The Garden

I've already finished my flight project and decided to join Logan in his hunts again. This time, we didn't lurk within the spiders' midst and went deeper into the forest. The beasts there looked tamer than when I started hunting since I've faced fiercer creatures during the summer break. The monsters I've fought didn't look as menacing back then, so Logan and I hunted them like a pair of hungry predators. I also saw Ron's enchanted car, which roared when we went near it but just ignored and continued our adventure. There are no monsters in sight as we ran because they recognized us. A pair of creatures that roam the forest at night, looking for a game to chase.

We ran in a certain direction as we try to search for some trail when we reached an unfamiliar place in the forest. I don't know about Logan, but this place looks different because everything looks magical. The place was some sort of garden as different flowers glow in varying colors. There is some sort of roses that glittered in gold while some looked like diamond crystals, twinkling in the moonlight. Fireflies that roamed around the garden shone with their light as they filled up the whole place. Even the leaves were glimmering in green like an emerald gem.

'How come a place so magical is inside of a menacing forest?' I wondered as I walked throughout the place. There are also flowers that glistened in midnight blue. I can't help myself but be captivated by it. I ended up picking one up as I observed it more. What surprised me further is that the flower didn't shine any lesser even when I picked it up. But I know that a flower was best appreciated from afar, so I didn't pick more.

'Fascinating, isn't it? I also found it in one of my hunts. Even a creature as I found it beautiful as well.' Logan communicated as he walked beside me.

We walked more until we reached a part of the garden where a lot of rare potion ingredients were grown. Even though they looked ugly in the books, they can be considered pretty if they are placed in a beautiful garden like this.

It was when I roamed the whole garden completely that a centaur arrived. It was the same centaur I met when I first fought Logan. Even he recognized him and acknowledged his appearance.

"We met again, young wizard," Feordian said.

"Hello, Feordian. It's nice to see you once again." I greeted the half horse.

"It seems the stars are indeed right when they told me I'll meet you again. Would you mind telling me why are you here?" Feordian said. I looked at the surroundings and noticed that there were several centaurs with him. This must be an important place for them, and we happened to find ourselves inside accidentally.

"Well, Ligan and I are actually inside the forest to hunt, but the monsters seemed to not like roaming the forest at night so we searched trails for some game. We accidentally landed here. This place was very beautiful Feordian. I was wondering how a magnificent place such as this exists inside a spooky forest." I explained. The other centaurs looked vigilant as they observed me and Logan.

"This, young wizard, is the garden gifted to us by the founders of your school. You see, back in the day when Hogwarts was being built, they had a conflict with my ancestors because their castle is breaking the boundary to our territory. We are creatures that are full of pride, so the breach in the territory is considered an insult to us. Only after our ancestors and your founders came into an agreement did we part as acquaintances. The school offered protection as no other people can go inside our territory while we provide them some space to build their school. The garden here was enchanted by the founders of your school as a sign of friendship between the two races. The garden was also enchanted to be protected from unwanted guests, so your presence here was more of a surprise to us than a problem. No other wizard dared to enter the deepest part of the forest, and this was the first since even after the founders died. Even Dumbledore was too occupied in his duty for the school that he didn't bother visiting the forest." Feordian explained as I glanced at the surroundings. This place can be made with magic? How come?

"Wow. I didn't know that magic is capable of creating such things." I was honestly amazed. I have not seen a more beautiful place than what I saw here. I can even spend some time here when I wanted to be alone and surrounded by something peaceful.

"Are we allowed to go back here, Feordian? It's actually very wonderful that I want to go back here sometime. Maybe spend some peaceful time here." I asked the centaur.

"This garden is owned by both centaurs and wizards. I can only request you to preserve the beauty of this place, as you preserve the friendship of our races." Feordian answered while smiling. It seems that this garden really meant a lot to centaurs, who are great fans of nature. Even I would want to preserve this sacred place. I can spend the whole day just resting here and look at the charm of the garden.

"Thank you, Feordian. It feels very nice to appreciate the beauty of nature." I said as Feordian left with his company.

