61 Wishful love

Cole stared at the two of us waiting for the other to speak first but we kept our mouth shut. I know he's trying so hard to control his temper by the way he kept on groaning and pulling his hair. Leo suddenly becoming mute, nobody would have believed he's the one who gossips about his mother-in-law just thirty minutes ago.

"Are you guys best friend or something? This is the eight-time I found the two of you either meeting up or talking on the phone" he says getting frustrated. He is right though, we've been talking secretly in the phone for the past month but most of our conversation is mainly about our awesome mother-in-law. Although Cole might be mad at his mother that doesn't mean he'll be okay if he hears us talking his mother.

"We were talking about Grey, Cole, what else will we be talking about?" I asked getting a little annoyed at his word. Lately, we've been on edge, A single word leads us to argue and we would be ignoring the other for the rest of the day.