Chapter 13: The Chance Part 1

She broke out in a sweat, "Even Titan, my Lord?"Her voice was unwavering, I guess she had to keep up the appearance of a good soldier.

"Yes...Even Titan."He grinned, he knew exactly what he was doing and precisely what he was asking her to do.

She stood silent for a moment, before looking up with tears in her ice blue eyes, then lunged. She jumped in Titan's direction first, because she knew he could never fight her, but she was wrong. He summoned a yellow forcefield, which she bounced off of. Yellow was the lowest kind of forcefield. He didn't want to hurt her, but he would if he needed to. She came back for more and this time he formed a small green forcefield and threw it at her, knocking the air from her lungs. She then went after Alistair. She pulled out a dagger and dashed towards him, he dodged.

"Phoebe."My father said with authority and a tinge of disappointment.

She looked back at him, a bead of sweat rolled down her cheek.

"If you don't do this...Your freedom will never be secured."

She nodded and the look in her eyes changed, they got dull, then she tensed up, readying herself for an attack.

I looked around, I trusted all of them, but back then I trusted Fenrir the most, he was my closest friend, but he was holding Stella. I walked over to Titan and asked if he would hold her. He nodded, taking her out of my arms.

He grabbed my sleeve. "Don't kill her..."He pleaded gravely.

I looked away from him. "I'll try not to."I assured him.

I cared about Phoebe too, but I wouldn't tolerate her betrayl. I ran towards her tackling her, I then released a barrage of punches, something took me over and compelled me to not quit until she stopped moving. I kept punching and punching. Viciously. So viciously that it scared myself. I didn't know what came over me, but it was an intense need. Finally her arms fell down and her head rolled to one side. The feeling overtook me, but I still felt a seering remorse. I immediately checked her pulse, she was still alive.

I got up, turning to see my father with a happy look on his face. Immense rage and hatred and that feeling hit me like a tsunami. I glared at him with deranged eyes. He laughed, then stepped aside.

"I have no wish to fight today son."He looked at me with intense eyes. "But one day...We will meet again."

He began walking off.

"What about Phoebe?"I was mad for some reason, how could he just leave her. "You're just gonna leave her?"

"Who said anything about leaving her."He chuckled, "I still have use for her."He walked down the steps, picking her up.

Titan glared, "You aren't taking her!"He growled.

He ignored him and kept walking. Titan had a choice, drop Ambrosia and try to fight my father, who unbeknownst to my friends was the great Devil King Satan, or keep his promise to me and hold onto her.

He closed his eyes looking off to the side, he seemed to be in great pain. He then watched as his Sublime, his true love, disappearing in the arms of a malicious, manipulative stranger.

"You'd better hurry, the soldiers will be here in 7 minutes."My father's voice echoed.

I looked at the door, and I looked at his disappearing silhouette, then back at the door. Why should I risk my life for someone who betrayed me? But then, I thought about it from Titan's point of view. That was his Sublime and I knew full well that if that had been Ambrosia, I'd have done everything in my power to get her back. But something broke inside Titan that day. Whatever tie that bound the two of them together had been severely damaged. I could feel their fervent connection weaken.

"Come on!"I called out. "I promise you Titan. We will get Phoebe back...One day."I took Ambrosia out of his arms.

Then led everyone up the stairs, we raced through the dimly lit corridor. Then there was a rusty door, standing between us and the outside world. I took in a deep breath.

"You should do the honors Kaiser."Titan smiled, everyone agreed and Titan took Ambrosia from my arms.

I stepped up to the circular handle. My heart raced. Nothing but a door between us and the outside world...That was a lot to take in. And I had the responsibility of leading my friends to freedom. With the turn of this handle, we would be free. I pushed and pulled the handle and it turned.

The door swung open and a gust of wind blew through the doorway. I took a step out. I smelled the air, taking in the freshness. A freshness that I had never had the pleasure of knowing. The sound of chirping birds, and the sun. Oh the sun...It was warm and gentle. I had never experienced the sweet sensation of the sun on my skin. None of us had. I took another step, then fell to my knees, I was overcome with a feeling I had never known. The others stood back watching, waiting.

"We made it!"I yelled throwing my arms into the air.