"Logan, we'll definitely come back to this place," I said to the wolf while grinning happily.

The start of the week approached again as the whole school was still abuzz with the stories of the dueling club. Those that did not join felt regret that they haven't had the chance to participate during the weekends, even the teens who went to Hogsmeade during that time.

I was also mostly talked by the students because of my battle with Professor Flitwick. They knew I studied under him so that only made them fired up so that they can achieve high grades and be able to join me to study with Professor himself. They felt the same with the other Professors as they wondered what kind of privilege they will have once they aced their classes. But most were still skeptical about Professor Snape. He hates the other students that are not from his house, except those who excel in his class. They were still worried about the attack, but the news was almost overwhelmed by their discoveries during the weekend.

Some of the students even asked me if I can teach them, but I can only say that the Professors did not allow me to teach others what I learned from them. That didn't disappoint them though because it's expected. It's not called privilege by the students if you can learn them easily. Cho even requested me to help her and Hermione, and surprisingly Ron and Harry with their lessons. Ron begrudgingly went with them since having a privilege from the professors is a big thing. Who knows what he can get from Madame Hooch? Maybe advanced lessons about flying brooms? If he wants to join the Quidditch team, he will definitely want to excel in her class.

Luna and Neville decided to join too when they heard me and Cho talked about it. Yes, Luna and Neville got along quite well considering they met way back from the Year-end party. I don't know what will happen to the two, but I'm happy for them. Neville was far less shy than when I first met him, and he got along quite well with the other students, especially his housemates. He then found a friend in Luna when they met again during one of Luna's 'adventures'. Neville even brought his friends, Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan. As soon as we met, I was bombarded with questions by the company, especially the Gryffindors. They were in awe of what they witnessed during my fight with Professor Flitwick.

"You were absolutely brilliant there, mate!" Dean said.

"Yeah! Didn't know Flitwick was a beast back there!" Ron shouted.

"That's Professor Flitwick for you, Ron," Hermione admonished him.

"I didn't know that Professor's privilege is learning dueling from him." Harry sighed. His training with his Quidditch Team ate a lot of his time to learn lessons now that Quidditch season is about to happen. He knows he only got lucky that Hermione was there to help him in his studies.

"Really. Even if you're still learning from Professor Flitwick, you can be considered a genius. How come you can keep up with his movements? I can almost see nothing from his hands when he casts spells." Hermione said, frustrated. She found out only now that chain casting spells are very possible. You only need to connect wand movements so you do not disrupt the flow of magic from the wand.

"Yeah, and the way they deflected those spells. It's almost I want to try it myself!" Seamus added.

"Well, enough of all that. We're here so Fred can help us, right?" Dean spoke.

"I thought this study group was supposed to be more private. How come there are many of us here?" I complained and sighed. There's no chance to back out now, I guess. I resigned myself and decided to just help these people. I am the only student that has privileges from the professors, and Hermione's still working to earn herself one.

That started our little study group as I help them do better in their classes. We tackled a lot of things starting from theories to the more practical lessons. Hermione surely bested me at the theory part, but I am clearly ahead in terms of application. Those things needed one to be more creative in their approach, which Luna found quite easily. The others found it hard but kept on working on it.

Our little group was supposed to be more private until Daphne approached me one day. My group was not so secret at all as others found them together in the great hall even if they belonged to different houses. So she investigated and found that I'm the one teaching the group. We talked about it more until we came into an agreement. Daphne can join the group, in exchange for being secretive about it. I don't want any more people joining the group since it's too much of a hassle teaching a lot of people., and Daphne keeping it a secret will be very much helpful for me. I already found an empty and unused classroom for the whole group since I'm the only one who knows the entire castle from my time with Mr. Filch, my quest to find the Room, and my little adventures to reveal every secret that this castle has. The existence of the garden and the Room of Requirement was a very good example of secrets that I want to unveil, and I have 5 more years to uncover all of them.

"So before I start this session, I want to introduce to you another member. She is a good friend of mine, so please be kind to her, especially the Gryffindors." I said as Daphne stepped inside the room. All eyes were on her, but she wasn't unnerved int he slightest. The stoic face of the Ice Queen in place.

