New Gear and Information

After a couple of minutes, Mingyue Li came back with the long sword in a black scabbard and with a strap that can perfectly fit over Yuan Tai's body. It even has a fitting strap that can change it's size to accommodate his size, should he grow taller, wider, or bigger by any chance.

"It's done," smiled Minyue Li as she placed the long sword on the counter.

"It's a very well made sword," commented Yuan Tai as he held up the sword in the scabbard. He weighed it a bit and nodded happily. "It has a very nice weight too. A good and heavy sword."

"Glad to hear you are satisfied with one of my best products. This Black Steel Sword will let you inflict wounds on level 8 monsters and below. So be careful with it, it's very sharp for those under than level and they can easily get the Bleeding Effect," warned Mingyue Li.

She is immune to the weapons she creates and knows her weapons better than she knows herself. The Black Steel Sword is one of the finest swords she has ever made. When she got its information when she finished creating it, she was astonished by its very sharp edges.

"Wow, so I might harm myself with this? I can see why you wanted someone who's familiar with swords now," admired Yuan Tai as he ran his hand along the scabbard of the sword.

"Wouldn't want it any other way," smiled Mingyue Li.

Yuan Tai nodded and turned to look at her with a satisfied face.

"I look forward to a great partnership," Yuan Tai outstretched his hand for a handshake, but Mingyue Li only looked at him with a dumbfounded look.

"Wow," Mingyue Li said as she looked at Yuan Tai's clothes. "I was so focused and attracted to your skills that I had overlooked the state you were in.

Now that I take a closer look, it looks like you were living in the forest for months!"

"Wow, it's like you're looking at me with a microscope," teased Yuan Tai as he motioned at his clothes that were ripped all over and filled with mud. Even his face was dirty and his hair had dirt in it.

Even Bing'er, the little fox, is dirty.

"I can't have you looking like this while you are my materials collector. If you end up doing very well, I will be your sponsor. That way, the items I create get some recognition." Mingyue Li curled her hair with her finger for a bit before opening the door that leads to behind the counter, gesturing to Yuan Tai to enter.

"I will let you borrow the bath in my store. I will have some clothes prepared for you when you come out. I made them myself, but don't worry, they are all of a good quality and very well made. I'm very good at this since I was born into my dad's needy family," chuckled Mingyue Li.

"I don't have to pay for the clothes right?" asked Yuan Tai seriously.

"No, you will be the person that will gather materials for me. Let's just say that I will deduct it from your pay," teased Mingyue Li as she pushed up her breasts with her arms.

"I was just kidding, ehehe.." nervously chuckled Yuan Tai as he backed up.

After he thanked Mingyue Li and was led to the bathroom before being passed two towels, Yuan Tai entered the bath. With one big towel for himself and a small one for Bing'er, he looked at the big bath with a calm face.

"Wow," Yuan Tai said as he looked at the interior of the bath.

He smiled and showered with Bing'er.

'I need to grow stronger. Only then can I take back King City and look for my parents' corpses.'

After showering with Bing'er, Yuan Tai dried himself and grabbed the adventurer clothes that Mingyue Li prepared for him. He even found a leather collar for Bing'er as well.

He put the collar on Bing'er and he put on his clothes before walking back to the blacksmithing area, where he saw Mingyue Li smelting some ore.

"Thanks for the clothes," thanked Yuan Tai as he patted down the clothes.

He strapped on the sword to his back and placed the bow over himself. With the adventurer clothes made by Mingyue Li, Yuan Tai had a place to put his dagger.

Mingyue Li even made a small pouch for Bing'er to be placed in.

"You thought of everything," chuckled Yuan Tai as he looked at Bing'er's little fox head pop out of the pouch with happiness.

"It's my job as a blacksmith and a good employer." Mingyue Li thumped her chest and looked at Yuan Tai with a smile.

Mingyue Li's face turned serious and said, "When you become level 1, the status system will activate and give you access to a status screen, inventory, and equipment screen.

The status screen and inventory is very basic and I don't have to explain much about that. The one that is 'difficult' yet simple, is the equipment screen.

With the equipment screen, you can access the equipment you are wearing, weapons, and accessories.

Your armor can be hidden from others, but if someone is 10 levels or more higher than you, they can see what you are wearing.

You should also keep in mind that armors don't hinder movements, unless your stats aren't high enough for the armor then you will only feel suppressed and not be able to move. Unless it is also heavy armor, which hinders some fast movements and certain actions, but that is switched out for higher strength and defense.

Accessories can also be hidden, and no matter what level anyone is, no can see what accessories you have unless you show someone the stats of the accessories.

Weapons can be hidden in a subspace, where if you use your will, you can draw out the weapon at a moment's notice. Only 5 weapons can be kept in this subspace, the rest are in the inventory where you have to manually get them.

