Two Extra Buff Monkeys

"What? That was too easy..."

Yuan Tai stood blankly there in front of the Buff Monkey's corpse.

He had his Status out and he looked at the Level 1 and the 10 unused points he had with happiness.

[Name: Yuan Tai

Occupation: The Thief (Special)

Level: 1

Title: None

HP: 250

MP: 100

CON: 5

STR: 5

DEX: 5

INT: 5

WIS: 5

Points: 10]

'Special...' thought Yuan Tai with a weird look.

He's never heard of a thief job, and especially a Special one.

Quickly moving over to his skill list, Yuan Tai noticed seven skills in the list.

'Seven!?' he asked himself shocked.

Usually adventurers would only receive 5 skills and not more nor less than that. Their skills also aligned with their jobs, so they would have to rely on their job or their own talent.

'What are the two extra skills?'

Yuan Tai quickly brought up the list of skills and their descriptions as he looked at them with a contemplating gaze.

Skill List:

Sneak: Disappear from out of sight for 10 seconds.

Steal: Take items from beasts and other beings that are under level 5.

Lock picking: Unlock every lock, difficulty decreases with each level.

Trap Disarmament: Disarm traps with a 20% chance.

Find Traps: Locate traps in a meter radius, level 6 traps and higher may not be found.

Observe (Special): See the status, and skill list, of items and other beings.

Plunder (Special): Steal skills, active or passive, from beasts through touch. 15 second cooldown.

'!!!' Yuan Tai looked at the seven skills with great attention with a calm and serious look, but his eyes widened in surprise as he laid them on the last skill shown.

'Steal… skills...' thought Yuan Tai with shock.

Yuan Tai didn't last long in being shocked about his skill. He quickly called himself and maintained a level headed attitude.

'So I have 7 skills… five normal… and two special skills… both which complement each other,' thought Yuan Tai with a discerning eye.

He turned to look at the corpse in front of himself and wondered whether he can take the skills of a dead beast.

Yuan Tai looked at the beast with curiosity before stretching out his hand and placing it on the beasts head.

Willing the skills to activate, Yuan Tai felt nothing, so he tried the body next but felt or saw nothing.

"Must the beast be alive?" whispered Yuan Tai as he stood up and lifted the beast.

'Still, to have an Observe skill is very crazy. With this, I save money on going to appraisers and I can even check the status of people I know. Maybe even to know when food is poisoned.'

Yuan Tai quickly picked up the body of the Buff Monkey and was on his way back to camp before meeting two enraged Buff Monkeys that were bigger than the one that he beheaded.

'It was a child...'

When Yuan Tai realized this, he dropped the Buff Monkey corpse before drawing out his sword quickly and swiped away an attack from one of the Buff Monkeys.

'Close...' thought Yuan Tai with an emotionless face.

'Should be a great time to check their status.'

[Observe skill used!]

[Buff Monkey

Level 4

Title: None

HP: 2,000

MP: 40

CON: 40

STR: 12 (+2%)

DEX: 7

INT: 2

WIS: 4

Skill(s): Tier 1 Body Strengthening (2/20), Tier 1 Physical Endurance (1/20)]

[Buff Monkey

Level 3

Title: None

HP: 1,500

MP: 60

CON: 30

STR: 11 (+1%)

DEX: 8

INT: 3

WIS: 3

Skill(s): Tier 1 Body Strengthening (1/20), Tier 1 Physical Endurance (1/20)]

[Skill level up!]

[Observe (Special) Level 2]

'So the more I use my skills, I level them up… Mingyue Li was right.'

Yuan Tai looked at both Buff Monkeys with a smile, 'Seems like they have two very useful skills.'

He quickly moved forward to both Buff Monkeys that were before him as he sheathed the sword and brought out his black dagger instead.

With quick and agile movements, Yuan Tai dodged the heavy attacks of both beasts. He was lucky that he knew a bit of basic movement techniques to dodge the attacks of the beasts, even if they were faster.

As they launched their attacks at him, Yuan Tai launched himself to the leg of one of his foes before cutting both their ankles as he watched them drop in pain.


The Buff Monkey howled in pain as it swiped its strong arms in the air, accidentally hitting it's mate.


The Buff Monkey mate stumbled back after receiving a hit.

Yuan Tai saw it as an opportunity before unsheathing his sword.

With his dagger in his left hand and the sword in his right, Yuan Tai jumped to the chest of the tumbling foe. He stabbed the chest of the Buff Monkey with the dagger before slicing the Buff Monkey's right arm off.

Just as he was about to move for the left arm, he was hit by the other Buff Monkey who just barely managed to stand.

"Ugh!" groaned Yuan Tai as he stood up.

He gripped hard on the dagger and sword. He no longer had to worry much about the Buff Monkey without a right arm as it will be disoriented from the bloodloss.

Quickly dashing forward, Yuan Tai ran to the Buff Monkey who had its ankles sliced and with a quick motion, he touched it and willed the Plunder skill to activate as he focused on the Physical Endurance skill.

[Gained Physical Endurance skill!]

[Skill cooldown: 15 seconds.]

[400 experience gained.]

[Level up!]

Almost instantaneously, Yuan Tai felt his body become slightly more tough as he plundered the skill from the Buff Monkey.

With a quick motion, Yuan Tai beheaded the Buff Monkey and turned to look at the enraged and wobbly Buff Monkey.


The Buff Monkey roared in great pain as it lifted its right arm in anger and brought it down with great momentum.

