30 I need you here

I walk aimlessly around the street when I heard my name being called" Is that you Lyra??"

I look over to see Elliot grinning like a kid on Christmas day, Well it's kinda  Christmas season.

"Elliot, what are you doing here ?"

" My mom sends me to buy grocery "

Elliot is my friend during high school,  he's the most talented person I have ever met. He's tall and athletic and girls swoon over him. He's among the top students and we are good friends. Although he moves away for college like me I guess he's back for the break. It's a good thing catching up with him,  we exchange numbers and I went my way bidding him goodbye.

I stop by Damon house and I am not surprised he's sleeping.

" Damon " I shout in his ears and he swears at me irritated.

" Jesus Ly when did you come back ??"

"Oh  !!! Drop the act I know you miss your pal ."  I   wiggle my brows at him playfully.

" I'm sorry to say this but Ly I don't miss you"

" Whatever, come on let's hang out"

" Where??"