Chapter 27

*Alex's point of view*

'Are you done being disgusting?' I heard David ask from behind us. Both me and Louise sent a glare towards him. I had almost forgotten about the asshole, I cant believe I even allowed Louise to be anywhere near him. Actually, I was pretty sure that if I didn't, not only would I lose all progress made with her again, but my chances of bedding her would disappear. Fast.

No, I sucked up my pride and compromised, as long as I was here with her, there was no way this asshole was going to be able to make a move on her.

Just then, I hear a low growl from beside me. Glancing down I saw Louise fling herself towards David looking entirely too sexy with her hair flailing behind her and her face twisted in a cute pout.

Instantly, my arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her to me, slightly twisting my body so that David couldn't see her looking so ready for a good fuck.I felt myself harden just from the image of her laid on my bed. Naked.

'I thought you hated him, why are you on his side?' she whined, pouting adorably, it took a lot of self control to stop myself from stopping and capturing those lips with my own. 

'Oh trust me when I say that hate is a word too light to describe what I feel towards the man,' I growled. I may not know David personally but I hate everything he and his family stood for. I felt myself getting angry and felt the need to punch something, or preferably, someone. Instead, I nuzzled my nose into the crook of her neck, inhaling her sweet scent to try and calm myself down.

'But I would like to take the time to tell you, I told you so plus, you look especially sexy when your angry and I cant have him appreciating that,' I blurted without thinking, yet the look of disbelief that fell on her face before turning bright pink and yanking herself away from me had me smirking. I loved making her squirm.

I was expecting some sort of comeback, retribution at least, instead she turned around and started a conversation with David who just sent me a sly smirk. Narrowing my eyes, I glared at the pair. What did she think she was playing at ignoring me like that.

Trailing behind them, my focus was quickly changed to her round ass that looked so tight in those god damn jeans. Grinning to myself, I slowed down slightly so that I could still hear what they were rambling about while admiring Louise from behind inconspicuously.

We soon reached the Eiffel tower and and entered the elevator. As much as I loved the Eiffel tower, there was far too much glass for my liking, it was quite dizzying. Apparently, Louise agreed with me as I felt her delicate hands gripping onto my arm, inordinately tight.

'Pumpkin, I know you like it rough and all, but please, not in front of the kids,' I teased loudly. sniggering internally as the people around us stared at her, and she turned that nice shade of tomato I loved to see.

'Keep your voice down!' she scolded me as she pushed me hard. Taking a single step back, I pretended to lose balance to teach her to stop with the slapping and pushing. Honestly, females seemed to think, everything was solved with a slap. I was hoping to give her a little scare, However I was not expecting the complete look of horror that overtook her face nor the lightening speed in which she grabbed me and pulled me towards her.

Our bodies collided with a soft thud and instantly my arms wrapped around her waist. I tried to figure out what just happened but all I could remember was the horrified expression on her face that made her look slightly constipated and I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle that soon turned to a full blown laugh.

'Oh, you should have seen your face, as if you would've been able to push me over,' I chuckled as I rubbed her back. I could hear her fast breaths and her hold around my waist tightened slightly.

'Oh my god, I was so worried you were gonna fall over the edge and die,' she confessed so softly, I almost didn't catch it. I felt a sharp pain in m heart that I couldn't quiet explain, all I know was that my suspicions were being proved correct, I was growing on her.

'I didn't know you cared,' I said smiling down at her. For the first time since we've met, she met my gaze head on, her emotions clear on her face.

'Of course I care, I just dont want you hurt.' I had a feeling she was talking about more than what just happened.

'If anyone, it woud most likely be you to fall,' I said. I knew I had to tread carefully here otherwise I may louise louise entirely, 'But dont worry, I'll always catch you when you fall.'

A look of happiness and desire flashed briefly on her face, vanishing when David rudely interrupted causing her to hide her face in my chest.

Tightening my arms around her I let out a low growl before sending an icy glare towards David who only raised his arms up in surrender and walked into the restaurant.

I waited a few seconds, just inhaling her scent to calm myself before we followed him.

'Thank you,' I heard her say, looking down, I found her smiling at me.

'what for' I asked as I wrapped an arm around her waist and guided her towards the restaurant where David was already waiting at a table for us.

'I know how much you dislike david yet you compromised and allowed this outing to happen,' she replied, taking my hand in hers and giving it a small squeeze before sitting down at the table next to David. I wanted to argue and make her sit next to me but decided against it. 

I had to choose my battle carefully in order to win the war.

A waiter quickly came to our tables and I instantly disliked him. He seemed to forget that I was at the table and instead focused on Louise and David.

'Is there anything you like sir?' he asked david politely, obviously David had a bigger reputation in Paris than me.

'Yes, get me a glass of your best red win and the chef special,' he replied back, nodding his head before glancing back down at the menue. Obviously, he considered the conversation to be done.

'What about your beautiful girlfriend? what is she having?' The waiter prompted.

Instantly, I let a growl and glared at the waitress. I gripped my knee to stop myself from punching the idiot. I saw Louise throw me a worried glance before clearing her throat.

'I'll have glass of your most alcoholic white wine and the chiri- number 24,' she replied, giving up on pronouncing her meal.

I felt anger descend upon me as I glared at Louise. I barely heard what I had ordered as my brain had gone into overdrive.

She didn't correct the stupid waiter!

Was there something going on between the pair that I didn't know about, was that why she had chose to sit beside him? 

I knew that I was just making myself more riled up with my thoughts. If there was something going on between them she would have told me about it, right?

Why, so you could take your anger out on her again? Give her more work so that she cant sleep? make her feel like shit?

Sometimes, I hated my conscious. I knew it was right, I didn't really give her much reason to confide in me, but I had made it specifically clear that she was MINE. Nobody else's. Or at least I thought I had made it clear. Maybe I needed to be more firm.

Just then, I heard the sound of a chair being scrapped back and my head snapped forward to see Louise's vacate her seat. Frowning, I watched her pick up her purse before walking around the table and pulling out the seat beside me before plopping herself down beside me.

I looked at her confused, the past hour, she had been acing so strange that I still couldn't quite grasp what she was up to. But then she took my hand from my knee and delicately played with my fingers.

'what?' I asked her, because quiet frankly the female mind was a maze I no longer wanted to try and figure out.

'Compromise' was all she said smiling at me, with those big Hazel brown eyes shining with pride, and a small coy smile on her face as she interlaced our fingers together.