Having a Babysitter

Our babysitter was a pretty 18 year old girl called Sarah. She was recommended by one of our friends and Sarah was due to babysit for the first time tonight. Sarah lived about five miles away from our house and so I had to go and pick her up and that was the first time I met her.

I rang the doorbell and it was Sarah who answered the doorbell, she called out to her parents that she was off and walked out of her house with me just staring. The reason I was staring was that she was gorgeous, with lovely blond hair and a curvy figure, and she was wearing a pretty short skirt that bounced as she walked. I couldn't keep my eyes off her ass as she walked past me to the car.

"Hello Mr Matthews" she said, turning around to look at me as she got to the car. I quickly tried to regain my composure but I'm sure she knew that I had been staring at her. I walked to the car and opened up and we settled down in our seats. However by now I had a really erect cock in my trousers and I did my best to hide it but I caught her looking at it out of the corner of my eye. While I drove to my house I kept looking at her sexy legs when I had the chance which meant I had an erection all the way home. When we got back I excused myself and finished getting ready to go out while my wife chatted to Sarah and explained what she had to do. Soon after that we went out, leaving Sarah in our house.

The evening out at our friends was fun with a lovely meal and good conversation but my mind kept wandering back to thought of gorgeous sexy Sarah in my own house. I kept having to stop myself daydreaming about her lovely sexy legs and tight ass in her short skirt.

After saying goodbye to our guests we drove home and let ourselves into our house. I hung around in the hallway waiting for my wife to talk to Sarah and soon Sarah was ready to leave. I had to deliberately not look at her as we walked to the car in the dark, just asking her if everything had gone OK.

"Yes Mr Matthews, the evening was uneventful so far...". I was startled at what she said, and looked at her, but she was already walking around the car to the passenger seat so I couldn't tell if she had said it deliberately to tease or not. But now I had an erection again as I settled into the drivers' seat.

I kept quiet as I started driving, but Sarah started fidgeting in her seat and my eyes were once again drawn to her long sexy legs. Suddenly she said, "Mr Matthews, if you don't mind me saying, but it looks like you have a problem.. a big problem."

I glanced down at my trousers and saw what she meant. "Uh, yes Sarah, it is hard for a man to see such as sexy girl as you and not be affected. Don't worry, I won't take advantage of you."

"Oh, that's a shame Mr Matthews. Perhaps I can help you out," and with that she put her dainty hand on my trousers and traced the outline of my hard cock.

Even though I was driving slowly I almost crashed the car when I felt her hand on my cock. I quickly brought the car to a halt by the side of the road and looked at her. She continued to stroke my cock through my trousers and said, "Don't you like it?"

"Uh, no, I mean yes, I do like it, but you're my babysitter!" I didn't really know what to think; I was turned on by her, I had a hard cock and a beautiful girl was stroking it, but.... Well, actually, what was wrong with that?

"I know, it's sexy isn't it, having your babysitter rubbing you?" she smiled at me. "and anyway, I'm not talking about sex, just giving you a little helping hand," and she winked, slowly closing one of her wonderful blue eyes. And that was it, I couldn't resist her. I felt my cock getting even harder in my boxers and looking into her lovely, seemingly innocent blue eyes whilst being offered a hand-job was almost too much for me then and there. I didn't even consider that she might be teasing or just making a fool out of me.

I smiled quickly at her and looked around where I had stopped the car, at the edge of a fairly busy road. We couldn't stay here. "OK, but I need to find somewhere to stop". I pulled away from the side of the road and turned down a road which I knew had a car park for a community center which was at the edge of our town. It was only a couple of minutes and she didn't stop stroking and rubbing my ever stiffening cock through my clothes. She kept murmuring in pleasure and saying such things as "Mmm, I can feel a lovely cock in here."

I pulled into the community center, which fortunately was closed at this time of night and the car park was empty. I parked a long way from the building and around the back which was the most private place I could find. I was really turned on and I hadn't felt this sexy and aroused since I was a teenager. It felt so naughty but so wonderful the way this sexy teenager was stroking my cock while I was driving my car.

As we parked Sarah said, "I'm glad we're stopped, judging by how hard you are I don't think you will last much longer," and she giggled.

