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"Hehe… you must be out of luck to fight against me kid," said the man opposite to Yuan Tai.

Yuan Tai maintained quiet and just glared at the man before tightening his fists. A holographic number 5 appeared in the middle of the ring, signifying the beginning of the fight.


Gulping, Yuan Tai decided to go all out in this fight so that he can level up his skills quickly. Take some damage and deal some back so as to level up his skills in a balanced form.



Loosening his shoulders and sharpening his gaze, Yuan Tai felt as if he turned into someone completely different compared to over a year ago. It was as if the time in the forest sharpened his instincts, though not by much.


'Training in my skills is important...' thought Yuan Tai. 'As long as I keep my skills strong and at a high level, I won't always have to worry about those at a higher level than me.'

It was a crucial line of thought that Yuan Tai had learnt since he could ever think. His father and mother had instilled this thought into him.


Yuan Tai knew the significance of this line from his father and mother, but he also knew that an Individual's Level is also a very important thing on the same level as Levels. If his grandparent' line of thought was correct, they wouldn't have died in the World's Dungeon.


With boiling blood, Yuan Tai rushed forward with all three passive skills of his. The [Body Strengthening], [Physical Endurance], and [Increased Speed].

Moving faster than the other fighter, Yuan Tai appeared before the other fighter in just some quick steps.

"A little speed won't help," said the man confidently as he covered himself with his forearms and charged at Yuan Tai like a bulldozer.

Caught unaware by the man's move, Yuan Tai quickly moved his hand and placed it on the man's forearm and the other on his waist before pulling him back.

Yuan Tai used the man's force against himself and quickly brought him down in an instant.


The man hit the ground with a loud thud and couldn't move for a couple of seconds.

"Ugh… you're better than I expected, kid, but you're not that good either."

Standing up, the man looked at Yuan Tai with a smirk before walking over to Yuan Tai. His muscles bulged and his fists looked like they were covered in a metallic sheen.

'Active Skills...' thought Yuan Tai as he looked at this from a different manner now. He looked at the man more seriously now and even took a step back to get a chance to think.

Looking closely at the man's movements, Yuan Tai felt as if fighting the man would be a bit difficult.

However, from an expert's perspective, Yuan Tai had a rather exceptional talent. Takamura quickly noticed Yuan Tai's movements and knew in that instant that Yuan Tai was rather talented, almost enough to call him a genius.

'Let's see how he gets through this fight...' thought Takamura with a small smirk.

Takamura, despite looking young, is actually 40 years old and has trained a lot of people who became amazing Adventurers that hunt powerful beasts and bosses. Till today, not a single talented person has ever escaped his sight.

Even if Yuan Tai isn't as talented as any of the other fighters Takamura has trained before, Yuan Tai still has the potential for great things.

"Give it your best shot!"

Yuan Tai briefly glanced at Takamura and that gave the man a small window to attack Yuan Tai. The man launched forward and was ready to punch Yuan Tai. With the goal to break every single bone of Yuan Tai's, the man launched forth with a crazy smile on his face.

Hearing the man's rapid footsteps, Yuan Tai knew that the man was attacking already. Lifting the corner of his lips, Yuan Tai quickly turned to face the man and dodged to the side before punching with all his might at the man's waist.

It didn't do much, so Yuan Tai gritted his teeth and making use of his speed, Yuan Tai quickly moved around the man and launched many punches in quick succession.

Whenever the man ever tried launching a punch back, Yuan Tai would let it just barely scrape him or just slap it out of the way.

Not knowing the skill of the man, or it's effects, that he was using to attack him, Yuan Tai wasn't willing to risk letting a blow land on his body.

Up till this moment, Yuan Tai had only been able to see the status of a person but not their skills. Finding out the name of skills of the people and skill effects will probably come later as the Observe Skill levels up.

'This guy must have put his points into strength and barely any to speed,' thought Yuan Tai as he dodged a punch by a hair's width.

Yuan Tai wasn't willing to rely on the Observe skill forever since not everyone's overall skill correlates to their level or their stat distribution.

For now, against the match with this man, Yuan Tai will have to focus on leveling his speed and strength skills. There are some moves his father had taught him that he could make use of, but Yuan Tai didn't have the confidence to pull them off correctly since he hasn't properly trained in the skill.

The match was just a game of cat and mouse for the moment as Yuan Tai dodged many strong blows and occasionally sent back a lot of fierce blows at rapid speed.

Finally, after the match reached the 5 minute mark, Yuan Tai knocked out the man with one clean hit.


[You WON!]

[1,000 Experience Gained!]

[500 Skill Experience Gained!]

[500 Skill Experience Gained!]

[500 Skill Experience Gained!]

[Skill Level Up!]

[Skill Level Up!]

[Tier 1: Body Strengthening Level 5!]

[Tier 1: Speed Increase Level 4!]

With the appearance of the nine screens before him, Yuan Tai sighed in relief as he glanced over at Bing'er and gave Bing'er a thumbs up.


A/N: I will try increasing the word count to these chapters so that you can all read more. Though it won't be as much as 2.1k words per chapter since I'm currently trying to rest.