I looked around, a bit confused as to where I was at. It did not look like the normal den that I slept in, and my memory seemed ever so foggy at the moment. I looked around, trying to spot some familiar sights, as I saw the little corner that Limp hid all of her herbs in.
I then realized where I was at, as I noticed that both Limp, and Youngtail were both staring at me, waiting for me to turn my attention over to the both of them. It took me just a few more seconds to realize what was going on, as I then squinted my eyes at them.
I was trying to remember how I had got to this place in the first place, as it was hard for me to think about a single thing at the moment. I then remembered it at the exact same time however, as I remember collapsing on the floor directly in front of Limp.
I tried to remember why I had collapsed, as just as I thought about it, the pain that was all over my body then began to hit me at the same time, as I then began to freak out all of the sudden. Youngtail went up to me, trying to sooth me, and get me to calm down.
It is weird to think about it like that, because I would have never thought that Youngtail would be a cat that would calm me down, but it seemed as though he knew a lot more things than he was willing to admit to as well.
I wondered if he had kits at some point, I had never thought about asking him, but he did seem to be fond of kits now that I thought of it. I shook my head at the same time as, I heard that Limp had begun to speak to me, and I turned my face over to her, to hear what it was that she had to say to me.
"I am sorry to wake you up Moon, but you have been asleep for over a day now. The sun is about to be lifted, and Youngtail felt like there was something that he needed to tell the both of us." She said to me. I looked at her, and then nodded, still a bit confused as to how I had gotten here in the first place.
I then looked over to Youngtail, to hear what it was that he had to say to the both of us, as I did not dare move my body up, because I knew that it would only cause more pain. He stared at me for quite some time, and then he nodded to me.
He knew that I felt like I still had some questions that I needed to ask, it was clear to me, and he wanted me to go ahead and speak them before he began to tell us what it was that he had to say to the both of us. I nodded to him, as I then turned my head over to Limp, to begin to speak to her.
"Limp... How did I get here? What happened, am I going to be paralyzed?" I asked her. She looked at me for a few moments, and then she began to look across my body for a few more moments, as if she was not sure how to answer that question.
After a bit longer, she then locked her eyes with mine, as she then rolled those same eyes at me at the exact same time. I was still a bit confused, because I was so out of it, as I had just woken up from apparently a long time of sleep, that I tilted my head at her, letting her know that I was in fact confused.
She looked at me, and then she shook her head, before letting out a bit of loud snort at the same time at me. She looked a bit embarrassed that she had done that so loud as well, as she then began to speak to me, trying not to worry about it, because she was with friends that would not judge.
"Moon... You can still move around just fine cant you? You fractured a few bones that I put back into place, and you broke a few ribs, and also had a big hit to the head... But luckily you are fine, though you might suffer from memory loss clearly." She said to me at, as I then nodded to myself, calming myself as well.
It made me feel just a bit better for her to say that to me, as I in fact had been very worried about all that had happened. I then remembered what had happened at the same time as well, as I vaguely remembered catching some mice and then having the ceiling of a house fall on me.
I wondered what the odds were that it would have happened to me, at that exact time, while I was trying to get back to camp with some clearly beaten up cats with me. Maybe they were quite high knowing the fact that I had made a bunch of mice run through those walls so quickly.
I shook my head, trying not to worry about all of that either. I was lucky to be alive, and more importantly, the cats that we had found were safe back at the camp as well. Who knows, one of those kits could some day be the next leader of Windclan...
Hell, Owl could very well have been the new leader of Windclan if the rocks that had landed on me had landed in any other sort of way. I was not worried about Owl taking over as leader of my clan though, as I trusted him with my own life... He had come to save mine, and everyone else had wanted to give up on me.
There was a cat that I was worried about being a leader of a clan however, and that was the deputy of Shadowclan. He was quite a bit of a younger cat as well, and if their leader were to just so happen to mysteriously die, than he would take over as leader.
I was quite sure that he was the one that had planned the attack on Skyclan as well, and that was not a good way to make friends for sure. I would have to bring that up at the upcoming gathering, which was at any day now... Surely right? How long had I been asleep for?
I shook my head at the same time though, as I realized at the same instance, that I was getting myself lost in thought, and there were 2 other cats that were in front of me, trying to get me to pay attention to them. I looked up at them, and then nodded to the both of them.
I tried to remember what it was that we had just been talking about just a few seconds ago in the first place. It was hard for me to think about, but I did remember one thing that Limp had just said to me, as it seemed as though it was the only thing that stuck into my head.
She had said that I had taken a rough hit to the head... I was suffering from some bad memory loss, that was one thing that I could say for a fact at the exact moment. Was this going to be permanent? I sure hoped not, how was I ever going to be leader of Windclan if I could not remember anything?