Now she pulled at my zip and I quickly undid my belt and button, and pulled my trousers open at the top. This revealed my hard cock straining at my boxers. Sarah used her delicate fingers to reach into my boxers and pull out my cock. She gasped when she saw the size of it and let it stand there, on its own for a moment, while she looked at my hard cock.

"You have a beautiful hard cock, Mr Matthews," Sarah said, and then she touched my cock. The feel of her soft fingers on my smooth cock was wonderful, and my cock twitched at her touch, eager for more touching. She wrapped her fingers around the top of my cock and pulled down the foreskin, revealing the smooth purple head of my hard cock. With her other hand she traced around the base of my head, exactly where I am most sensitive. My cock pulsed in her hand as it let her know how much I liked her touch.

"I...I...don't think it will take long Sarah." I gasped. And she smiled again at me, and I couldn't help noticing her skirt had raised higher, letting me see her sexy, shapely thighs. Grasping my cock firmly she started to pump her hand up and down my cock whilst rubbing my cock head with her other dainty hand.

And that was it. That was all I could take. I moaned loudly and the first spurt of my cum shot from my cock high in the air and landed back down again on my boxers near the base of my cock. "Oh, Mr Matthews, you were ready for me, weren't you," and she carried on pumping my cock and I carried on cumming. She angled my cock towards me and I didn't care as my thick cum pumped out and over my shirt. Slowly it subsided, my cock becoming really sensitive and I had to hold her hand to stop her touching my cock head.

"Are you done Mr Matthews?" Sarah asked.

"Yes, Sarah, that is much better." I replied and looked down to where all my cum had sprayed my boxers, trousers and shirt. There was some on Sarah's hand and she wiped it on my trousers before sitting back in her seat. I got her to pass me the tissues from the glove compartment and I did my best to clean myself.

I didn't really know what to say now, as I gradually came down from my orgasm high. I felt slightly uncomfortable but Sarah seemed completely relaxed. I did up my trousers and I drove to Sarah's house where I stopped in the road. I found a coat in the boot of my car and put it on. It was really too warm for a coat but I needed something to cover up the stains of cum on my trousers and shirt. I walked up to the door of the house where Sarah was already letting herself in. Sarah's mum was there at the door and I couldn't really ignore her.

"Did Sarah do a good job, Chris?" Sarah's mum asked and I almost choked until I remembered the babysitting.

"Oh yes, Sarah was really good." I replied. Sarah was standing behind her mum in her hallway and turned and winked at me.

"Mr Matthews said that he would like me to babysit for him again," Sarah said.

Immediately I agreed, "Yes, that's right Sarah, I would love to have you over again."

And at that, I quickly walked back to the car, because I could feel a familiar stirring in my trousers as my cock once again thought about spending some time with sexy Sarah.

The whole of the next week I was thinking about my encounter with Sarah and whether I would be able to get to spend more time with her. I found myself fantasizing about her during the day while I was work, and at night when I was home with my wife and baby.

It was the following weekend when my wife suggested we went to a neighbor's house for dinner the following Tuesday. This was a neighbor I don't really like but it was an opportunity for Sarah to come and babysit for us and so I readily agreed to go out for the evening. It was arranged for Sarah to come and babysit for us again and I spent the next two days imagining what would happen when she came over, and several times during the day I had to cover up so that I didn't reveal my stiff cock to my work colleagues.

So on the Tuesday I excitedly drove over to Sarah's house to pick her up. I was hard even before I rang on the doorbell and Sarah didn't disappoint: once again she was wearing a tight t-shirt which clung to her tits and a short skirt that stopped above her knees revealing most of her sexy legs to my eager view. She giggled when she saw me looking her up and down and walked past me, swinging her hips in a way that turned me on even more. We quickly drove back to my house without saying anything significant. I really wanted to ask her about the previous week, and whether I would get a repeat tonight, but she didn't seem to be interested in me tonight.

I was feeling disappointed as my wife and I left to go round to our neighbors and we said our goodbyes to Sarah.

"See you later Sarah, call us if there are any problems. Help yourself to any food if you are feeling hungry," I said.

