The Year End Party

"Calm down Gorbey, you're being too lively. It's just a dress robe." I lightly scolded him. Three hours have already passed since I started to prepare for the party. When I told Gorbey to help me dress for the event, he was happy to do so. Too much happy I think.

"It's okay Young Master, Young Master needs to look handsome at the party. And Gorbey will do his best to make Young master look one." He assured me.

After twenty minutes, I was ready to go to the gathering. My white hair was combed very nicely. I was garbed in a navy blue suit, a bow tie, and a pair of slim fit navy blue pants. Gorbey also picked a pair of black leather shoes for me. Then he showed me a slim black overcoat that he said he bought from a muggle store. I've always wondered how fashion trends declined over time. Fantastic Beast characters had a good fashion sense compared to the dress robes that the students wore in the Yule Ball. They sucked as hell

I thanked Gorbey after doing an excellent job before going to the fireplace. I threw some floo powder at the fire. A flash of emerald green fire roared and consumed me. The next thing I knew, I am already at the Malfoy mansion. I walked a bit and noticed that the whole room was filled with fireplaces. The tiled floor was shiny, and the walls were well kept. You can that the elves are responsible for making any magical houses clean. I don't know why it brings them happiness when they serve someone.

"Ah, Mr. Grindelwald. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." I heard someone said when I got out of that room and turned to the man. Long platinum blond hair, a cane, and a very self-important looking man. Yep, it's Lucius Malfoy.

"The pleasure is mine Mr. Malfoy. I must say, I'm quite surprised when Draco visited and gave me an invitation." I said in my usual business smile. Yes, this is what I look when I'm surrounded by bigots and blood supremacists.

"You flatter me. It actually took young Draco to look for you. He said that you are quite an elusive person." Lucius chuckled.

"Yes, I am very sensitive when it comes to my privacy. It gives me space to breathe." I answered.

"Well, let's proceed to the party, shall we? We can continue our talk there." Lucius said.

"Of course, Mr. Malfoy." I followed the man.

Once we're inside the party, I examined the whole space. The event was surely classy. I must say the Malfoys made a lot of effort in setting up the place. I saw some people glanced at me, looking surprised. Some of them even began whispering to the people they are conversing with. They, in turn, observed me with an examining look on their faces.

I recalled every lesson that my grandfather told me when dealing with nobles. One must never lose composure in their presence and walk with a certain confidence. I can only say that the men looked quite absurd in their robes. Newt Scamander had a good fashion sense, and it was back in 1945! But I never showed it in my face that I'm ridiculing them though. I kept a stoic face while following Lucius. Eventually, we found Lucius' wife, Narcissa. At least the ladies here looked proper in their dresses. She looked the same as in the movie. Black hair with a streak of blond looked calm but very shrewd when it comes to politics. This is a woman you won't want to mess with, especially if she's your enemy in the political scene. The whole family greeted me together with their son, Draco. It seems they want to associate him to me. Well, I won't decline. A couple of pleasantries later, the Malfoy family let me go to enjoy the party. I was approached by different people offering greetings, even some ministry officials, since it is a very rare event to see the heir of Grindelwald himself. I never thought that dealing with purebloods is very exhausting. Grandfather should've at least told me that.

I sighed and went to the balcony of the hall. There I saw my schoolmates, mostly Slytherin. Though Neville is lonely on the other side being a Gryffindor, so I approached him.

"Hey, Neville." I smiled at him.

"H-hey, Fred. I-i'm glad you came." Neville said with a relieved sigh.

"It sure is hard here, huh. Playing poker face with shrewd people. I feel like going back already." I said. Neville, chuckled a bit at that.

"Y-yeah. G-grandmother was surprised too you know? E-especially when I told her you rode on the boat with me." He said while smiling. He's very shy, but we can still talk like a normal person.

"Well, what will happen tonight? I'm sure we're not here to only drink, eat, and play a political game. Lucius never told me anything." I asked him.

"W-well, I heard from grandmother t-that there will be some sort of b-ball later. We try to t-take girls to dance." He said.

"I don't know enough people here, but I'm sure I can find someone to dance with. How about you?"

"W-well, the thing is...I also d-don't know many people. I'm the only G-Gryffindor here so it will be hard since most of the t-the children here were from the S-Slytherin house."

"Well, I'm also the only Ravenclaw here. Say, do you want to dance with that Lovegood girl? I heard she'll go to Hogwarts next school year." I pointed at Luna. I actually thought of dancing with her the moment Neville said that there will be a dance. But knowing Neville, he will most certainly be alone most of the ball, so I'll give him a partner to dance with. Luna's nice after all, and I've already met his father. He was actually a bit fascinated when he saw the Grindelwald symbol in my neck.