I then noticed that both of the cats were looking at me, as they saw that I had quite a scared look on my face at the same time as well, and I waited for Youngtail to go on ahead and say something about it to me, as it was not a good look to have as a leader clearly.
I was lucky that I was around 2 friends as well, because if I did this in front of another clan, it would not be a good look for me, and it would for sure make me look as though I was a weak leader. I looked at the ground a bit embarrassed and trying to hide the look on my face as well.
After a few more moments, I then heard the voice of Youngtail, as he had finally decided to step up and speak to me. I lifted my head up, still a bit embarrassed, as I waited for him to go on ahead and attack me with what it was that he had to say.
"Moon... Try to move around, I promise that you are not paralyzed... I need to tell you this before all of the other cats in the clan wake up." He said to me. I looked at him for a few moments, with just a blank look on my face, as I had no idea what it was that he was talking about.
I had not been worried about being paralyzed, I knew that I had not been, as I was moving my legs around perfectly fine. I listened to what it was that he had said to me anyways, as I remembered that Limp had told me that he had something to tell the both of us.
I knew that it had to be something important as well, if he did not want other cats to hear him speak. Before I lifted my legs up though, I spotted a cat in the far corner of the den, and I realized it to be the tom cat that we had brought in a few days ago, Steve.
I looked at him for a few moments, remembering that Youngtail had said that he did not want any other cats to hear it, and I was about to say something back to him, until I realized that the cat was asleep, and that there was nothing that needed to be worried about.
I then remembered that I was in fact wasting a fair amount of time as well, as I then nodded to him, and then I tried to lift my legs up from off of the ground. For a few moments, it felt like it was doing no luck for me, and I began to get a bit worried that I in fact might be paralyzed.
Then my legs began to lift themselves up, as they felt so weak, and it hurt me a lot to even try to do so. Eventually though, I managed to get myself up from off of the ground, and then I looked at the both of them with a bit of a smile on my face.
They smiled back at me, happy to see that I was okay, just as I was. Things were going to end up being alright for me. I began to relax myself, and calm myself down at the same time, as I then looked over at Limp, as she then began to speak to me. I listened to what it was that she had to say.
"Well, we are glad that you are alright, as it could have been a lot worse for you. I just want to make sure that you are mentally okay right now... Youngtail has something very important to say, and we need to make sure that you are not out of it." She said to me at the exact same time. I looked at her a bit lost for a few moments.
I realized that it for sure was not a very good first look for me, as I looked at the ground a bit embarrassed as a leader at the same time again. I then lifted my head up though as well, as I knew that I needed to look strong as a leader as well.
I saw that both of the cats were a bit worried for me. I knew that they were not so sure if I was ready, but I knew that I was now, I just had to shake off those early jitters from being asleep, and being in a lot of pain for quite some time as well.
I looked at the both of them for just a few moments, as I then nodded to the both of them as well one at a time, as I knew I needed to make sure that they knew for a fact that I was okay, and that I was ready to hear what it was that he had to say, as I began to speak to the both of them.
"I am alright, its just a bit woozy for me, but you go ahead and tell me what it is, I cant sit here in this den for any longer, I need to get up and lead my clan... We have the ceremony soon I believe as well..." I said to the both of them, as I looked at them looking for confirmation, as I was not sure if I had in fact remembered correctly.
Youngtail then nodded for me, a bit happy to see that I had at least remembered that, and I saw Limp nod to me from the corner of my eye as well. My attention was on Youngtail though, as he was the one that had come to the both of us and called this meeting in the first place.
Now that he knew that I was ready as well, he then looked over at Limp, just to make sure that she was ready too, as I realized that she must have had quite a rough last couple of days too. She then nodded back to him, and he then turned his head over to me, as he began to speak.
"Yes... In fact we have the meeting tonight... But that is for a bit later, I will tell you about that later today. I first must tell you, that Starclan came to me, and they gave me a prophecy... I am not sure if I need to tell the other clan leaders about it or not." He said to the both of us. I looked at him for a few moments, and then based off of the look on his face that he had, I then began to get a bit worried.
I saw that Limp noticed the look that he had as well, and I gulped a bit. I still needed to get better from the hit that I had just endured, I did not want to have a bad prophecy so soon. I closed my eyes, as I remembered the attack that Shadowclan had done on Skyclan... Was this the beginning of a war?
I tried to shake it off, and try not to worry about it too much, but it was stuck in my head, and I could not take it out of it. I had to hear the prophecy, if it sounded like it might be about that, than I must at least try to warn the leaders of the clans.