Yuan Tai just huffed and dodged the attack as he ran forward with his sword in hand and sliced off the other arm of the beast, making it tumble.


The Buff Monkey wailed as it tried moving itself to run away, but Yuan Tai was quick to react as he cut the feet of the Buff Monkey.

The only thing Yuan Tai had to wait for now, was the skill cooldown.

[Skill cooldown: 3 seconds.]

[Skill cooldown: 2 seconds.]

[Skill cooldown: 1 seconds.]

[Skill cooldown: 0 seconds. Skill ready!]

Reading the "Skill ready", Yuan Tai smiled as he walked up to the Buff Monkey and plundered its Body Strengthening skill.

'Great...' thought Yuan Tai as he beheaded the third Buff Monkey of the day with its blood spraying him.

[Gained Body Strengthening skill!]

[Skill level up!]

[Tier 1: Plunder (Special) Level 2!]

[700 experience gained.]

[Level up!]

'Three level ups in one day, it seems like I will grow strong if I defeat beasts on a higher level than me,' thought Yuan Tai with a smirk. However, he re-thought that the next second as he remembered that the Buff Monkey's stats were mostly in the constitution stat.

'I won't meet many beasts like that...' thought Yuan Tai with a hard look.


[Name: Yuan Tai

Occupation: The Thief (Special)

Level: 3

Title: None

HP: 250

MP: 100

CON: 5

STR: 5

DEX: 5

INT: 5

WIS: 5

Points: 30]

'How should I spread my points...' thought Yuan Tai with a hard look.

Every single point costs.

He needs points in wisdom and intelligence to be able to learn more skills for humans. As well as increase the experience gain since he needs to know the skills very well which requires wisdom.

Dexterity is also a need for his swordsmanship and his speed. If he is faster than the enemy, then that will always guarantee his win over the enemy.

Strength is for dealing with stronger foes and whenever he loses his sword mid-fight since he can not always rely on swords.

And constitution is an always must have as it also increases his chance of survival. Just one point can save a person's life.

Although at the same time he doesn't need to worry much about his constitution since there are many great armors, artifacts, and items out there. Especially those that increase constitution.

He can also now take the skills of beasts. So he can take their constitution oriented skills to keep himself alive and make up for not putting points in his constitution stat.

Although for now, as long as he doesn't have a constitution skill, he can't be stubborn and not put any stats into constitution.

Yuan Tai finally saw the way to go and finally put the unused stat points where he wanted them to go.

[Name: Yuan Tai

Occupation: The Thief (Special)

Level: 3

Title: None

HP: 6,000

MP: 100

CON: 12

STR: 13 (2%)

DEX: 15

INT: 5

WIS: 10

Points: 0]

With his new stats and his two new skills that passively affect him, Sora feels like he has a better chance in surviving in this chaotic game of god's.

Yuan Tai gathered his composure before putting the three corpses of the Buff Monkeys in his inventory and walking back to camp.

When he got back to the camp, many eyes were drawn to his dirtied figure covered in blood.

Since many of them were new to adventuring, they believed that the man before them was an experienced adventurer that just took down a fearsome beast.

They looked at Yuan Tai with envy, admiration, and jealousy as they watched him walk over to the end of the camp and sit there. Only then did they all, but one, pull their eyes away from the bloodied figure.

Yuan Tai who was in his section of the camp, felt some movements in his pockets and that's when he remembered he brought along Bing'er.

"Bing'er!" smiled Yuan Tai as he lifted the little fox out of his little place. "It's good that there's no blood on you, because I won't wash you."


The little fox seemed annoyed at Yuan Tai's remark about not wanting to wash it.

Chuckling at the fox's antics, Yuan Tai settled the fox down and lifted up his head.

"You do a terrible job of hiding Jung Hook," said Yuan Tai as he took out his sword and wiped off the blood from it.

Stepping out from behind a tree, Jung Hook scratched the back of his head nervously, "Ahaha… haha..."

"Tell me, what were you planning on doing?" asked Yuan Tai with squinted eyes as he pointed the sword right at Jung Hook.

"Nothing! I was just trying to get close to you and ask where you went, because you had beast blood on yourself," quickly spoke Jung Hook as he shook a bit in fear.

"Hmm." Yuan Tai looked at Jung Hook with a calm expression before saying, "I took a stroll around the camp before running into a beast."

"What type of beast was it?!" asked Jung Hook with wide eyes.

"A Buff Monkey," said Yuan Tai as he resumed to maintain his sword.

"A Buff Monkey?!" yelled out surprised Jung Hook, attracting the attention of a couple newbies.

"Yes," nodded Yuan Tai.

"But Buff Monkeys are tough to beat! Especially for level 0 and level 1's. I'm surprised you are still alive!" yelled Jung Hook in complete shock as he inspected Yuan Tai.

"Why wouldn't I be alive? I know how to fight unlike the average newbies here," truthfully spoke Yuan Tai as pointed at every other single person with his sword.

"Did you manage to kill it?" asked Jung Hook with curiosity.

"Why would you like to know?" asked Yuan Tai.

"Because I am curious!"

"Yes, I managed to kill the Buff Monkey," nodded Yuan Tai without reserving himself.

"Really? WOW! What job do you have then?!" asked Jung Hook with a wide smile.

Instead of answering right away to Jung Hook's question, Yuan Tai quickly moved his sword and had it's tip right on Jung Hook's throat. With cold eyes, Yuan Tai looked at Jung Hook and let out his killer intent on the poor man.

"Never. Ask. Me. That. Question."