"He's your what?"Fenrir looked up at me with a ferocity in his eyes.
I felt a tinge of pain in my chest as everyone's eyes fell on me.
I felt guilty, like I'd done something wrong, but it wasn't my fault, I never asked to be born. I prepared for the worst as the words fell tastelessly out of my mouth. "He is the Devil... And... he is my father."
I expected everyone to berate me, but instead, when I looked up, everyone's eyes were soft.
"I'm so sorry Kaiser..."Stella in all of her deteriorating body hobbled over, wrapping her arms around me. She began to cry as Fenrir came up, putting his arms around the two of us. Everyone came, joining in on the now group hug.
I felt an overwhelming sense of emotion wash over me. "I.."
"It's ok, Kaiser."Stella said gingerly, "You are not alone."
"Yeah. We're your friends."Titan's voice was gentle.
"And more important, we're your family."Fenrir's words were genuine.
"We will always be here for you."Alistair smiled.
"Just like you would be for us... Always."Shira repeated.
We all stayed there for a long time, holding each other... Bonding. Bonding was a term meant for not only Abnormals, but animals as well. Bonding was when two or more Abnormals trust in each other was boosted and a deep faith in each other flourished. It could bring Abnormals together in friendship, in love, in life and in death. It fostered the same kind of bonding that a mother gets holding her newborn child, if not more so than that. We didn't know it back then, but that day bound us all together our fates intertwined for eternity.
A long time passed as we held each other, then suddenly the sky lightened with tones of beautiful greys and pinks. The sun slowly and gracefully rose into the sky. It silently demanded the attention of everyone around it. Then the sky darkened as quickly as it had lit up. A loud noise erupted from the clouds, also a new experience for me. Then droplets of water fell on my skin. It was a new sensation. The feeling of rain. Real rain!
Everyone jumped to their feet, rejoicing in this new and beautiful thing. Then the dark sky lit up, the dark clouds roared with hateful courage. Daring anyone and everyone to challenge it. But no one would. My excitement died down as I realized how the beautiful light of day had been snuffed out so easily and I was hurled back into reality. Cruel and spiteful reality. Anything can happen. Beauty and light can be taken just as easily as the scene that had played out moments before me. I looked up at the sky as the rain fell harder. Suddenly I felt it. I felt just how cold the rain was, how it tore and stung my skin as it pelted me, while everyone stood around smiling, I knew. The wind blew harshly and made the rain bite with more intensity. Anything can be taken away. Anything can happen. In that instant that lesson occured to me. I realized that we needed to keep moving, we couldn't stop now. Not when we were so close.
"Guys..."I said gravely.
They all stopped, their eyes all fell onto me. They were eyes of hope and happiness. I hoped this feeling would make it... I hoped this feeling would last.
"We need to get a move on."I moved to pack my things up, swinging the backpack onto my shoulders, I picked up Ambrosia, then walked to the entrance that I had so anxiously guarded the entire night so that everyone could get sleep. I waited for them to pack and to follow.
"Be afraid..."the whisper from before called out to me. I looked around, but no one was there. I shook it off.
"Are you alright?"Shira tilted her head, her long silvery hair dragged on the ground.
"Never mind me, you should really do something about that hair."I chuckled.
"I don't know what to do with it."She said sheepishly, looking embarrassed. "The barbers always did my hair. I don't even know where to begin..."
"Well that's ok."I smiled. "We'll figure it out."
"You know I could never cut it."She looked up at me with a girlish expression. "Long, beautiful hair is a source of pride for Sirens."She smiled softly looking at the ground. She looked as though she was reminiscing.
"Do you have memories of the outside world?"I asked, wondering if I should venture further than that. "Of your mother and father?"
Her smile faded. "Yes."Her brilliant eyes darkened. "I remember what my mother told me."She said quietly. "I don't know how...I was just four. But I think...I think it was because I was born outside of the lab, that they experimented on me to check my memories to see what I was."She paused for a moment. "I remember being held, I was crying because someone had cut my hair and my mother soothed me, saying "When you grow up your hair will be long and beautiful. It's a source of pride for us. Hair is a symbol. It possesses magical properties. Never cut it. " "She stopped, looking up with a nervous smile. "I didn't mean to drone on."She laughed nervously. "All I can remember about her was that was that she was half Siren and half Vampire and very beautiful. It's just that... Well never mind."
"It's ok. I acknowledge how difficult this must be for you. You don't have to push yourself. Just continue whenever you are ready."I smiled, patting her head.
And just like that, we were on the move again.