It was the second day of school in King Fredrick's College and it was bubblier than the first. The grand hall had streamers hanging and balloons floating. Posters were everywhere and some classes had colorful stickers stuck to their doors. The welcome ball was fast approaching.
And the girls were saying.....
"Oh! This is exciting!"
"I will dance like kilode!"
"I hope Gbolahan asks me to be his date."
"Should I paint my nails pink or purple?"
"I hope my mom will let me go."
"If mine doesn't, I'll just sneak out "
And the guys were saying.....
"Ómó, this party go bad!"
"GB and AY don talk say dem go dance that day."
"GT and Gigi also promised to sneak in know na."
"Sure na bros. Those twins ehn, dem no dey fail."
"Na dem be de badoos for dis school.
"Ómó I go straff dat babe ehn!"
"Sha no press am finish o."
"Remain space for us."
"Sure tinz na guys."
I HATE the welcome ball! It's the one social event that happens in school that I dread. Ever since I got admitted into KFC, I have NEVER gone to that stupid dance, and I don't plan on going this year.
As I sat at my desk, reading for the day's Civic Education class, two girls walked in. One was tall, dark skinned and slim with small black eyes wearing a gold hijab and an ankle length long sleeved yellow Ankara dress with black slip-ons. The other was of average height, fair skinned, curvy with auburn coloured hair and eyes that shifted from dark green to brown and back. She wore a black leather top, a pair of red leather shorts and black leather boots. Everyone stares at them as they stood by the door. I could hear the whispers already.
"New students."
"God, they're fine o."
"See her hair. I'm sure she dyed it."
"Who do you think they are?"
This school is sooo talented at gossiping. The dark one looked at her long natural nails. A shy glint in her eyes and a ghost of a smile on her lips. The fair one scowled at anyone she caught looking their way. Suddenly, I heard a squeal from behind them. The two girls made way to reveal a jumping squealing Tishe who squeezed them tightly. They smiled broadly and hugged her back. Tishe pulled them into the class, chattering away happily.
"It's so great to have you guys here! I'm just glad that Uncle Dennis and Uncle Azeez were able to come to an agreement."
The fair girl shrugged, and leaned on my desk.
"Eh, they always fight."
"But they always settle." the dark on chipped in. I studied the two new girls. The fair girl seemed like the typical bad girl. Multiple ear piercings, a tattoo of a viper with its mouth open showing its long sharp fangs on her neck, smoky gothic make up, silver rings in her hair and very dark red lipstick. Lipstick or any type of make up at all, was strictly prohibited in our school. But usually some certain 'students' are always able to get away with it. She could probably be one of them. She had this confident aura and a mischievous twinkle in her duo coloured eyes. The dark one looked like the typical good muslim girl. Long hijab, long dress, flat shoes, the submissive look. But when I took a closer look at her face, I realized that what I thought was a shyness the first time I saw her, was in fact curiosity. She was subtly gazing at every face and her ears twitched as she listened to every voice in the room. She was studying them. Studying us. Like an explorer in the midst of a rare species of animals, trying to take in his environment and know what he's up against. To be honest, I liked her. She was observant. Paying attention to every little detail. Being careful. Testing the waters. I heard shouting from the door and groaned as Diana and her group walked in. Tishe waved at them and Diana, reluctantly, waved back.
"Gbolahan!" Tishe squealed. Gbolahan walked towards her with his arms outstretched and a smirk on his lips.
"Baby girl. How far?"
She giggled as they hugged.
"I'm fine. Remember those my cousins I told you about?" He nodded. "That's Gazelle Taiwo." She said pointing to the dark one. "And that's Caitlyn Blossom."
She said, letting go of Gbolahan and looping an arm around a scowling Caitlyn. Gbolahan put on a charming smile and shook their hands.
"Gbolahan Giwa is the name. Nice to meet you two."
Caitlyn scoffed, pulling her hand away while Gazelle smiled.
"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Gbolahan." She said, her British accent ringing clear. Something about her voice reminded me of someone. I just couldn't remember who.
The rest of the group greeted Tishe's cousins, Diana being rude as always but fortunately, Caitlyn had a great come back.
"Sorry, I don't shake hands with people like ya."
"Wow, I didn't know being rude was a part of your great home training. Your parents did such a crappily awesome job raising you."
The whole class 'oooohhhed' and I bit my lip to stifle my laugh. Diana glared at her.
"I really ain't gon blame ya. Being' poor does bad things to ya brain cells."
