23 Murder Rachel?

" Abby up up "

" Go away,  I have classes in the morning"

" Then I guess you don't want to hear about my boyfriend ". I said. Now I get her attention, she sat up groggily and yawn like my cat.

" Abby guess what?"

" You get another free meal? ?"

" Nope"

" Uhhh- You finally murder Rachel? ". geez what wrong with her questions? ?  I may have mentioned once or thrice about murdering Rachel,  or is it multiple times ??.

" No, guess harder"

" If you wake me up to play guess what!!?  , Lyra you are welcome to leave me alone and go sleep your ass off or else I won't leave you alone, we don't wanna repeat what I did when you get on my bad side. " She says.