"Yes Mr Matthews," she replied, "enjoy your evening and meal. I expect I'll find something nice to eat later." and she winked at me. I couldn't move, and then quickly looked round to see that my wife had walked a little way down the path to the road and couldn't have heard or seen Sarah's suggestive comment and wink.

Throughout the dinner I was once again distracted. Did Sarah really mean what she said, or was she just teasing? I kept hoping that she would call and summon me home but the call didn't arrive. Eventually we went home and Sarah met us at the door, explaining everything had gone alright and our baby hadn't woken at all. I walked out to our car and Sarah got in the passenger seat as I sat in and we drove off.

By now I was so worked up and horny I took the initiative: "Let's go to the same place as last time Sarah."

"Really Mr Matthews. I'm a bit tired tonight."

I glanced over at Sarah and there seemed to be a glint in her eyes that suggested her words didn't reflect what she really meant. I tried my luck and drove to the community center, parking round the back of it again, and saying "You don't get a choice Sarah."

"But Mr Matthews..."

I interrupted her and turned to face her, "Sarah, you have got me all turned on and you will have to help me out again."

"Well", she hesitated, but I could still see that sparkle in her pretty blue eyes, "if I don't have any choice."

She reached out for my lap but I caught her hand and said, "Out of the car Sarah, we need some more room".

I opened my door and took out a rug from the boot and moved round to her side of the car. Here we were sheltered from sight by the car and the community center, and I quickly put the still folded rug on the ground. I opened Sarah's door and helped her out of the car, watching her sexy legs and ass as she slipped out of the passenger car seat.

"Kneel down, Sarah." I commanded, and she meekly knelt down on the rug I had placed for her. I had my back against the car and Sarah was facing me, her pretty face and long blond hair right in front of me at waist height. "Get it out, Sarah."

"Yes Mr Matthews" she replied in a subdued voice and used her delicate fingers to undo my belt and unzip my trousers. Then, looking up at me, she reached in to my boxers and pulled my hardening cock out. She wrapped her hand around my hot cock shaft and pumped a couple of times. It felt wonderful to have her hand on my cock again and it responded by getting fully erect so that it stuck out, pointing directly at Sarah's young face.

"Mr Matthews?" she seemed to be nervous now, despite gently stroking my cock up and down, her soft hands sending warm feelings through my cock.

"Yes Sarah?" I asked her, wondering what was up now.

"I've never tasted a cock before,",she replied, still obviously nervous.

Inside I laughed. A virgin mouth on this gorgeous blond teenager and I was going to be her first? I felt as if I was dreaming and my cock gave a huge jump in her hand. She might act sexy and talk as if she was experienced with sex but I knew different now. She was young and inexperienced, although she was obviously good with her hands as I found out to my pleasure last week.

"Kiss the end, Sarah" and she slowly bent forward, her blond hair partially covering her face and I felt her soft, red lips kiss the sensitive tip of my cock. I was in heaven. "That's right Sarah, now lick it." She nervously put out her tongue and licked the end of my cock, her tongue sliding across the tip. "All over the head of it Sarah."

Obeying my instructions she moved her head around my cock, licking the head, and then pulling my foreskin back so that she could lick underneath the head too. She coated my cock head with her saliva and she seemed to be enjoying the taste judging from the soft moans I could hear.

Once again she had got me so horny I could already feel I was close to cumming, and I didn't know how long I would last with this sexy teenager.

I quickly said "Put it into your mouth, Sarah," and, after glancing up at me for a moment, she opened her mouth and slipped it over my cock. The softness of her red lips sliding over the head of my cock was wonderful, and I nearly let go straight away. Instead I groaned and I stroked her lovely blond hair as she took the end of my cock in her mouth. She paused then, as if not knowing what to do, which was good for me because it gave me a few moments to recover my control.

"Keep your lips firmly around my cock and now move your head up and down." She obeyed my instructions and I groaned again, louder, as I watched her mouth slide up and down my hard cock. My cock twitched in her mouth at the sensation of her lips firmly enclosing my cock. "Oh yes Sarah, just like that!" I gasped.