Caitlyn rolled her eyes as another round of 'oohhhs' rang through.
"If you actually had eyes, you would realize that the outfit I'm wearing is an original Dolce and Gabana, not like the cheap Igbo made Balenciaga purse you're holding. News flash, lemon is solo not your color. The bag doesn't even read Balenciaga, it reads Balenviaga. Talk about fake. Like the rest of you."
People burst out laughing and I couldn't help but chuckle. It was the first time someone had had the guts to insult Diana and I was going to relish in it.
"Why are you laughing?" Diana asked, glaring menacingly at me. I stopped laughing, the whole class did and everyone was whispering again.
Great, what I needed right now. More drama.
"Don't I have the right to laugh anymore, Diana?" I asked, with more fear than confidence. Diana couldn't throw a punch to save her life, but her words were like daggers. Diana slammed a hand on my desk, catching me by surprise and making me jump. She smirked evilly at me.
"Ya know, Jeff." She began, "There are a lot of people I can tolerate. A lot. But not ya. Ya, are nothin' but a piece of dip fatherless s*** that don't deserve to breathe the same air as a homeless person not to talk of me."
I blinked. Of all of the hurtful things that Diana had ever said to me, that was the worst. She just had to touch the subject of my dad's death. Like it gave her joy that he was dead.
"I'm real sure ya 'dad' would be glad that he ain't here to suffer the disgrace of being a father to ya. I mean, who wants a nobody for a kid. I'm certain ya mom is just itchin' to get rid of ya and live her life without havin' a burden like ya on her shoulders. And let's not even talk about ya brother. Oh! I'm sure he don't even want to be in the same room as ya. Ya're a disgrace, and ya tryin' to be all so smart and high and mighty here, ain't gon make ya any better."
The tears threatened to fall as I stared at my polished shoes. Everything she said wasn't true. Mom was proud of me. Lee was proud of me. They loved me. Dad was proud of me. I knew that. Yet her words stung and a large part of me actually believed everything she said.
"You're despicable."
I know.
"You are a horrible person."
It's true!
"I've never met anyone as horrid and as disgusting as you, Daniels."
I...wait. What?!
My head snapped up and I found Caitlyn glaring down, yes, down! , at Diana Daniels. Diana looked like she was going to wet herself but quickly regained her confident posture.
"Excuse me?"
"How do you sleep at night? How could you just look a human being in the eye and degrade them right in front of everyone ! He has rights too, you know! He's not some piece of trash that you can just kick around. What you just did was a horrible display of animalistic behavior and it seems your brain needs to be taken to the NCDC to be scamned for any virus that might be harboring in there cos that's the only reason someone would ever say that to another person. Can you even imagine? I swear to God, there is no difference between you and that dustbin full of rubbish cos that's exactly what you're like! All you spit out is trash and let me tell you something, karma is a female dog(not what she really said, but you know..) and she will sure as hell give you what you deserve. You're gonna get what you give right back to you. Let's see how you'll like it."
The whole class was quiet. They were horrified. Diana was stunned. I was dumbstruck!
"Bullying someone because you are jealous is a terrible way to try to attract attention, miss Daniels." Gazelle said in such a serious voice. Her face was completely void of emotion but I didn't miss the fire in her eyes. Diana opened her mouth to speak but Gazelle silenced her.
"If you feel threatened by his intelligence, then maybe you should try your best to become better than him."
Diana scowled.
"I don't need ya and ya lil freak show here tellin' me what to do. And I am better than that donkey(still not her exact words) o'er there."
Gazelle smiled, humorlessly.
"Studies show that most people who bully others do it because they feel threatened by what the person has that they do not, or what the person can do that they can not."
"Well, she is almost practically failing every class. Even though everyone else around her is waaayyy above average."
I stared at the person who spoke, my mouth open. Diana glared at her.
"I ain't failin', Tishe."
Tishe rolles her eyes.
"Want me to say your grade percentage in front of the whole class?" She asked flatly. Diana looked mortified. Gbolahan spoke up.
"Tishe, Diana, it's enough."
Tishe glared at him and was about to speak but Gazelle stopped her.
"She has been put in her place. For now."
