chapter 40

Quickly brushing my teeth and hopping into the shower I realised that I didn't have any clothes with me here or in his room. Groaning I wrapped a towel around myself tightly as I opened the door slightly so I could stick my head around to check if he was still there only to find him sat facing me with a smug look on his face. "Are you planning on staying in there all day? Let me remind you we have work soon."

Scowling I pushed the door open and strolled into the room heading straight for the door but was very quickly intercepted.

"What do you want Alex?," I asked warily.

"Where are you going in just a towel? The guards I told you about yesterday are already here, don't tell me you plan on walking out in front of so many men in just a towel?" He asked me seriously as he narrowed his eyes at me. I wanted to stick a fork in his eye.

"Well I haven't got any clothes here in your room so what else am I supposed to do? Or do you plan on making me go to work in a towel," I asked mockingly. I already knew from his possessive nature that hell would freeze over first.

"I've already picked out for you a nice pantsuit and top," He said as he pulled a ghastly pink outfit. I glared at him as I realised what he was doing.

"I am not wearing that! I will be wearing a skirt and blouse, so either you go get it or I will," I threatened, "dont forget our little deal otherwise today will be the last day I sleep with you."

With a scowl, Alex threw the clothes he was holding on to the floor before storming out the room. I waited patiently on the bed for a few minutes before he came back with a mid length nude skirt and floral blouse. Grinning, I quickly swiped them out his hand before heading to the bathroom.

"You forgetting something babe?" I hard him ask, turning around only to find him holding a matching set of underwear. Red faced I grabbed them out his hand before rushing into the bathroom to change as quick as I could. Walking out  5 minutes later, I ignored Alex as I walked to my room to grab my makeup bag. Quickly putting on the most basic amount possible before straightening my hair and finding matching heels and a bag. Making sure I grabbed all my things I opened my bedroom door only to find Alex waiting for me. Quickly giving me a look over he nodded his head as if approving my outfit before grabbing my hand and walking out apartment just as my belly grumbled.

"Alex I'm hungry, can we quickly drop by somewhere for a bacon pab?" I asked pleading as we waited for the elevator. He scrunched his face up in confusion.

"A what?" He asked. I rolled my eyes before explaining it was bacon in a bun.

"We can stop by and get coffee," he replied. I could only roll my eyes . Upon reaching the car park, I finally noticed a group of people following us, quickly scanning the area I realised they were the guards he talked about. Allowing him to open the door for me, I slid into the back to find another guard already in the car. Alex quickly followed me in but didn't comment on the 3rd person so neither did I. We drove by Starbucks where I ordered a coffee and a croissant, quickly engaging both to my stomachs delight.

"So you never did give me good luck at work kiss today," Alex suddenly said. I gave him a funny look, when have I ever given him one? Not waiting for a response from me, he lowered his head and gave me a burning kiss that seemed to sear his ownership over me.

"Alex there's other people in the car! You can't just kiss me whenever you like!" I hissed to him as my face went red with embarrassment at my lack of defence against this man.

"Don't worry, simons your guard, he won't say anything," he reassured me with a smirk before going in for another kiss. I quickly moved my head so he landed on my neck rather than my lips which didn't seem to stop him as he littered several kisses up and down my neck leaving me a whimpering mess. He worked his way up to my lips before I knew it and gave me another soul branding kiss before finally pulling away with a look of satisfaction on his face. Glaring at him I pulled out my phone and put the front camera on to fix my makeup from the mess he made only to realise that my neck was littered with hickes! Glaring at him I buttoned up my blouse to the top and brought my hair over my shoulders to hide them before pulling out a wet wipe and turning to face Alex. He was wearing more of my lipstick than I was. Seeming to understand what I wanted he leaned forward so I could wipe his mouth area but not before I grabbed his tie and pulled as hard as I could to let out a fraction of my anger. This man was far too used to getting what he wanted from me!