I opened my eyes, as I got it out of my head, as I knew there was going to be plenty of it once I heard the confusing prophecy as they normally were. It was better not to make assumptions, and it was better to have an open mind on what it was that had to be said.
For all I know, I was misjudging Dust, and he was not an evil cat at all, he just did not have very good intent, and did not make very good choices as a deputy should for his clan. I looked over at Limp, as I shook off those thoughts, and listened to what it was that she had to say however.
"If it seems like it is important to the other clans, than I think we should, you go ahead and tell us what was said, and we will think hard on it..." She said to him. I looked at her, and then nodded, as she had said exactly what was needed to be said too.
I then looked over at Youngtail, as all of the attention in the room was now on him. He looked at us for a few moments, but he did not seem to get nervous, nor phased at the fact that the spotlight was on him. I had to remember sometimes that he was once the leader of Windclan.
He then nodded to the both of us, as me and Limp then got in a comfortable sitting position, to hear what it was that he had to say to us. It was a bit uncomfortable to me however, as my body still was not how it should be, but I was not worried about that, as I listened to Youngtail, as he finally began to speak.
"It goes as this, In the minty air, there will be terror, near the ice, there will be a fright, but the future is bright, there is light, always care, for after lives will be mirrored!" He said to us. I looked at him for just a few moments, as it was a lot to take in all at once.
I tried to think of what it might mean, but not a word could come into my mind at the exact moment. I was not sure if that were because of the fact that I had been hurt on the head, or if that was just because what was said was so confusing.
I was tempted to ask if he had maybe messed up on some of the words, because it seemed to make hardly any sense to me. I knew that he had not though, as I knew that normally when Starclan did tell us a prophecy, it seemed as though they always liked to make it as confusing as possible.
I looked up at the other 2, as it was clear that Limp was just as confused as I was, and she was thinking through it just like me, as she was not sure what any of it meant. It seemed as though Youngtail was the one that was the most calm out of all of us.
It was a bit weird, because normally you would think the cat that had been told the prophecy would be the most stressed out, out of all of us. Maybe he had already done his fair share of thinking on it. I was not sure when he had been given the prophecy, and I had been out for a few days.
I closed my eyes for just a few seconds, as I tried my best to think about what any of it might mean, but it kind of hurt my head to even try to do so in the first place, and I had to guess that it had to be due to the hit to the head that I had endured just the other day.
I opened my eyes, as I then looked at the both of them, waiting to see who was going to be the first one to step up and speak. Youngtail did not look as though he had a single word to add on to any of this. Limp did however, as she began to speak, and I looked over at her to hear what it was that she had to say as well.
"Do you know what any of that might mean? I think me and Moon are a bit at a loss for words at the moment, if I am going be perfectly honest." She said to him. He looked sat there for a few moments, as though he had not just heard her speak to him.
After a few more seconds though, his ears fluttered a bit, and he then turned his head to her at the same time. He sat there for just a few seconds, as he then squinted his eyes at her. I was not sure if it was maybe because he thought that she was being dumb, and that she was not getting the point, or if it was because he was not sure himself either.
After a few more moments however, he then looked to the ground, making it seem as though my 2nd assumption had been the one that had been in fact correct. I looked at him, as he finally then lifted his head up at the both of us, and he then nodded as he then began to speak as well.
"I am not too sure, but if I had to assume, this is not a bad prophecy... Though the part about terror sounds a bit scary, I think what is trying to be said, is that all cats need to care for each other, as each of our lives matter. So maybe we do need to tell the other clan leaders about it." He said to the both of us. I looked at him for a few moments, and then I thought about his potential theory.
It seemed to make a fair bit of sense what he was saying, but there was no clue if it was true or not. The prophecies tended to be the complete opposite of what it was that you would be expecting, for all we knew, this could be a completely horrible prophecy for the future of the clans.
I thought about what it was that had just been said for a few moments, and then I looked over at Youngtail. I thought about it, and then I blinked my eyes at him a couple of times. I was sure that maybe it would be better to tell the other clans about it, and I went ahead and decided to tell him that, as he looked at me as I began to speak to him.
"It does not sound like it would harm the other clans, nor our clan if we told them, so I think that we should... Maybe I will call a private meeting after the clans meet... When did you say it was?" I asked Youngtail. Youngtail looked at me, and then he rolled his eyes at me.
I knew that he had told me, and I did not blame him for being disappointed in me, but for some reason my brain did not want to function properly on me at the moment. I then looked over at him, as he went ahead and nodded to me, as he began to speak.
"For Starclans sake... It is going to be tonight... I think your brain isn't working right, because you are hungry, we have to call a clan meeting tonight, so you get something good to eat..."