Tishe closed her mouth and scowled at the ceiling. Poor ceiling. Diana screamed angrily and stomped out of the class just as the bell for the morning assembly rang. The rest of her posse followed her, ahoouting daggera at Tishe and her cousins with their eyes. The rest of the class left and someone actually had the guts to stuff a biscuit wrapper into my shirt. I groaned and Caitlyn shot the guy a dirty look. He cringed and scampered away. I caught Tife Bamgbose and Annabella Okoye smiling at me. Tife nodded in approval and Anna gave me a thumbs up before they walked out of the class. I stared at their moving figures, trying to figure out I was in an alternate universe or I had hit my head on my way to school and was having a weird dream when my actual body was lying in a pool of its own blood in an alley way suffering from state of coma. I exhaled as I saw an outstretched hand in front of me. I looked up to see a grinning Tishe.
"Sorry for the scene, Jefferson."
I cringed.
"It's just Jeff. Only my mom calls me Jefferson." I said, smiling a little and taking her hand, shaking it. She smiled back and pulled me up out of my seat.
"Oh! These are my cousins. Gazelle Taiwo and Caitlyn Blossom." Caitlyn looked like she was about to slit my throat. I gulped and she smirked.
"I won't bite." she scoffed, "Much."
Tishe smacked her arm, playfully.
"Kitty! Don't do that! Sorry about her. She's...way too intimidating for her own good."
I tried to look confident, even though Caitlyn's scrutinizing look scared the heck outta me.
"Well, he doesn't look scared now."
I glared at her.
"I was never scared of you, Caitlyn."
"I'd rather you call me Kitty. It's short and cute. Two things I'm not. Makes a good cover." Caitlyn said, walking out of the classroom to the assembly ground. Tishe gave me an apology look and ran after Caitlyn. I rolled my eyes walking out. Gazelle followed at the sane pace as mine.
"I am sorry about my cousins. They can be...irritating. A lot." Gazelle said chuckling. She had that curious look in her eyes again.
"Tishe, I am used to. Well, we've never really talked. But she makes herself very noticeable. I mean, she one of the most popular girls in school."
Gazelle raised a quizzical brow.
"Uh, yeah. I mean, she's friends with Diana and co."
She smiled. A thoughtful look on her face. The assembly ground was not as packed yet. We needed to get there before the second bell or we would be punished. I picked up the pace and she matched it perfectly.
"They are wonderful, my cousins. But, I worry that both cannot control their extrovertism."she said as we spotted the line for Year Twelve. Tishe waved at her from the girl's line and Gazelle turned to me.
"I must be going now. Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Jefferson."
She smiled and walked away.
"I said no, Tishe!" I whispered harshly.
"Oh come on."
"Oluwatishe Adeleye-Michael."
"Jefferson Adelanwa." she responded giggling and I rolled my eyes. We were in Biology class and we were given a project to carry out a survey on how many organs were on a rock. Tishe was made my partner since nobody else would sit beside me and it was torture.
"Tishe, the period would soon be over and we haven't gotten half way through this project." I whined but she only waved it off.
"The most we can get is a 'C'."
"A 'C'!"
"I'm joking."
I groaned and she giggled.
"Mr Bamgbose and Miss Okoye. Mr Adelanwa and Miss Michael. Stand up."
I groaned as I stood and our Biology teacher glared at the four of us.
"I am pretty sure your rock can't talk. Neither can your microscope, pens or books." he said. The whole class was staring at us. Oh God no! This couldn't be happening! Seriously? After my victory against Diana...okay not exactly my victory, I just had to get in trouble with the same person who saved me.
"We're sorry sir. Jeff was just explaining some things to me about this project."
He glared at her then at Annabella who smiled sweetly at him.
"Why, Mr Adebiyi, is that a new suit? It looks so nice on you." she said, twirling her hair, seductively. Mr Adebiyi tinged at her gesture and cleared his throat.
"It's, uhm, a limited edition."
Tishe gasped.
"Oh and it fits you perfectly!"
"You could be a model, sir!"
"Yes! You look even hotter than those models on GQ."
"Channing Tatum is nothing compared to you!"
I noticed Tishe flinch and I tried not to laugh. Mr Adebiyi's face was as red as a chili pepper. He adjusted his suit and grinned.
"Uhm, well, I appreciate the compliments miss Okoye and miss Michael. You and your partners can sit down. But no more side talks."
Anna and Tishe smiled sweetly at him before taking their seats. Tife and I exchanged dumbstruck expressions before sitting. I stared at To she in total disbelief and she just winked at me.
"So, back to the ball."
"I'm still not going."
"Cos nobody wants the socially awkward nerd at the greatest dance of the year." I said looking into tge microscope. Tishe groaned and glared at me, pouting. I simply rolled my eyes and continued with our project.