49 It's for your good

I stood on the sidewalk contemplating to walk in or just go my way, I haven't talked with Cole since morning because he is already gone for his meetings by the time I woke up. We were supposed to stay in Boston for a week but I would be flying back tomorrow if Cole agrees.

I have my work and Sophia had a hard time giving me one week leave. Reminds I need to call her later.

Huffing I stomp towards the house almost breaking my leg, I forgot about the heels for a moment.

"Lyra where have you been?" Cole mom asks the moment she hears my footsteps entering. I almost jump at her voice, it reminds me of the horror movie when the ghost sat in the sofa waiting to scare the people off.

"I just went to the airport Diana," I said ignoring her glares, her eyes narrowed to slits at my response.

"Why would you go there? Are you going back?" she asks her lips curling up.