WebNovelMy CEO15.38%

Chapter 2.

I woke up the next morning to a congratulatory email which said that I had been hired for the job as a Personal Assistant (PA) of the CEO and I can start working in two days time and the rest of the day was spent talking with Julia and I was pretty sure she was happy about it ,but getting tired of listening to my non-stop talking.

*Two days later*

I woke up not sure of what to wear, I'm not really the fashion type, so I called out to Julia

" Julia, I don't know what to wear" ,

"You can't do anything without me , Lucy and you are my older sister" she teased.

She walked straight to my closet and with her came a black dress , she went up to the shoe rack and got black heels for me .

"There you go, now hurry up and leave this place". She said and I chuckled .

At the company, I was directed to where I suppose is the CEO's office . I waited patiently for the CEO to arrive . I was getting tired of waiting, my legs were stiff , I stood up to walk around the place, then the door swung open. I turned around to see the same man again , he had this mean expression on his face and I guessed that he is the boss. I was disappointed for letting myself think that I'll be working for a nice and gentle boss.

He walked up to me and said,

"I guess you are my new PA".


"Good, now go get a cup of coffee and make sure to be back in the next 10minutes".

"Uhh, yes sir." Huh, is this it? He didn't even ask for my name. I was annoyed but left to get 'his' coffee.

I knew things wouldn't be anywhere near easy.