89 Sexy time

Cole paced back and forth in the living room grumbling and muttering curses by himself, while all I could do is fidget with my fingers cursing myself over again and again for having such a big mouth. Cole doesn't even tell me how he and Anthony know each other, I guess I deserve that. Also, the reason why Anthony blurted out about my pregnancy is that I forgot to mention about my 'asshole husband' not knowing about my pregnancy, so he just assumed Cole knew about the baby. I wanted to punch the living daylight out of Anthony when he was begging me to forgive him. 

"Urgh, Lyra I want to strangle you right now!" 

I stood up from the couch and stood one foot away from him. He stops pacing and turns to glare at him. I pushed my head towards him, he stumbled and held my head in his chest. 

"What the fuck are you doing?" 

Isn't he sweet?