76 Wedding bells

"Don't be scared, sis" squeezing her hand I gave her a warm smile and took photos of us together. One hour and my older sister will finally be married to the love of her life. 

"Ly, do you think I'll be okay?" She says with tears brimming the corner of her eyes, I wish she could see the beautiful part of being in a commitment with the love of our life. 

"Sis, you'll be great! Don't you see how Jack stares at you?" 

"Like how? What if he falls out of love one day?" I wanted to smack her head for thinking all those things, although it is right of her to think almost about everything, I couldn't see the future, unfortunately. 

"Pororo! Stop thinking that, you are to be married in an hour!" 

Her lips tremble in fear, I wanted to slap myself for being so harsh.