Now, what I will tell you is the attributes and what they do.

The Constitution stat will enhance the vitality, also known by the system as HP.

The Strength stat will enhance the power of a person. Strength is needed to wield certain weapons, so keep in mind that you need to add points to that.

Dexterity will increase speed, agility, and hand eye coordination. Which comes to great help to those with an archery, thief, and assassin occupation.

Intelligence will give you more mana and will allow you to remember and understand stuff even more. There isn't much you can do with intelligence if you aren't a magician.

There are some accessories and skills that require a high enough intelligence stat.

Wisdom is the best stat any person could have, especially for the magicians. Magicians spells are as strong as their wisdom stat.

The wisdom stat also allows others to improve the leveling of their skills. It even aids with comprehending some stuff that the intelligence stat can't cover.

That should be about it."

"Wait!" said Yuan Tai. "You haven't explained the leveling of skills! What about the special occupations?!"

"You've heard about the special occupations? Interesting," smiled Mingyue Li. "We will start off with Skills first.

They have three tiers. The first tier, second tier, and third tier.

Some people assume there to be a fourth tier that is the ranking of Master skills.

The first tier is normal leveling, as long as the skill is being used, you will get experience depending on how well you execute the skill.

Then after the skills are maxed out in that tier, it will require an Insight Crystal to bring it to the next tier. Although some have said to tier up their skill through their own insight, others claim that the skill is stronger that way.

Insight skills are only found by taking down Boss type monsters, or even some Mutated beasts.

In the second and third tier, skills require the understanding and comprehension of the skill for it to grow in level. Which is why I said that soothe wisdom and intelligence stats are important.

Of course the wisdom and intelligence stat aren't that important since they can also be gained by eating the bodies of the mutated beasts and the higher ranked bosses.

Now, the [Special] classes, also known as Unique classes.

There have only been 20 [Special] classes in all of history, with only 5 people left alive with a [Special] class.

Those five classes being the [Special] Spearman, Holy Light Mage, Holy Magic Swordsman, Berserk Mage, and Sword Tank.

These five classes have their own appropriate names, but the five people who hold them won't reveal it that easily.

The only difference between normal classes and the [Special] ones, is their skills.

There isn't much knowledge about this so I can't tell you anything."

"I see," nodded Yuan Tai seriously.

"I'm sorry that I can't tell you much more about it," said Mingyue Li with an apologetic head bow.

Yuan Tai looked at Mingyue Li for a second before shaking his head, "It's alright. It's not like the [Special] class holders would want to give out some of their weaknesses."

"Huh? What do you mean?" asked Mingyue Li with a small wrinkle between her eyebrows.

"Well, isn't it obvious. They haven't said anything because they most likely have a weakness with their [Special] classes. Although this is just a speculation of mine," said Yuan Tai with a rather observant look and hand on his chin.

"It would make sense," agreed Mingyue Li.

If the [Special] class holders were willing to talk about their classes, they would have done so already. If they didn't hold any weaknesses or something alike, they would have at least given a brief description of their [Special] class, they didn't even give out the names of their classes. Only giving the most basic name they could think of.

"You should get going. I need some materials now. I'm only 10 Xp from leveling up," said Mingyue Li with an urging voice.

"Can't you use the materials here?" asked Yuan Tai as he looked over at the iron ingots and the melting ingot in the smelter.

Mingyue Li drooped her head and shook it, "I can't. Those materials only provide Xp for my skills and not my class level. It's like how swordsmen can use their sword skills on training dummies and earn Xp."

"... I see. Well then, I better get going then," said Yuan Tai as he headed for the door.

"Bring me good materials!" urged once more Mingyue Li as she waved her hand at him.

Just as Yuan Tai was about to place his hand on the door knob, he stopped in his place and turned to look at Mingyue Li.

"Do you happen to have a guest room where I can stay in until I earn enough money for an inn or apartment?" asked Yuan Tai as he looked at Mingyue Li with a tilt of his head.

"Just leave! I will take care of that!" said Mingyue Li.

"Haha, I'll see you later," chuckled Yuan Tai before finally leaving.

Looking as to where Yuan Tai had left, Mingyue Li could only sigh as she shook her head. 'The materials collector I have hired is surely weird.'

Mingyue Li sighed as she headed back to the smelter and got to quickly melting and purifying the iron ingot once more to have it ready to cast.

'I will make this sword for Yuan Tai. Although the sword I gave him can easily deal with level 10 and lower beasts, it won't be lasting long. If he can bring me beast materials, I can make him better gear and weapons,' thought Mingyue Li as she took out the molten iron and put it into an ingot cast.


"Let's just hope he brings good materials," wryly smiled Mingyue Li.