Chapter 21

*Alex's point of view*

The moment she said there was someone, some guy, that i didn't know that was making her happy, it felt like the world froze for a second and plummeted to the Antarctica. If she said something i didn't hear it because i was trying to control myself. normally, I pride myself in the art of body reading and yet i had somehow completely managed to read the signs wrong. Here i was thinking that she was finally opening up to me when all along, she had been thinking of another man. I felt the car pull to a stop and without thinking, i sprinted out the car and up the driveway only remembering halfway about Louise's ankle but i couldn't bring myself to turn around, no matter how much i wanted to help her, my pride wouldn't let me.

Almost running up the stairs, i entered my room, roughly slamming the door behind me in an attempt to relieve my anger. I paced around the room, my anger only increasing the more i thought about it. i growled in frustration, i didn't even know why i was so irritated by the fact, we weren't in a relationship and she was my assistant for fuck sake. It was around now that i remembered why i didn't mix business with pleasure. Sure there was an attraction there but that was purely due to me not getting laid for the past few months. God only knew there were much more beautiful females out there and i was sure i probably had most of their numbers. but first thing was first, i needed to get my head back in the game, i couldn't afford to be as unfocused during like today. No, i needed to protect my money, i needed to distance myself from her. Quickly changing out of my business suit, i glanced at my phone. i needed to get laid.

Strengthen my resolve i glanced at the time and found it was around dinner time. Walking down the stairs and towards the kitchen, i was hit first with the tantalizing smell of Agatha's cooking. following the smell like a blood hound, i was hit with a manlike belly laugh and for a minute i was confused as to who was here without my knowledge. Occasionally, Agatha had her family over but i hadn't really seen them, only her husband and this did not sound like his smokers laugh.

It was only when i was at the doorway that i remembered that Louise was not the most feminine of people yet as i stared at her back, all i wanted to do was bury my head in the crook of her shoulder and grab her ass. Shaking my head to clear the ridiculous thoughts from my head, i cleared my through interrupting whatever conversation they had going and immediately had both their attention but my eyes kept straying to Louise's lips. giving myself an internal telling off, i reminded myself why i was down here in the first place.

'I do hope you don't think that this is a free vacation Miss Spiers, i am not paying you to sit on your ass and do nothing all day,' i said in the coldest voice that i could muster yet instantly i felt guilty as i remembered the focus and dedication she had towards her job at the meeting earlier. But i needed the professional Boss and employee relationship back if i had any chance of focusing on my business so i barged on, 'I need all the notes from during the meeting typed up and all the figures organised in a table for the six O'clock meeting tomorrow, am i understood?'

i saw her stiffened and felt slightly better because i had just re-established our boss employee relationship. i turned to head out when Agatha asked the dreaded question i was hoping to avoid.

'Where are you going Alex? I made dinner Already,' she said confused. it was times like this where i disliked having two motherly figures in my life. i couldn't even tell her that it was none of her business as i was sure she would have my behind so i sucked it up and turned round and looking straight into the questioning eyes Louise said the words that obliterated any chance i had with her.

'I have a date tonight. I'm afraid Miss Spiers is going to have to keep you company tonight, don't expect me back till tomorrow morning.' The words sounded hollow even to my ears and as i spun round and walked out the building, i couldn't seem to get the devastated look that had overcame Louise's features. the entire journey to the bar, her devastated face was stuck in the forefront of my mind. i could seem to get it out of my head and kept looking deeper into it than was probably deemed normal. Why would she be so upset over me going out with another female if she had a man on the side? women!

Entering the bar, i was instantly hit with the strong smell of Alcohol and grimaced. I had forgotten just how strong the French liked their alcohol. Asking for a dark beer, i turned around and observed the people people around me, immediately catching the eye of scantily clad brunette who sent me a smile promising many things and i knew i had found my playmate for the night.

It wasn't the usual annoying beeping of my alarm clock that woke me up. No instead it was the pounding headache and overpowering smell of perfume. groaning, i opened my eyes only to slam them shut as the light blinded me. who the hell decided that it would be a good idea to turn the damn light on, i knew it wasn't me. i had to close it last night as i couldn't bring myself to harden the brunette, slipping to an all time low of imagining her to be Louise in the dark.

Fuck! god damn it, she was my assistant.

rolling out of bed, i grabbed my clothes and quickly left my apartment, breathing a sigh of relief when i spotted my driver waiting outside. ignoring the reprimanding look that he sent me, i instructed him to drive to the nearest tailors. half an hour later, i finally had the stench of that women off me and was dress for the meeting in 40 minutes. As the car neared the apartment and the time i had to face the look of disappointment and distress on Louise's Face, i felt myself begin to sweat. i knew that the amount of work i gave her last night wasn't fair but i needed to be firm and re-instate our professional working relationship. That's what i told myself when she opened the door to the vehicle and i found myself making an even bigger ass of myself.

'I do wish you wouldn't oversleep and make us late Miss Spiers,' i said yet i wasn't able to look her in the eye because i knew i was talking bullshit. I was scared that if i did look up, i would be looking into the same distraught face from yesterday and she would know.

'I'll have you know that i spent the rest of the day yesterday and the entire night working on the notes and didn't manage to get any sleep let along go out for a night on the town,'I did not expect was the ice cold cover that seemed to envelope me as she spoke with prim professionalism and an undertone of disdain ' And if you were so worried about being late, maybe you could've arrived earlier as i took less than thirty seconds to get in.'

I did not like it when she treated me like that. It was as if I was the thing at the bottom of her shoes. i realized that that was probably what she had felt when i was treating her with the same professionalism, well if she was as attracted to me as i seemed to be to her. But god damn, i was sure i had not injected that much ice into my voice. That had to be a female thing.

The meeting was just like yesterdays if not worse. i could not seem to stop thinking about Louise and i was sure i missed a few key statements so i could only hope that Louise was taking good accurate notes. I kept glancing over at her, getting easily distracted by her smooth legs, crossed so delicately. It was becoming alarmingly obvious that my plan of distancing myself for business was backfiring miserably.

I needed to apologize, how i didn't know, and if she would accept would be another thing. thinking back on what i did last night made me cringe inside, i knew i had a lot of grovelling to do. Yet when i looked over to where she was during the break, all thoughts of apologizing flew out my mind as i recognized him as the dick from yesterday. Growling, i stomped my way towards the pair, intent on staking my claim.

'I don't believe we have been introduced,' i growled staring intently at Louise who suddenly seemed to jump into action.

'Of course sir, Mr Hoffman meet Mr David-' she began only to be rudely interrupted.

'David Ackleback,' he said smirking as he stepped forward with his hand outstretched.

Ackleback? Why did that sound so damn Familiar?

'Ackleback...From A&C Ltd?' i muttered as i tried to connect the dots.

'Oh, you've heard of us?' David smirked and then i remembered. and the only thing stopping me from pounding his face in with my fist was the fact that this was a business meeting.

Suddenly his interest in Louise made sense.No way in hell was he going to get another thing of mine!

'If I see you anywhere near her, touch her, speak to her or go damn it even think about her, i will make sure you wont be able to look at any other women again, got it?' i threatened him as i leaned forward, 'Oh, send my regards to your mother.'

Turning around, I grabbed Louise's arm and proceeded to drag her to the farthest corner from the little shit.

Just what the hell did she think she was doing?!

*sorry for the sporadic updates I'm on my exam month so I'll hopefully have daily updates sometime sooon after my exams end!*