28 Spare the girl

" Lyra, please spare the girl "

" Lyra stop being SO  MEAN ."

" How can I ???  I mean Can't she at least wait a month???  . It's only a week and here she is flirting with Cole.  "

" she's not flirting.  You're just jealous admit it"  I roll my eyes at that.  It's only a week Cole and I broke off and here,  Rachel is back to being friendly with Cole. Right now Cole is sitting with Rachel and laughing,  talking,  giggling. I have been digging my food and glaring at the side of their head but Cole never once looks my way.

So much for ' Lyra, I love you'. I wish I could smack his gorgeous face,  he's been avoiding me a lot. He talks with Abby and Lee but he totally ignores me,  I sometimes think I have some disease by the way he heads towards the opposite direction when he saw me walking his way. It's so frustrating and  I can't take it anymore if he keeps on doing this.