The Headmaster

"Hello Frederick, " The Headmaster said a grandfatherly smile.

"Hello, Headmaster. You wish to speak to me?" I said straightforward manner. This is one of the things I learned from Professor Snape. I am sure he would be proud of me.

"Yes, I certainly did that. Lemon drops?" He offered. I know that candy has some hypnotism, but I still took one. Though it would be useless to me since I already mastered Occlumency. This is the one magic that my grandfather has beaten into my body. I can understand him though. Everyone deserves some kind of privacy and will be rude if some tried to read you like an open book. Although, he used it on me the first time we met so I was still upset about that.

"How was school?" he probed. Maybe he's trying to figure out what I think about the students.

"It was fine, Headmaster. I was actually stressed the day I was sorted into my house because of the attention I've been getting. I was overwhelming." I explained.

"I can understand that. With your grandfather's reputation, your name will instantly reach someone's ears." He said with a faraway look. Must be recalling his old days.

"Anyway, I heard from Minerva and Filius that you're already adept in the basic parts of magic," Dumbledore said looking impressed.

"While I am thankful for the praise Headmaster, would you mind being honest with me?" I said with a bit demanding tone. Beating around the bush is unnecessary. This must be what goblins experience when their clients can never be straightforward.

Then I heard Dumbledore sighed.

"Younger people these days are surely eager. Very well. I will be frank with you Frederick, but I can't help but feel the faint presence of Dark magic from you." My old man surely trusts Dumbledore, so it should be okay telling him. While I want to keep what I have a secret, Dumbledore will continue to suspect me of being Tom Riddle 2.0. It's best to clear his suspicions early. It seems the Dumbledore here is a good man, despite the alternate universe Dumbledore that I keep reading about in fanfictions.

'I should really stop depending on them.'

"Okay Headmaster, what I will tell you should NEVER get out of this office, please?" I pleaded. I sensed a familiar movement of magic around me, a muffliato spell.

"Very well. Your secret is safe with me Frederick. Can we talk properly now?" He asked. And I nodded. After that, I told him my whole story starting the time I first met my grandfather, then how he trained me in different kinds of magic, especially Dark arts. Dumbledore certainly frowned at that, but he let me finish my story.

"I must warn you Frederick that using the Dark Arts is very dangerous. And also as a Grindelwald, I'm sure Gellert just wants the best for you and the family. The Grindelwald family may have perished with him if he doesn't pass you his knowledge and prepare you as a proper heir."

"Thank you for the concern Headmaster, but I'm quite alright in dealing with Dark magic. Even my grandfather never went mad even when he immersed himself in the Dark Arts. You see Headmaster, There was a fine line between light and dark magic. And I have been dancing on the line for a long time. The power offered by the Dark arts is surely tempting, but I had been resisting the seduction no matter how easy it is to just give in. What kept me from being seduced is that I had a purpose in studying dark magic. My purpose is actually the only thing that I've been holding on ever since my soul was tainted by Dark magic. I have people I care about, and I want to protect them. I'm afraid that if I lose them, then I'll lose myself too." In the end, I was already tearing up. Dumbledore just stared at me for a few minutes, before offering a handkerchief. After I calmed down, Dumbledore spoke first.

"Your intentions are very noble Frederick. But you must understand that you can not truly protect them. Gellert made a lot of enemies, and surely they won't be stopped by a protection ward. They will surely find a way to bypass the ward you made and harm you care the most." The Headmaster said.

Ever since I met grandfather, the thought of leaving them always came in my mind.

'Grindelwald was an international criminal, and his heir is studying in a magic school'.

I always expected that things will become difficult the moment I entered Hogwarts. But I never thought it would be this early. It seems like the other countries have already heard the news, and I can feel something bad was brewing. I need to be decisive now. Hesitation will just bring danger to the orphanage. As soon as I leave, the more safe Sister Anna and the others will be.

So it really has come to this, huh? No matter how strong my wards are, no matter how many secret enchantments I apply, Sister Anna and the others will still be involved with me? I already embraced being the Grindelwald Heir, and I can never go back.

