57 why do you leave me?

The sound of the rain enters my ear, the wind blowing making me shivered. My clothes and hair are all soaked from the rain, I don't know how long I stood there but I don't feel like going back home. This place where my son lies seems like it is the only place that keeps me safe. The sky is pitch black with only the sound of the insects and the rain dripping continuously. I needed to go back before Cole realizes I am gone but my feet stay rooted in its place.

"Ty I miss you " I whispered in the air, all I could hear was silence.

"Momma is so sorry baby " I sob crouching down the ground. Tyler Joel Anderson I read out tracing his name in the gravestone.

How can my life be so cruel? I lost my brother six years ago and now I lost my unborn child.

"Paul please take care of my son " I continue sobbing not caring about the rain nor the how late the night is.