Chapter 3

"Um... Wilson,dad said we should go ask ma'am Elizabeth of her puddings and give her this envelopes as well. Come with me". Max said.

Discarding whatever he was doing, Wilson followed Max.

As they walked along side each other,Wilson started a conversation; "Max, what'd you think about your sister Joey?" He asked. "I think whatever my parents says she is" Max replied. "Do you know I talked to her today?" Wilson asked and Max became surprised.

"Wait! Wait!"Wilson said.

"You - what?!" Max asked.

"She's okay"Wilson said.

"Bro...are you outta your mind?"Max asked.

"I came to realize that today,when I talked with her"Wilson said.

"She talked to you?"Max asked surprised.

"Why don't you just shut up and listen to me?"Wilson said

"sorry bro"Max said.

Rolling his eyes,he continued; "We had a long discussion and I came to find out that she taught dad rapes mum,can you believe that?!. I told her she got it all wrong,that we all know what mum and dad are up to even Chloe".

"Chloe?" Max asked.

"Yop,just listen"Wilson said and continued "I assured her I didn't see her as a possessed person,but as a simple normal seventeen years old girl"Wilson said.

"And...?" Max asked

"And what I don't understand is that,why is dad and mum's thing disturbing her? I mean, we all know that and live with it. But why can't she?"Wilson asked.

"Maybe she's using it to remember something awful that happened to her" Max suggested.

"you think so?" Wilson asked.

"or she's just once again possessed as ever before" Max said.

"I don't think so" Wilson said.

"Why?" Max asked.

"Because I held her hands and reassured her she ain't possessed and all of a sudden,I saw fear on her face and she ran away from me"Wilson said confused.

"Ah! That reminds me. I over heard dad telling mum, Joey will go for deliverance"Max said.

"Are you sure?" Wilson asked.

"yeah,I think so. In Agnes cathedral" Max replied.

"I wanted to enquire more about Joey"Wilson said regretfully.

"Then you'll do so after they've delivered her"Max said.

"Bro,I think something is bothering her,we need to let her spill it out"Wilson said.

"You think so?" Max said and they reached ma'am Elizabeth's house to deliver their message.

The following day, Mr Davidson and Mrs Mariam came to pick Joey off to the Agnes cathedral for deliverance. And as they left for the vehicle, Wilson squeezed a script in her hand and whispered "bye". She smiled briefly and left.

They entered the cathedral, parking at the lot.

Leaving Joey behind,they entered the Reverend sister's office.

After a short while,they came back with a sister.

"Hi deary,I'm Reverend sister Dominic" she said stretching her hand for a handshake but Joey was confused,she had many questions in her mind rather than answering a handshake. Why am I here? What am I doing here? Where the questions in Joey's head. Little did Joey know that she was brought here for deliverance.

"I want to use the toilet" she said and left,not looking back.

She found her way to the toilet after much searching. On entering inside,she looked at the folded script Wilson gave her and remembered the way his lips formed a "that script will answer your question" when they were driving out of the house to the cathedral. "Yes!" She said. She was right,that was what he said.

She quickly opened the script to read it,thus; "joey, you're brother and I wanna answer the mystery in your head. Mariam and Davidson are taking you to the cathedral,as I told you before they think you're possessed and wants to deliver you. I overheard Mr David telling your mother that it's none of Mariam's business what he did to little J - "I don't know why you worry about her. It's none of your fucking business what I did to little J". We need to talk. The only chance we have is on Thursday at the Barbecue by 9:00pm, escape through the back door in case you're locked inside there. Don't worry, everything has been planned out" the letter read.