Chapter 8

WITH time,she starts to forget her name is Joey. As people around her always calls her Shirley or sister Shirley. Sometimes, she even wondered if her surname was sister and her name, Shirley.

Of course,that's Joey's life!

Years later, her parents came back for her but because of the mismatch between the two names, Joey and Shirley,the sisters told them there was no Joey here.

The Reverend sister Dominic told her parents they were mistaken and there was no such girl as Joey here. But her parents persisted, insisting that they left their daughter here named Joey, but the sister replied that maybe the Joey of a girl had ran away.

Although,Mr Davidson and Mrs Mariam were not convinced enough that their daughter Joey ran away, they left but,came back again with police this time around to claim their daughter, thinking hopefully that Reverend sister Dominic would surely confess and give them their daughter now.

But unfortunately for them,she was no longer in that church. A new Reverend sister was appointed there and so they felt disappointed. And that, was the end of their chapter with Joey their daughter.

It remained a mystery to them though. But,they'd never find her again.