"Love can be a very sharp knife Frederick. Love and sacrifice always go hand in hand. There will be times when you have to give things up. But there are times that you even have to give up the things you love." The Headmaster consoled. No matter how true it is, it still hurts. The only way I could protect them is separate from them so they will be away from harm.

I now know what to do. I'm sorry Sister Anna, but this is the only way. I looked at the headmaster with determination in my eyes.

'For the greater good.'

That night, grandfather appeared before me and I told him all the things that happened on my first day.

"It was certainly a hard decision, but it was wise. Enemies who are not able to defeat you will use the ones close to you instead. When winter break comes, go back to the orphanage. Tell the nun of what you tend to do. The sooner you leave the orphanage, the better."

"But where will I go then?" I asked. I don't even have a penny in my pocket, and I don't want to end up sleeping in the streets.

"Don't you know who your grandfather is? Just wait, and you'll see." The old man smirked.


I lived my life in Hogwarts for the next few weeks trying to build up my reputation, and it's not going well. I still had no one to talk to aside from Cho, who became my friend recently. The thing is, I am actually quite skillful in riding a broom, but I was never interested in joining Quidditch. So when she saw me riding a broom-like I've been born to ride one, she kept pestering me to teach her for the next few days. I eventually gave up. I didn't know that she was that stubborn. Although, I told her that she'll have to pay me back sometime in the future for helping her. She became better at flying after a few weeks of hard training from me. Now, she's even better than our house's seeker. I can say she's quite talented. She just knows little knowledge about aerodynamics and the likes.

With the Quidditch season approaching, I was constantly bothered just to teach her moves in flying a broom. Honestly, she could just read a book about physics. I promised to help but in exchange, the fact that she learned from me should never go out from the two of us. She immediately accepted the terms seeing that she really likes Quidditch. Then I set a schedule to supervise her training during weekends only as we were both busy during weekdays. She beamed excitedly at that.

Another thing is that I'm ranked just below Hermione, but the gap is too little for her comfort. She outsmarts me in theory, but I was never serious in challenging her. I already learned the different theories behind almost every concept of magic. But I always beat her in the practical side of things, and potions. Well, she's a Gryffindor. That's her disadvantage in potions. She already considers me a rival that every moment we meet, she glares at me like I'm her enemy while walking away.

I also haven't had the time to search for the Room of Requirement. Although I was planning to visit that before winter break starts, so I can officially declare that my testing ground is open for spell demonstrations.

It was now October 31. And the school was being decorated by Hallowe'en ornaments. Oversized pumpkins, Some flying bat decorations, and floating clothes that must look like ghosts. Why would they do that anyway? They already know what ghosts looked like, and those things must be mocking them, being a sort of mascot for the event. The whole school atmosphere is very lively too. This was the day the war ended after all. But not everyone shares the same sentiments. This was also the day he lost his family and hailed for the deed he doesn't even remember. Well, it's not like he has no friends. Compared to me, he already has his best friend Ron, and by the end of the night, he will have one more.

Also, the quest for the Philosopher's stone will officially start tonight. It will be started by one certain troll and one turban-wearing teacher.

I am currently on the 7th floor of the castle roaming around. I plan on finding the room by the end of the day so I can already start my experiments. I used to be worried when I was reincarnated in this world. You see, I am not a super genius person that can recall every concept I have read. I was only lucky that I managed to remember it all when I was trained in Occlumency. Training the mind art was easy enough, considering I studied neurology in my past life. I specialized in studying the neurons and how the nervous system works. So I know how the brain works in some way. The moment I built my landscape and discovered the vault, I was very glad that every memory from my past life was there. All of the concepts and details I know from this world were also there, including some fan theories and fanfictions I've read.

'It was said that the Room of Requirement was behind the portrait of...Barnabas the Barmy!'

The moment I saw the portrait of trolls dancing ballet, I practically ran towards it. The Room of Requirement was found behind the portrait and all I have to do was walk past the door three times while thinking of what I need. I need a place to demonstrate spells without harming or destroying anything, and a mini library about theories behind spells.

I suddenly remembered what Dumbledore always say to the students.

'Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it. The perfect description for the Room of requirement. Thank you, Hogwarts.'