that I couldn't do it so instead I gave her a weak smile and allowed her to fuss over me and what I was to wear tomorrow before politely telling her to get to sleep as I had to finish the work Alex had shoved on me.

Just thinking about his cold attitude earlier made my heart ache and I growled out in frustration.

This was going to be a long night in more ways than one.