Dark bash

Two weeks later

Thomas looked through his wallet surprised by how much he had he sighed Jake surprised him "so daddy are we going to have pizza!?" Jake said Thomas sighed he shaked his head "I'm sorry sport.... but we are going to be having pizza today!" Thomas said Jake jumped excited on the food he's going to have Jake walked towards the couch he sat down and started watching tv Thomas looked over to him and smiled he had dialed the pizza place.

Thomas looked around he then saw a quick flash of someone looking near the window he ignored it thinking it was a bird or a tree branch as it was raining days prior

Ring Ring Ring

Thomas looked towards the door he looked down to his watch 'that was fast that can't be the pizza' Thomas walked towards the door he hesitated opening it he ignored his feelings thinking it's just him being paranoid he opened the door to his surprise it was a drunken Mary at the door she fell on him clingy to his shirt Thomas could still smell the alcohol on her breath, Thomas picked her up and started walking towards the couch Thomas had put her down in the couch Mary fell asleep Thomas sighed wondering what Mary was doing here he sat down next to Jake who had become a bit squished so thomas decided to sit on the floor.


Thomas groaned he got up and answered the door it had been the girl who he called for the pizzas Thomas looked at her she had long black hair with bluish highlights that had completed her fair skin and her blue eyes Thomas looked at her hand she had been holding the pizza he grabbed it and payed her he closed the door Thomas sighed he quickly put down the pizza and gave a slice to Jake and Mary who had waken up a few minutes after he then went to his room and fell asleep.

A dark shadowing figure appeared in the corner the figure smiled wickedly "brother.... you will pay for your discretion, but I will torture you slowly I will first start with your son then Mary...." the dark figure said it had immediately left when Thomas got up looking where he heard some noise he sighed and went back to sleep.

Thomas felt someone poking him he got up and saw it was Mary she had looked a bit upset and guilty "hey Thomas I know we hadn't been able to talk lately I want you to know that I'm.... ready to talk." "Let me know what's on your mind." Mary said Thomas sighed he looked down "I think it's best that we see other people I don't want to give Jake hope of us getting back together." Thomas said Mary looked upset she started to cry a bit "w-what why don't you love me?" Mary said Thomas looked at her Thomas never wanted to say this he had still loved her but he knows that he can never be in a relationship with her as he knew it will only get her hurt "I-I don't love you, you were just a fling and Jake was just a accident I wasn't trying to get into a relationship or have a kid." Thomas said.

Mary looked at him offended, she got up Thomas looked down "so our son is just a accident hmm." Mary said Thomas looked at her Mary nodded slowly "so I guess this is it you yell me you actually don't care about Jake hmm." Mary said Thomas grabbed her arm looking down "I never said that I don't care about him." Thomas said Mary pulled away "then tell me the truth!" Mary said Thomas looked around him "you know my life situation if I were to care about you you two would be put in danger I don't want that." Thomas said Mary sat down on the floor she looked sad "just stop..... I'm tired of your excuses maybe it's best... that Jake doesn't stay here after all I don't want him coping you." Mary said Thomas eyes opened widely Mary got up and started walking Thomas shook he wanted to so hard kiss her but he knew a relationship and a family with his secondary life was close to impossible Thomas got up he saw Mary pick up a sleeping Jake then she left.

Thomas felt lonely he shook he slouched down he started to cry he punched the wall ice Particles formed "damn it!" Thomas said he immediately exited his room and he opened his refrigerator he grabbed two beers "hello old friend." Thomas said he opened up one and chugged it he threw the empty glass bottle breaking it into piece he continues to open the second one he started chugging and again he threw it thomas felt strange he had felt dizzy he fell over nearly hitting his head on a kitchen counter by a few inches.

Two days later


Thomas eyes opened he got up and walked towards the phone still remembering what had happened before he could pick up the phone he noticed Jake stuff bear had been left he ignored it he walked towards the phone but by time he got to it, it had made a click sound Thomas then looked through noticing there was a lot of voicemails from the same number he checked the date and noticed that it had passed two days he immediately called the phone number back to check what they had wanted "hello New Mavery police department what's your emergency?" The operator said.

Thomas sighed "this is thomas Vancouver you guys called left a few messages I'm too lazy to listen to them so can you tell me why you were calling?" Thomas said the operator gasped Thomas heard the call immediately transferred to somewhere Thomas heard the noises and knew it was a hospital Thomas felt confused then someone started to sighing "hello is this Thomas Vancouver?" The guy said Thomas moaned deeply "yes this is him now what do you guys want and why is this call coming from a hospital?" Thomas said.

the guy started to talk lowly "I'm sorry Thomas Vancouver we must inform you that two days ago while driving Mary frost and her son Jake frost got into a car crash-" he said Thomas eyes opened widely he dropped the phone and fell on the floor "hello?"the guy repeated Thomas immediately got up and picked the phone up "are they okay!?" Thomas said Thomas started to cry a bit the guys sighed "I'm afraid not Mary just last night had died while Jake is currently in intensive care and might need surgery to fix a compound bone fracture." He said Thomas covered his mouth tears dripped down his face "Do you know any family members that live in this state?" He said Thomas uncovered his mouth wondering question what should he do "yeah... I'm his Dad." Thomas said.

the guy had seemed a bit confused "that's strange we only found this number due to numerous digs and her last contact his birth certificate doesn't have you or anyone as his signed dad?" He said Thomas sighed "I didn't sign it because I didn't think I needed too I'm new at this dad thing." Thomas said the guy sighed "you can come but we'll need to make sure by doing a paternity test if your the dad then he will go home with you but if your not he will be picked up by a social worker." He said Thomas sighed he looked at where the location was and got ready.

He ran to his car "new maven hospital here I come jake." Thomas said he immediately started his car and started driving away a few minutes passed and he finally arrived he immediately ran to the front desk telling them who he had to check on they had first done the paternity test they gave him the result thomas had stopped breathing for a few seconds Thomas immediately looked at the result he sighed the nurses immediately took him to a gravely injured Jake Thomas had almost fainted when he saw the tubes entering Jake he walked to Jake immediately he looked at the comatose Jake Thomas started to cry his tears had hit jakes face.

A nurse walked in thomas looked over to her wondering why she was there "t-the surgery room is ready will you allow us to do the surgery?" She said Thomas nodded the nurse immediately moved Jake Thomas tried to follow but then a few nurses stopped him Thomas became angered "what is this!?" Thomas said the nurses held him back quickly "please sir calm down in your current condition you would only be doing harm to your mentality by seeing your son in the opporation room." A nurse said Thomas tried to get passed them but there were too many he gave up he became upset "b-but.... fine I'll stay here just.... make sure this succeeds." Thomas said the nurse smiled and nodded they left closing the door behind them Thomas punched the wall multiple times the wall had a hole around the 5th punch the hole began to leak blood from Thomas knuckles Thomas quickly sat down.

A week later

Thomas looked down at the sleeping Jake, Jake trembled in his sleep thomas quickly sat down on the bed he hugged him Jake stopped trembling Thomas cried a bit "I'm so sorry this is all my fault." Thomas said he began to close his eyes he fell asleep.