86 Jealousy

The walls are bland with no shades of lively colour as I stare a little longer, Cole and I didn't get to meet partly because I stayed in my office till late at night with Maize asleep in the couch. Ashley spent the night in my place refusing to tell me why She met with Cole when in fact I haven't met him nor talk with him for two complete months. 

"Sofia Do you know Alexander? The guy I work with?" She peers her head up from my computer. 

"Yeah, the guy with that hot body?" I almost gagged at her word. I never look at Alexander that way and hearing her say that he is hot is weird. Besides, he like the male species. 

"Well, he invited me for his birthday and I don't have a partner" I gave her my puppy face hoping she will say agree to it. 

"When is it?" 

"This week Friday" she nods her head checking on her computer. 

"I am free" I almost lunge at her if not for the computer and table blocking us.