"I...I-I" Neville stuttered, very nervous. I urged him some more until he built up enough courage to ask the girl. I chortled a bit when I watched their exchange. In the end, the girl agreed to be Neville's partner, and he went back, blushing.

"Not that hard, right?" I smiled.

"Y-y-yeah. T-thank you, Fred." He shyly said.

"You're welcome, Neville." I laughed.

I talked a bit more with Neville. After that, I just wandered around the balcony with some wine in hand. I may be underage, but the magical world is not that advanced in customs compared to muggles. There's already a restriction for underage drinking there. But here, they are very much free.

I leaned on the balcony rail while feeling the cold breeze on my face. The moon is full tonight, and the new year is slowly approaching. While I was drinking, a blond girl leaned beside me while holding a glass of wine.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" The girl spoke. I raised an eyebrow and turned to her. She was just like the movie. Although she looked more elegant here and noble-looking. Daphne Greengrass, heir of the house Greengrass and the Ice Queen of the Slytherin house.

"Yes, it's beautiful. Although it holds a certain horror for some people." I answered her.

"Why?" She asked.

"Because some werewolves fear the moon. They know that when a moon is full, they'll have to isolate themselves as they lose their selves to their primal instinct." I said with a melancholy tone. I truly feel pity for them though. Although there's the wolfbane potion, the price is too high and not all werewolves are fortunate enough to buy those expensive potions.

"Yeah," Daphne said as she thought of what I told her.

We started at the moon in silence for a while before she spoke to me.

"I must say that you are very intelligent Mr. Grindewald. You have a sense of nobility despite growing up in an orphanage," she said.

"A lot of people say that to me, but thank you anyway. And don't be so formal with me Ms. Daphne, we're not the head of our houses yet and we study in the same school. Perhaps we can call each other differently?" I asked her.

"Well, you're right. If you're calling me Ms. Daphne, then I'll call you Mr. Frederick." She replied.

"My name is quite a mouthful. Just call me Fred." I offered a handshake.

"Then call me Daphne or Daph. Only friends call each other nicknames, right?" she asked.

"Well, we can be if you want," I suggested.

"I don't see why not, " she grinned. We shook hands as we started our friendship. This is a noble gathering, so building connections is normal. I might think of attending in the future, if Lucius invites me again, of course.

The lighting and the music in the venue and suddenly changed, the tables were moved to the side of the hall and other nobles are standing up.

"The ball will start soon. Do you have any dancing partner for the night?" I asked her.

"No one has asked me yet," Daphne replied.

"Well, would you like to give me the honor to have your first dance?" I offered another hand to her. This time, as a form of request.

"With pleasure." Daphne giggled.

She held my hand as we walked towards the hall. The purebloods are already dancing. I even saw Neville with Luna. He was smiling even though he's very shy.

'Go Neville!'

We went to an empty spot and held her waist while I hold her another hand with my own. Her other one rested on my shoulder. Luckily, I learned how to dance from Gorbey. I'll have to thank the elf later.

Although the event seems formal, we swayed and danced through the music. I stared at her emerald green eyes as she stared back at my gray ones. Her eyes are very captivating that I can't even look away from her eyes. We stayed like that for who knows how long until I saw some shifting in the hall. The other changed partners, and we're still holding each other. Daphne seems to get out of her trance as she turned her eyes away. She released me first and thanked me for the dance. I said that I'll meet her at school again, though I think she didn't hear from how quickly she moved away and disappear into the crowd.

I spent dancing with different heirs after that. Most were Slytherin and one Luna Lovegood. She's just as lovely as she is in both movies and books if not more. I actually talked to her that if ever she was sorted to Ravenclaw, I'll help her in any way I can. On the other hand, it seems Neville managed to gain some confidence from how he danced a lot of girls. Although some rejected, he didn't seem too sad at that. I'm very proud of him.

The party ended a few hours after the clock struck midnight. The guests thanked the Malfoys for the great party, including me. He even made sure that I will be invited to more parties that his family will host. Although I know the hand he's using, I played along with him with cautiousness. One can never turn their backs on a politician, after all. Especially the competent ones.

Then I went home through the fireplace. When I got home, I headed to my bedroom and took off my clothes. I immediately slept after a quick shower.

The next day, I went to Diagon Alley with a disguise. My appearance is plain looking so I can blend perfectly within the crowd. I stepped inside the Gringott's bank and stated my appointment to the goblin.

