5 Yay me!

It's October now and I am excited, I'll be working a part-time job at the restaurant before I went away for college.

School ends in August and I miss my friends. On our graduation day, I hug each one of them tightly not wanting to let them go. We all got accepted in different colleges.

Honestly, I will miss them dearly but I want to go college somewhere I knew no one.

Today is my first day at the restaurant and It's actually fun. The tip is great too.

I am trying not to spend my parent's money as much as possible.

I am already 18 now, old enough to live alone. My younger brother is in 4th grade this year. I will miss my family when I leave home in January but I can't wait to be away.

Pororo call me twice this week she seems happy to be at her university.

Mom and dad try hard to choose a different college but I don't budge.

My college is  5 hours away from home and I want to be out myself for once. Mom and dad have each other, even after 28 years in marriage they still love each other dearly

I love them for that.

It's December now, It's Christmas season and kinda special for me this year. I'll be gone next month and I am so excited. I can't stop smiling or laughing even at small things that's how happy I am this time.

Seeing Mason this summer I am glad. I finally realize I am over him. After the dinner incident, I never see him again partly because I ignore him like a plaque.

Now I'll enjoy college, go to dates and experience college life. I won't punish myself just because my one relationship went wrong. Mason is not worth my time.  Amen.

It's January now and guess what !!!!????





YAY !! MEE!!!

Okay, I expect a drum roll right now but who am I kidding right??

I'm shopping with Ashley now, Yeah my cousin Ashley, she's still in her junior year and she's being a baby right now.

" Ly, why did you have to move out?"

" It's college honey I'll be back during holidays I promise. " I said refusing to have the heart to heart moment in the middle of the mall.

" I'll miss you a lot Ly" Awww My cousin is damn cute.

" YOU Sure Ash? I said knowing she gets mad easily. I watch her shooting daggers at me and put my hands up as to show her I surrender.

" Can you be serious for- for a sec? You've been so excited to leave home It's like I don't mean anything to you," she replies sulking.

Awwwwww. She's being so sweet right now she is  in ' Lyra  I am freaking emotional mood.'

" Awww is Ashley missing Lyra??? " I cooed at her smiling cheekily.

MY GOD! If looks can I'll be buried six feet deep by the way she's glaring at me.


"ASHLEY" I screech in her ears.






My ears bleeding now, Jesus christ she's so so mad right now.

" I am sorry ASH, Of course, I'll miss u a lot, I'll miss you the most Ashley. What's wrong with all those nonsense you ask me. I will freak miss you ALRIGHT? "

Now she's trying so hard not to smile. I'll really miss Luffy and Ashley but we are family and I'll be stuck with them till the end. I'll be gone only for a few years and I don't need to be an emotional wreck when we are in the middle of the mall shopping like a maniac.

" Now girl move your ass we've got shopping to do. "

Ashley holds her hand out and together we walk hand in hand. I am savouring these sweet moments with my cousin because I don't know how long we won't get to do this again.

It's night now and I am laying in my room. I am exhausted with all the shopping and dinner with my relatives, I told Mom and Dad not to make a big fuss about me leaving tomorrow but they are my parents, stubborn like me.

I should love my relatives but I don't feel any love for them because we never live together It doesn't mean I hate them or dislike them though I just feel awkward around them.

I don't have to force myself to love someone I have never live together.

I love only my cousin Ashley and Uncle Chris. Ashley mom is mean and judgmental so I try hard not to be around her.

I wish my sister is here to bid me goodbye she call me when I was having dinner before. My family facetime with her she looks so healthy and a bit chubby, she's so cute I miss her so much now that I am leaving too.

I wonder If she misses us too when she left.

I am eighteen now and my sis is 23, For the eighteen years of my life, I have seen my sister cried only twice.

When my older brother paul aka sparkling fought with her and when dad is in the hospital for surgery.

While I cried for little things, my sis is someone whom I look up to. She is one of the people who understands someone the best. She hardly shows her emotion and talks only when needed while I talk every time.

I love my sis very much but I have never told her that.

9 hours later,

I am making breakfast for my family. I woke up early today my parents would be proud of me.

I walk up to my parent's bedroom and knock








I guess they were worn out preparing everything for my leaving, I waited for them for another half hours.

" Lyra what are you doing? " Mom asked me once she sees me.

"OOOoomppp "

"What do you say?? "

" Oooppmmmmmm"

"Honey are you trying to break your neck"

" I am doing yoga mother  it's the step"



"Oh my God Honey are you okay? "

" Yesss??"

" Good, we're leaving in 20 minutes get ready ."

" Mom, Is Dad coming? "

" Of course Honey. "

" Yess sir "  I mock salute her and went to my room to change my clothes.

5 hours later,

I finally reach my dorm, my Mom and Dad were bringing our suitcase and books. I walk in my room and saw two beds with a closet and one bathroom. It's spacious with white colour and I totally love it. I think I'm gonna love it.

My mom and Dad are leaving soon and I feel like crying.

" Lyra don't forget to call me to understand . "

" Mom, how many times did we have this conversation? " I asked annoyed.

" Listen to your mom Honey, "My dad says to me.

" Okay Okay Mom, Dad I will call you when I wake up, I'll call you when I drink water, when I eat breakfast and when I piss what else?" I am being sarcastic now but Can you blame me I am so exhausted from our flight and I just want to sleep.

" Okay see you soon," Mom says her voice thick with emotion.

HOLY COW MY MOM'S GONNA CRY I don't know how to console a crying Mom, I look at my Dad and beg him with my eyes to help me. I think he gets it because he whispered something in my mom's ears.

My mom clears her throat and hugs me for the umpteenth time today.

I hug my dad too and soon after saying goodbye I am left alone in my dorm.

I watch them driving away till they disappear from my view.

Bye Mom, Dad

I woke up to a knock on the door and sat up groggily, and went to open the door. I am met with a beaming face and red curls.

Not knowing what to do I smile back weakly.

She extends her hand and introduces herself

" Hi "


" You must be Lyra I am Abby and I am your roommate," the girl says smiling warmly.

"Oh Sorry come in ". I open the door wider for her to step in.

" Do you mind if you could help me unpack my boxes?"

" Yeah sure"

Abby is cute a redhead and damn girl, She's got all the curves in right places with 5'7 FEET tall. . I may look like Chucky standing next to her.

Abby is bubbly and I like her already WE talks a lot and we just click. I get to know that she's the only child and her dad pass away when she was 5. Her mom is a surgeon and I guess she loves her mom from the way her face lits up when she talk about her.

It's only 6 hours in my new dorm and I already love it. I love my life right now. I call Ashley and she's with Luffy I miss both of them so much.

Ring; ring; ring; ring;

What the hell! Abby better turns off her alarm right or else I'll smash it.

I don't want to wake up. 'God have mercy.'

It's my first day today, and after showering and putting on my clothes I went to have breakfast.

our campus is so huge and I've been wandering here for 5 whole minutes.

I peer inside my class and I thank my lucky stars there were few students.

I went and sat at the backseat; phew, I hope I make some friends today.

" Hey " a deep smooth voice spoke up.

Wow that voice It's so smooth, It sends chills down my spine; Okay I am being dramatic right now but yeah, that voice did something to my heart.

I look up and gasp'



GOD !!