"You invited a Slytherin!" Ron said. The others were fine with her, though a bit wary. Slytherins and Gryffindors have a very sour relationship dating back even to the founders themselves.

"Why, yeah Ron. I can also bring my own friend, can't I?" I spoke. Ron just went quiet about that. I am their tutor after all, and they owe me at least that.

"You can sit beside Luna, Daphne," I spoke again as I urged her to sit on one of the chairs.

"Now going back, I'm sure Daphne already knew this. But the lesson for today will be..." And that is how I continued my private lesson for the day. Daphne didn't bother talking tot hem as she was here to learn from me. The others didn't even try at all, except Cho. When the lesson ended, Cho introduced herself to Daphne, which was very unexpected. I thought that Daphne being a Slytherin, no one will attempt talking to her and just focus on the lesson. Still, it was a good decision for Cho because she can have one more friend from Daphne. Cho's been too distant from her friends ever since the day she saw them attempt to bully some first years. Cho may be a soft-spoken person, but she can be brave when she wants. She's changed a lot during our time as friends. She used to keep herself with her friends and her books. She never tried befriending other people too since she thought that her 'friends' was enough. But ever since she became a member of the Quidditch team and the star inside the house, she was exposed to different people and realized new things. She noticed how her friends changed when they talked to her as if clinging to her status since she's more of a celebrity than a true friend. I'm very proud of her for that.

"Hi, I'm Cho Chang." She extended a hand.

"Daphne Greengrass." She replied shortly as she took the hand. I don't know why but their handshake seemed to last longer than expected. They didn't even talk at all and just conversed through their eyes.

'This will be the start of a beautiful relationship.' I thought.

The next few days went like a blur until the attacks started again. First was Colin Creevy, a First-year Gryffindor, after him was Susan Bones from Hufflepuff, then it was Justin Finch-Fletchley and Nearly headless Nick. Colin was actually very lucky since he saw the snake through his camera, and Susan saw the snake using her mirror, Justin saw the basilisk through Nick's transparent body, and Nick can not die as he was already a ghost.

The atmosphere became gloomier as more students became victims of the attacks. Nightly affairs became even more strict as the prefects were told to stay inside their dorms during the night. It was Filch and the professors that were assigned to patrol the halls. As for me, it was still a breeze escaping to the Room. I just have to call Logan and take me there before he goes to the forest, and it's also safer for me so I won't meet the snake in the hallways.

The students became more determined to study dueling as the number of victims increased. They became passionate enough that they improved at a rapid pace in the course of a few weeks.

The situation only became worse when the Ministry decided to intervene. Dumbledore was suspended in his duties as the Headmaster, together with Hagrid who was arrested by Cornelius Fudge because of the same incident when he was a student himself. Many complained to the Ministry because of what Fudge did. Dumbledore was the strongest wizard in the school, and suspending him will only leave the students exposed to the danger inside the school. The recent incidents were kept under wraps by some of the Ministry officials and the school to avoid panic. This issue is very sensitive for all of the people that knew because there will be chaos once Amelia Bones got wind of what was happening inside the school, especially now that her niece is one of the victims of the attacks.

I decided to not to intervene even if how worried I felt because Harry will eventually defeat the basilisk. But what forced me to move was that I forgot the horrible consequences of the butterfly effect. I made Cho befriend Hermione, so they were together near the library when the basilisk roamed the halls and petrified the two of them. I went inside the hospital room to look at the two when I saw Harry and Ron there. I can only nod at them as they turned to me. I approach Cho's bed and touched her hand. It was hard as a statue, almost like a dead body. I felt a lot of anger inside me as I watched Cho's face.

'Shit. Shit. Shit.' I cursed myself because of how I became too complacent that I endangered my friends' lives. I forgot the fact that I existed in this reality, so a lot of things will go differently compared to what the canon timeline showed. I almost had my friends killed by that snake, and I won't make the same mistake again. There's only one choice then.

"I'll murder that snake," I promised.