"Hello Lagkor. May your vaults be filled with gold. I'm here to talk to my family's account manager." I spoke as I saw the nameplate of the bank teller.

"And may your enemies bleed endlessly. Your name?" The goblin didn't look up but nodded with a toothy grin.

"Frederick Grindelwald," I stated. That stopped him from working and looked intensely at me. His eyes narrowed as he observed my appearance, which I just changed because some people might recognize me

"You don't look like one, wizard." The goblin said.

"I chose this appearance... voluntarily," I said as the goblin understood the implication.

"Very well, we will have you take the inheritance test first before proceeding to you account manager. Come on." Lagkor got off his high chair before guiding me to a small room. There was a small basin with what looks like water made of smooth stone in the center of the room. There were also several markings and tunes engraved around the basin. There's another goblin inside, maybe the one who tests the inheritance

Once we are both inside, the other goblin gave me a small knife that is made up of goblin iron.

"Put three drops of your blood on the basin. The magic from the runes will check your blood inheritance." He said.

I cut my finger and dropped some blood. Honestly, I have formed some sort of phobia to sharp objects. Maybe because that's how I died in my previous life. I mean, you will absolutely fear it if you were stabbed multiple times.

As soon as I was confirmed a Grindelwald, Lagkor took me to my family's account manager. His face looked quite old, but his body build told me otherwise.

"Ah, I've wondered when I would finally meet you, Mr. Frederick." The account manager said.

"Mr. Grindelwald, this is Aggus. The account manager of the house Grindelwald. I'll leave you two then." Lagkor said as he left.

"Hello, Aggus. May your enemies bleed with gold. I want to make a withdrawal." I told Aggus as I handed him the vault key.

"Yes, yes. It certainly is the one. Come Mr. Frederick. Although you are still not allowed in the family's vault, the bank has made a trust vault for you."

"Thank you Aggus. I wonder if I can see the list of properties that my grandfather possesses?" I asked him.

"I apologize, Mr. Frederick. But Mr. Gellert put all of his lists and information about such things inside the family vault. You may only be able to open it when you're at the proper age." Aggus explained.

"Does the Bank acknowledge the decision of a certain artifact?" I implied.

"The bank does follow the judgment of the Goblet Mr. Frederick. Am I right to assume that you are planning on joining the Tournament?" Said the goblin.

"Of course. I have some plans that I want to work with as soon as possible, and the Tournament is my best bet." I said. I am certain that I can trust the goblin of my secret in opening the family vault because they are tied to the oath of the Bank. They will prefer dying rather than divulging their secrets since goblins are very protective of their gold and wealth, making them the perfect keepers of wizards' gold. Also, Aggus was also tied to the oath of my family. I've read in one of the family journals that even their oaths are cursed. Whoever decided to break it will suffer a very painful and traumatizing experience before giving them their freedom called death.

We rode the rollercoaster similar in the movie, and boy was the ride so frightening I felt my soul come outside my body. Imagine riding a rollercoaster without the safety belts. That's how I felt.

We passed through the Thief's Downfall and my disguise disappeared. Then, Aggus gave me an examining look.

"You inherited the signature of the family Mr. Frederick." Aggus said while looking at my hair and gray eyes.

I gave Aggus the key as he inserted it inside the keyhole. With additional protection that requires the goblin's touch. There was a click and the heavy door slowly opened.

'Bloody Hell.' I thought as I stepped inside the vault. If Harry's vault was filled with piles of gold, mine looked like the galleons were stacked as high as a mountain. I observed more until I saw Aggus outside. How much gold does my family own anyway?

"I don't have anything store my gold into, Aggus." I sheepishly said.

"Well, you can have a pouch with undetected expansion charms and more protections in place. For a price of course." The goblin grinned.

I handed him some galleons to purchase the pouch and stuffed some gold inside. I put more than two thousand gold pieces inside the pouch and left. After the vault was locked, Aggus gave me the vault key and went back to the bank.

I reapplied my disguise to myself and went back to Diagon Alley. Now that I have money, I decided to buy new robes. I kept the books as I may have felt a little attached to them. I also bought a late Christmas gift for Hermione, Neville, and Cho. I bought three wand holster, for me, Hermione, and Neville. All of them are made from dragonhide. I also made the store owner put some protection charms in the wand holsters. The price of the holsters are quite cheap, but the enchantments made them more expensive. I planned on giving Cho something she can use regularly. So what I bought for her was a book of broom riding and guide for a competent seeker.

My expenditures are quite low since I didn't buy anything too expensive.

'I hope they like my gift' I thought as I flooed back to the manor.