Chapter 23: She is a Goddess

I watched as he held the one he loved, it made me jealous. Arabella would eventually wake up, I wasn't sure of what would become of Ambrosia.

I sighed, taking in the sweet scene playing out before me. "Shira."I smiled at the pair.


"You're gonna be a Magician and we're gonna find our family."I was sure of that.

"Yeah."She smiled.

"Tell me everything you know about Ambrosia."I turned my attention to Zeke.

"Arabella knows the most about her, they are connected."He said gravely. "But what I can tell you, is she was once known as the Destoryer of Worlds and the Savior of Many."He paused.

"Go on."

"She has killed billions, and saved billions."His pale green eyes were emotionless as usual. "That's all I can tell you, Arabella can tell you more when she wakes up."

I stared at Arabella. I wondered how they were connected and why Arabella was so intent on saving her. I could sense it when we met, that she wanted to save Ambrosia.

"We should wait for Arabella to wake up before we move."Shira suggested, I trusted her, she knew what was what when it came to healing people.


A few days went by and Arabella still hadn't woken up.

"Arabella..."Zeke's eyes were still unexpressive, yet immensely expressive. He began tearing up, "I...I couldn't save you."

"Stop it."I looked over at him.

"You did everything you could for her."

"But it wasn't enough!"He yelled, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"She's gonna wake up."I smiled.

"Z-zeke..."Arabella's eyes fluttered open. Her bangs were fallen to the side revealing heterochromia. Her left eye was dark brown and her right eye was dark green.

"Bella!"He cried, hugging her.

"Zeke."She blushed, trying to pull his arm away, "N-not in front of everyone else!"

I smiled at the pair, finally they were reunited.

"Where's Ambrosia!?"Arabella suddenly yelled looking around.

"She's here."I gestured towards her.

"Thank God."She sighed in relief.

"I want you to wake up, please wake up...Goddess!" Arabella held Ambrosia's hand.

"G-Goddess?"I blinked confused. "What do you mean Goddess? She's an Abnormal."

"And you call yourself her Sublime."Arabella glared at me, bitterness laced in her voice.


"Yeah you nothing."She cut me off.

"Ambrosia is classified as a Class 10, Alpha, because she is a Goddess."She explained.

"Is that a type of Abnormal?"

"I don't think so, but I'm not quite sure. But what I do know, is that she's very important. When I saw her I knew I had to get away from Satan's grasp."She paused for a moment. "There's a prophecy."

"A prophecy?"Shira asked.

"A prophecy!"Arabella huffed irritated, "A prophecy where two opposites shall unite the world and save it, or bring about it's destruction."She went on.

"There are multiple prophecies of The Opposites."She looked at me through heterochromic eyes, "And I believe those Opposites...Are you guys."

"What? Me and Ambrosia?"

"It makes sense, you being the Devil King's son and her being the creation of God and Satan."

"Wait how did you know I'm the son of Satan?"

"It's obvious... The aura and massive amount of power you give off. You had to be and you just proved my hypothesis right."

"She's the closest thing to Light in this world. She has to be protected."She said gravely.

"I'll protect her with my life!"

"Tch, your puny life will never be enough to save hers."

"You don't know anything!"I hissed. "I'm gonna be the one to save her!"

"Yeah well you're doing a stand up job."She said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

I glared at her. "Bitch..."I murmured.

"What did you just call me!?"

"A b-i-t-c-h!"I glared at her, the tension was so heavy you could cut it with a knife, and the sparks of hatred were flying between us.

"Guys calm down."Shira's aura was monstrous as she death stared us into submission.

"Scary."Arabella murmured, looking away from her.

"I know right."I whispered.

"Well we have to find a way to wake her up."Arabella got serious again.

"Yeah."I nodded in agreement. "But the question is...How?"

"I couldn't manage to get her collar off, but what I did manage to do is stimulate her enough senses enough to cancel out the effects of the collar."Arabella looked like she was thinking hard.

"Stimulate her senses? What exactly did you do to her?"I had a bad feeling about this.

"I put spicy food in her mouth, I had someone stroke her hand, I opened her eyes and shined light in them and I made brownies to stimulate her sense of smell. I know how she loves sweets."

I was taken aback by how simple it was.

"However that isn't enough to keep her awake."Arabella sighed.

"We have to get that damn collar off of her."I growled.

Zeke glared at me, "Sorry... I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at the situation."

"We'll figure it out. Have you tried using your powers on it?"

"My powers?"

"Yeah you oaf, remember the whole son of Satan thing?"She said sarcastically.

"I won't use my powers. Something gnaws at me everytime I do, everytime I get violent a feeling wells up inside of me."

"So much for doing anything for her."She clicked her tongue.

I glared at her. "I will do anything for her."

"The question is how much are you willing to sacrifice for her?"

"Everything."I said softly.