She didn't seem to recognize me. Her normally brilliant black eyes were dull.
"She's under someone's controll!"Arabella called out, she was in Zeke's arms. "Don't you see her black eyes!"
"Ambrosia!"I called out to her, "It's me!"
She manifested magnificent white feathered wings several times her length and flew up into the air and began destorying everything.
Ajal, I remembered and ran back to find her.
But it was too late. There she was, a knife plunged into her stomach. Those damned guys from before must have done this to her.
"Ajal!"I ran over to her, and lifted her head up, holding it in my hands.
I can't remove the knife, that's the only thing keeping her alive.
"Ajal stay with me."I held my hands around her wound as she bled out.
"Kaiser..."She said softly, reaching out to me with her small bloody hand, she placed her hand on my cheek. "Smile..."She said quietly, then whispered something in my ear and with that she was gone. I'll never forget those words.
There's nothing I can do... There's nothing I can do for her. Why God?! Why are You so cruel! Why did You have to take her away!
"She was innocent!" I threw my head back screaming at the sky, "She deserved to live!!!"
I laid her body down on a dusty wooden crate.
"I promise...I'll be back for you."
I closed my eyes and tried to feel Ambrosia's heart. I found her. I ran towards her energy, "Ambrosia!"
I looked up at the sky as she brought an entire building to its knees before it doubled over, crashing to the ground.
She then fell out of the sky. I jumped up catching her.
"Ambrosia."I said softly, pulling her close.
"Kaiser!"Arabella screamed, "Get away from that thing!"
We were surrounded, red lazer dots covered my body, indicating guns aimed at us.
"You know it wasn't her fault!"I tried to reason with them, "You said it yourself she was being controlled!"
"That thing destoryed this city!"She screamed, pointing her clawed finger at Ambrosia, but there was a knowing look in her eyes, a mysterious gleam. I think she knew this would happen. Tears welled up in her eyes as she smirked, she was playing the part.
"Lock them up!"She ordered. "And make sure they are kept apart!"
I felt that feeling well up again. Anger...Hatred...
I didn't even hesitate to start taking down each and every opponent, my blood called for blood. It didn't just desire it, it lusted for it.
Arabella smirked, "Good job. We're one step closer now."
"Huh?"I blinked.
Zeke loyally stood behind Arabella.
"Your father wanted me to give you a message."She called, advancing towards me one step at a time, her hands clasped together behind her back.
I stood my ground, my grip on Ambrosia firm in case the pair tried anything.
"Of course..."I glared. "You work for my father."I was so mad I could spit on her.
"Mhmm. You don't miss a beat do you?"She smirked condescendingly.
"What's the message?"
"No matter how far you run, no matter where you try to hide, I'll always be watching you. Waiting for the day you return to me."With that her smirk faded and she collapsed.
I was wary of what to do, but Zeke in a flash was by her side.
"Are you happy now."He glared.
"I didn't do a thing."I hissed quietly.
"You were born and that was enough."He whispered hatefully, picking up Arabella.
I managed to get the feeling under control and I came to my senses.
"Where are you gonna to go?"
"I don't have to tell you anything."He said flatly.
"Well, everyone here is dead, how can you be okay with that? Wasn't anyone here important to you?"
Zeke stood silent for a moment, he seemed to be remembering someone, but that thought was cut short. "It was all part of his plan. Besides Arabella's safety and happiness are all that matters to me."His back was towards me as he held her body in his arms.
"You know what that's like... To want something so bad you've given anything for it."His words were so full of emotion, yet so sterile. "We have nowhere to go."
"Well you can come with us."
"You're our enemy."He said plainly.
"It doesn't seem that way. My father did this to everyone. I'm sure there was a reason Arabella did his bidding. But, we can give you a place to stay. People that look out for each other. I'll watch your back."I passed for a moment. "And when the time comes...I'll kill my father."
He stood quietly. "No."
"Zeke..."Arabella muttered weakly.
"Well we have a healer, at least let us heal Arabella. Then we can go our separate ways."
He turned around to face me and nodded.
"There's something I have to do first."
I looked at Ajal's lifeless body. Why couldn't I save you...Why couldn't I save Ambrosia. I can't save anyone...
"Get stronger..."The demonic whisper was back."Be afraid... Be very afraid of the Darkness."
I buried Ajal by the lake that she loved so much and laid a wildflower on her grave.
"We probably won't meet again...But thank you for the time we shared."I forced a smile for her sake.
"Let's get moving. We have three hundred fifty miles between us and your friends."