Suddenly she removed her mouth and sat back, looking up at me. "I'm not sure about taking your, you know, cum in my mouth. I don't know if I will like the taste. Please tell me when you are about to finish."

"No Sarah, that won't do." Despite the pretty blue eyes and the almost pleading look on her face I knew I had to get the expectation right the first time. "The first time a girl gives head she must take the cum and swallow. After that you can make up your own mind. Understand?"

Sarah looked at me for a moment, as if wondering what she had let herself in for, but then looked down, back at my cock. She didn't agree with me, but she opened her mouth again and took my warm cock back into her warm mouth. Perhaps she intended to move away at the critical moment? I'd have to see about that. Anyway, she picked up her rhythm again, sliding her young lips up and down my hard cock.

She would still need some more practice, but the enthusiasm of this sexy girl was getting me closer and closer to my climax. "Lick under my cock when you take it in" I instructed. Then I suddenly felt her sweet tongue rubbing gently under my cock head, her lips closed around my shaft.

That was it, I started to lose control. I grabbed her soft blond hair in my hands and started to pump my cock in and out of her small mouth. Instinctively she tried to pull away but I held her firm as I pushed my cock in and out of her mouth. She kept her mouth firmly around my cock while I plunged in and out of her young mouth. The sensations were too much and I let out a loud groan and let my cock rest just inside her mouth, the first stream of hot cum spraying hard into her mouth. She made a noise like a whimper when she felt my thick cum hit the back of her inexperienced mouth, but even if she wanted to, she couldn't pull back because I was holding her head still, my fingers entwined in her golden hair.

My cock pulsed again and again, my warm cum slowly filling her mouth. She did well, she didn't release her red lips from my pumping cock. Sarah gave out another whimper and then I saw her swallowing, slightly tipping her head back which moved my cock to a different angle and I felt my sensitive cock head touch the roof of her mouth.

"Keep sucking," I said, and she kept my cock in her mouth and gently sucked, while my cum gradually subsided, until I released her hair from my grasp. My cock flopped out of her pretty mouth as she rocked back from me, her eyes wide. I didn't know what she was feeling but I noticed that a small dribble of my cum was running out of the corner of her mouth. Absentmindedly she brought up her dainty hand and used a manicured finger to wipe it off her face before sucking her finger into her mouth. That was what I needed to know: she had enjoyed the taste of my cum.

While I did up my trousers I asked how she felt. Sarah gradually came round from her daze and answered "It was...it was good, I liked that. And your cum was surprisingly tasty, not at all how I imagined it. But I need a drink of water".

"There is a bottle of water in the car." And we swiftly picked up the rug and got back into the car and I started driving immediately because I didn't know how long we had been here and didn't want anyone to become suspicious.

At the door to her house Sarah let herself in and her mum came out to talk to me. I found it hard to look Sarah's mum in the face but mumbled something about Sarah being a very good babysitter and we would use her again. And as I turned to leave Sarah said "Thank you Mr Matthews for giving me something tasty to eat tonight." I hurried back to my car as quickly as possible.

The next few days I thought about Sarah more and more, remembering the wonderful time I had with her the last time I drove her home from our house after babysitting. I kept on wondering whether I would be able to spend some more time with her and hopefully have even more fun with her.

However there wasn't any opportunity for my wife and me to use a babysitter and I was getting more and more frustrated. I was worried that Sarah would not want to have any more intimate encounters with me if I left it too long before I saw her again. A week went by, then another week, and then fortunately I had a chance to see Sarah again.

My wife was asked by some friends to attend a play at the local theater in a couple of days time on the Friday. Apparently there was a couple who had dropped out and there were now tickets for the both of us. Fortunately my wife had said yes and had already organized for Sarah to come and babysit for us before I had come home. I felt my cock get hard when my wife told me Sarah would be coming to babysit again, and had to go and hide my enthusiasm before I had to explain myself to her.

The next two days passed slowly for me and I wondered how Sarah would react when I saw her again. In my fantasies it went very well indeed! On the Friday I picked up Sarah from her house and once again she just walked past me to the car, without even saying hello. And she looked very sexy again! I think Sarah knew I liked her in her short skirt and that was just what she was wearing again. We didn't speak about anything to do with sex on the way back to my house and all Sarah asked me about was the play and I explained where it was and how long we would be out. I hinted at how I was looking forward to taking her home later but she didn't respond to my suggestion. All this did was make me even more horny and I had to fight to stop myself just fucking Sarah right now.

