Louises*point of view*

I couldn't believe he had actually booked us a horse carriage transport through Central Park. When he had said he was going to take me to Central Park today I had just imagined a quick stop wiz so that he could gloat that he had kept his promise this time. It never crossed my mind that he had the capability to do something so genuinely sweet and thoughtful. Feeling a squeeze on my hand, I turned to face him only to be met with a heart stopping site. There lingering on his lips was the softest most genuine smile I had seen from him since I'd met him, I felt a warmth run through me and could help but pull him into a tight hug.

'Thank you so much, Alex,' I said softly, slightly pulling away so I could face him before giving him a cheeky grin, 'well now you've set the bar extremely high for sightseeing. You've basically ruined me.'

'Good, I'm glad your happy, I know how hard a move it must have been to be so quickly removed from your friends and family and everything you know. Right now, I'm all you've got, so know you can rely on me, got it?' He said looking seriously at me. I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat. It was true, I did miss my family and now that I was 14 hours away from them it really hit me how isolated I was going to become. I'd need to make friends hopefully quickly so that I don't lose myself in my new surroundings and set a mental reminder to phone my mum.

I grimaced at the thought of telling my mum that I had moved continents without telling her. I was going to get such an earful. Deciding to ignore that issue for the time being and focus on the wonderful trip, we passed by such a beautiful lake I had to stop and star. Fishing out my phone, I took several photos before deciding if to get s but closer for better images. There kids running around a ducks and other wildlife's simply peacefully sharing the space. It felt almost magical. Once satisfied with the pictures I had gotten I realised I'd left Alex at the carriage without proper explanation.

'Sorry, I just wante to try and capture the moment as true as it can be on film, I should've explained,' I said sending him an apologetic smile. He simply chucked and pulled me closer by the waiter. ' I figured as much since I'm beginning to get used to your random bouts. Now how about we get a few pictures here with the lake and carriage? He suggested.

'Oh can we?  that will be so m much fun,' i almost squealed but somehow managed to contain myself. Grinning at me Alex gave his phone to to the carriage driver before bending and whispering something to the driver who simply nodded. Grabbing me by my waist he pulled me in close and we both gave cheesy smiles and poses that had me doubling down in laughter. Once finally happy with the picture the driver gave us Alex's phone back. I flicked through them occasionally cooing at ones we looked good in before we found the best photo. I asked him to send it to me only to be met with a no. When I quizzed him as to why not I was left speechless.

'I'm going to make it my profile picture so you need to get your own or get it off my page,' he said smirking. Surely I had heard him wrong.

'Why on earth are you making a picture of us your profile picture? I'm your assistant, what will people think when they see it?' I questioned just barely containing my ever growing rage. I was met with a scowl.

'First of all, they would think we were friends. A lot of my friends actually work in the company,' he said grumbling to himself, 'also secondly you need to stop caring about what others feel, especially if your in the business.

' I know but- okay fine, we're friends,' I said rather reluctantly before attempting to smile but I had such a bad feeling.