Chapter 6

"oh no!" Joey said as she recalled she was still in the restroom and quickly flushed all the torn pieces of paper before leaving. Just then, she saw Rev sis Dominic. "There you are deary... Oh what happened?(she comes closer to Joey's face) why are you looking blunt?" She asked.

"Nothing" Joey lied.

"Okay then. I just wanted to let you know that you should be ready for your induction. You're becoming a sister like us. Congratulation" she said and with that,left.

Puzzled,Joey ran to the room she saw herself earlier in the morning and lamented.

What was going to be her fate now that she was to become a sister?.

She looked at herself in the little mirror in the room and...

    ... little Joey was about to kill herself when her mother,Mrs Mariam burst into the farmhouse. "Joey no!!" She screamed at the top of her voice and took the sharp tin object from her hands. "You're not going to kill yourself alright". She affirmed Joey and took her in her arms. "Now come with me" Mrs Mariam said, carrying Joey with her to the back tap and washing away her blood.

"Now you're not going to tell anybody about this okay? This is only me, you and Dave. No other somebody's gonna hear about this. Keep it to yourself. I'll be going to clean the blood on the ground in the farmyard,while you go inside"she said cleaning Joey. "And your brother's been looking for you all day,tell him you slept at ma Susan's place after playing" she concluded.

Joey was never going to tell anybody before. She couldn't even explain what happened,she was not even going to talk any longer. She was just dumbfounded thinking about what took place.

"Now you can go" Mariam told her.

"Ma'am why do I have blood stained on my body?" Clueless Joey asked.

"My little darling,you've got raped,only raped girls get blood on themselves" she replied.

"Have you been raped before?" Joey asked.

"Now you can go,that's all for now"Mariam said and left.

Joey went endlessly to her room, thinking of why her mother didn't answer her. When she saw a dictionary,she quickly took the dictionary. Opening to R. Then Ra. Faster than she could until she saw the word


she read through it and couldn't believe what the dictionary told her.

She grew with anger and ran to her father's room door bursting the door wide open.

"Awe ya sweetie,what are you doing here? Or are ya ready for more?" Mr Davidson asked her.

"You raped me? You raped me? You raped me?!!" Joey screamed and boom! She had a knock on her head.

She collapsed....

Boom! Boom! Boom! The door knocked,Joey quickly realized herself,left the mirror and opened the door.

"Yes?" She said to the sister standing before her.

"here's your clothes"

Joey immediately took the sister's apparel from the sister's hands.

"you can wear this tomorrow for your induction" she said. "Congratulations" she added, giving a warmth smile.

Joey locked the door and kept the clothes on the bed. She looked at the clothes for some time and decided to try it on. She put it on and looked at herself in the mirror,she looked pretty and different from herself.

In fact,she couldn't recognize herself again and then guess what?!..she put on a smile on her face.

She had a wonderful idea.

She was never going back to that house again or escaping to any Barbecue or trying to remember her past again. She was finally starting a new life. She was becoming a sister! And with that she smiled again.