18 Totally swoon

I am standing alone debating whether to turn around and go back or keep on waiting for Cole. I look at my phone to see the time and It says 9: 50.   I have been waiting for 15 minutes,  yet there is no sign of Cole. I guess It's a bad idea to come out here,  I don't see anyone around and It is starting to creep me out.



" HAHAHA  OH MY GOSH Adrian you should have seen your faces. "

" Why are you such an asshole you don't have to scare me,  you know. "

" Nope, It's worth it. "

" Jerk. "

" So Why are you here? ,  I thought you are on your date? "   Cole asked tapping his foot Impatiently.

"  I'm busy, So "

" Busy huh? "  His eyes focus on my face as if to see I am being honest.  Honestly, how do I answer?  That I don't feel like hanging out with someone, not him or that I am suddenly sick when I am standing in front of him healthy as ever as I can be. I don't have any other answers and  I don't want to inflate his ego. He is cocky as It is and I don't want to witness another cocky attitude.

But his cockiness is one thing I secretly like,  It seems like I like everything about cole,  yayyyy!!!  I am so hopeless when it comes to cole.

" Yeah, I just finish all my assignment,  projects and even study all my books. "

Cole looks at me like he doesn't believe everything I say, If It was me I would not believe myself too,  everybody knows I am a good liar.

" Okay,  but why did you call me out here Lyra" Cole ask me suddenly serious.  Crap! crap c how do I answer to that. I rack my brains for anything to say. Anything but not the truth.

" Geez Cole,  don't you think you need to apologise me,  I mean you call me last night and you were drunk,  you refuse to let me sleep remember? "  Lies lies but please God help me out. I don't want him to remember.  I promise  I will start praying thrice a day. Finally, Cole looks at me guiltily,   he seems to believe what I say.

" Oh yeah about that Lyra,  hmmm did I say anything stupid "

So he doesn't remember, Yesss!!!! Well, I can have fun with this. I smile inwardly already forming a plan in my head.

"  Yeah, you said we'll meet here every night and you'll give me a piggy ride. Now chop let's go "

His eyes widen and he looks stunned,  but he does something unbelievable,   he crouched down on the ground and motion for me to hop on. I totally swoon and my face breaks out a big grin. I may look like a Cheshire cat but I don't care,  besides who would pass the opportunity to be in cole's back ??  Definitely not me.

I hop on to his broad back and damn he smell nice and so warm.

" What did you eat Lyra,  for your small body you sure do weigh heavy? "

I smack his head and wrap my hands around his neck.  "  Shut up."

I can get used to this,  I am the happiest person alive, do you hear me?

It feels so natural to be with Cole and I hope I never lose him.

" Lyra "

" Yeah?"

" Don't fall asleep, I'll drop you," he says trying to sound stern but failing miserably.

" No no don't. " I wrap my legs around his waist and hands tighter around his neck.

" Damn you are chocking me? "

" Don't talk too much. "

" Lyra did I say anything last night?"

I think back to what he told me last night and I remember him telling me not to hate him, but I guess that's just his drunken self talking nonsense. So I just shake my head and I realise he couldn't see him so I reply " No, only that you'll give me a piggy ride. "

" Where do you want to go? "

" Just walk, let's go somewhere quiet"

" Ayy Ayy captain "  I chuckle at that , I look over to see where we are headed but I don't see properly because Cole's headcovers almost everything. 

" Lyra who do love more?  Your mom or your dad? " He asks me suddenly.

" Uhh, I don't know I love them equally,  You??"

" My mom "

" Why"

" Just,  after my mom and dad divorce I live with my dad and I haven't got to live with her much and miss her. "

" Ummmhmm " I encourage him to continue,  this is the first time he tells me about his parents and I don't plan to interrupt him.

" My dad and I are close too but I just resent him for divorcing my mom. I can't get over the fact that he can easily divorce my mom when my mom is crying her heart out. I don't know why he would leave my mom but as a kid, I need a mom. It's okay now but I kept thinking I could be a better person If I have both my parents by my side." I Listen intently and my hearts break for him.

" Cole you are a good person,  don't doubt yourself, moreover you still have time to live with your mom again and don't resent your dad too much. "

" Lyra you don't know me well and I am far from good."

" I don't think that's true Cole,  if you are not a good person why would you be here with me giving piggy ride or why would you love Grey with all your heart and you respect your sister so much. If that is  not  being good I don't know what is ."

" I don't mean it like that Lyra and. " I didn't let him finish because I cover his mouth with my hands.

" Listen, Cole, whether you are good or bad It's still you, you are still Cole Anderson and don't change yourself for others. You don't need people judging you, and I am proud of you. There are lots of people who are and don't sweat over It. Got it? "

" Wow, I never see that coming, you talk like my councillor. "

" Shut up before I pinch your abs?"

" My six-pack? " He may be smirking right now,  too bad I can't see him.

"  Don't get cocky,  You don't have packs,  you've got bones only. "

" Wanna check out? "

" Perv " I muttered and tickle his neck and he wiggles,  "Stop stop," he says chuckling a bit.  I stop tickling his neck and we were silent for a while,  but being the talkative person I keep on talking,  we argue over simple things and I am still on his back,  he may be tired but he doesn't say anything. I can't wish for another thing right now,  I am beside someone who I really really cares about.

Mr Cole gorgeous Anderson. I have yet to find out his middle name but I'll stick to gorgeous for now.