We reached my house and we got out of the car and went indoors where my wife greeted Sarah and settled her into the house while I finished getting ready to go out. Soon my wife and I were leaving and Sarah didn't say anything more to me so I didn't know if I was going to get some more fun tonight or whether she had gone off me. I was getting worked up with the uncertainty and I almost ran through a red light while driving to the theater. I tried to concentrate on the driving after that and we soon arrived and parked near the theater and met our friends at the entrance.

Suddenly my mobile rang and I laughed saying I must remember to turn it off before the play starts. Looking at the number it was my home number. My heart leaped and my cock twitched in my trousers. I stepped to one side and answered the telephone "Hello, who is it?" I asked.

"Hello Mr Matthews. I'm bored and haven't got anything to do here." Sarah was using a whiny voice I hadn't heard before. I thought quickly.

"Oh dear, is it bad?" I asked, knowing my wife could hear me.

"Yes, I need some fun," Sarah answered.

"Right, one of us will be there soon." I hung up and turned to my wife and friends. "Apparently our baby has been sick. Nothing too bad but I need to check everything is alright."

"I can go." my wife said.

"No, no!" I quickly responded, then calmed down "I mean, this is the play that you were really looking forward to seeing. I'll go home now, if Mary and Jeff can give you lift home later." Our friends nodded agreement. "Is that ok dear?" I asked.

"Yes, OK, sorry you will miss the play. Let me know what is happening when you get home, won't you?" my wife answered.

"Sure" I said, and quickly turned round and went back to my car, driving home as fast as I dared.

When I got home I let myself in to the house and quickly looked around for Sarah. I found her in our lounge, sitting on the sofa reading a magazine. She looked up at me and innocently smiled "I'm glad you came quickly, I am really in need of some fun. Have you got any ideas?"

"I have plenty of ideas Sarah." I walked over to her and reached out for her so she could hold onto my hands. I pulled her to her feet and immediately wrapped my arms around her and bent my head to kiss her soft, young lips. She tasted delicious as I kissed her deeply, my hands holding her nubile body close to me and I could feel her gorgeous tits pushed against my chest. I moved my hands down her back and cupped her firm ass cheeks in my hand, squeezing while I kissed her.

Reluctantly letting her I go I stepped back from her, and looking into her gorgeous blue eyes I said "take off your top, Sarah."

She looked down at her top and then back up at me. "I think you do have some good ideas for fun, Mr Matthews."

Pulling her top over her head she brushed her long blond hair out of her face and threw the top onto the sofa. She was wearing a black, lacy bra which barely covered her young smooth tits. I stepped forward and softly traced the outline of the bra on her skin, and I felt her shiver as I teased her. "You like my tits, Mr Matthew?" she asked, seemingly eager for praise.

"Yes, Sarah, you have wonderful tits," I answered as I bent and kissed them on the exposed skin above her bra.

Then I moved further down, sucking on one tit through the bra and I felt her sigh. I reached round behind her and deftly unfastened her bra and letting it fall from her onto the floor at her feet. I looked at her young perky tits right in front of my face.

"They are really wonderful tits, Sarah."

I engulfed her right tit in my mouth and gently sucked, flicking her nipple with my tongue until I felt it harden under my touch. Switching to her left tit I did the same, sucking and licking while I heard her moaning in pleasure.

"Oh, Mr Matthews, that is so good," she softly whispered.

I stood up and released her tit from my mouth, looking down at her erect nipples. I could feel my own hard cock in my trousers but I wanted to take some more time, because I knew I wouldn't last long with this sexy young teenager once I got my cock out.

"Sit down Sarah,", I gently commanded her, expecting her to obey me.

She moved back and sat on the sofa, still wearing her trainers, short socks and sexy light blue short skirt. Her blond hair fell down each side of her young face and her tits stood up proud in front of her. I stepped forward and knelt down at her feet. Slowly I slid my hands up the outside of her legs, feeling her soft and smooth skin. I moved further up, under her short skirt, still on the outside of her legs. I found her knickers and pulled them down, getting Sarah to shuffle her ass as I pulled them off her, down her long legs and off, over her trainers.

