64 Can Cole be my husband?

"There's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you

Have I known you for  20 seconds or 20 years?

Can I go where you go?

Can we always be this close forever?


The courtyard of my home is covered with a thick layer of snow, little peach took hold of my left hand and drag me towards the snowman she built, the two of us has become pretty close considering we are lonely ladies. Mason used to drop her in my home and we would spend our day together most of the time.

" Aunt snowman" she pointed towards the snowman she built.

"Did you build Snowman?" I asked just to keep our conversation going.

"Yes, dad says mom will come back if I  know how to build a snowman. Aunt Lyla, will my mom come back?" She asked peering up at me with hopeful eyes. My heart squeezed when she looks at me with those innocent brown huge eyes.

I crouch down her level and cups her cheek in a loving way.