I couldn't wait to see her pussy and I gently eased her legs apart, and pushed her skirt up, to reveal her gorgeous pink pussy lips surrounded by short, fair hair. I bent forward and licked along her lips and she tasted lovely and sweet. I had forgotten what it was like to taste a young pussy and she had the best tasting pussy I had ever had the fortune to lick. I heard her moaning as I started to lick and tease her pussy and clit. She was already wet and I really went at it, making sure I explored all of her pussy and clit.

I moved my hand up and pushed a finger between her wet pussy lips, sliding up inside her tight young body. I heard her gasp when she felt my finger enter her, and then she sighed when I started to push in and out of her hot pussy. I locked my lips around her sensitive clit and licked across the top of her erect button in time with my finger fucking her hole. Suddenly she let out a loud moan and her body stiffened and she arched her back, and I felt her pussy clamp on my finger as she came from my ministrations. I kept up my licking and fingering until she fell back on the sofa, breathing heavily as she recovered from her orgasm.

"Oh, Mr Matthews..." she sighed, her eyes closed.

Her skirt had fallen down again when I removed my finger and it teasingly covered her pussy from my view. My cock was rock hard in my clothes and I needed to feel it in her very soon now. This is what I was waiting for; the opportunity to slide my hard cock into this eighteen year old's tight pussy. While Sarah lay back on my sofa I quickly undid my trousers and pulled out my stiff cock. I was still between her legs and I moved in closer to her, pulling up her skirt to reveal her soft wet pussy again. I held my hard cock in my hand and placed it against her pussy lips, rubbing my engorged end along her wet slit, coating it her juices.

The feel of my cock on her pussy must have roused her from her post climax daze, because she suddenly opened her eyes and looked at me. "Mr Matthews, I'm not sure about this."

What? Here I was with my erect cock just about to slide inside her young body and she wasn't sure? I tried to keep my calm, the blood pounding in my head as I tried to control my body.

"Don't worry Sarah," I said as calmly as I could and pushed my hips forward whilst holding her waist to stop her from moving away.

She was tight, and my cock struggled to push into her at first, but she didn't say anything else and I took that to be a sign of acceptance and so I pushed harder. I felt my cock part her pussy lips and suddenly I was sliding into this sexy young babysitter, my cock squeezed tightly by her hot silky pussy. Once again I felt like I was in heaven, with wonderful sensations coming from my cock and spreading throughout my body as my cock penetrated her nubile body.

She was still watching me, as if not sure whether she should be doing this. I realized that despite all the teasing and sexual advances she was still sexually inexperienced, and I knew I was just the man to give her the experience she needed. I could feel her hips start to move in time with my strokes as I started to slide my cock in and out of her hot wet pussy. Although I was between her legs, I still couldn't get too close to her unless I pushed her legs up, so my cock was only penetrating her shallowly. It was deep enough to enjoy taking this gorgeous eighteen year old blond, but I wanted to give her more. I wanted to feel my cock really pushing deep into her body. I also wanted to make sure she really gave herself to me. If we stayed like this she could say she didn't really have any say in it and had just been taken, and could claim that she had given herself willingly.

Sarah started to moan quietly as I quickened my pace of thrusting my cock into her, and I sensed her increased desire while we fucked with her leaning back on the sofa and me on my knees between her legs. I suddenly pulled my cock out of her after one of my thrusts and rocked back, away from her. Her blue eyes, which had gradually closed in enjoyment, opened wide and looked questioningly at me, not sure what was happening for a moment. Quickly I stood up and held her hands, pulling her to her feet before she completely came to her senses.

"Mr Matthews, what are you doing?" Sarah asked, and the uncertainty showed in her eyes.

"Bend over the sofa, Sarah," I said in a level tone, neither ordering her nor pleading with her. It was her decision now.

She hesitated for a moment, as if she was not sure of what she wanted. Absentmindedly she used her hand to play with her blond hair while I had a great view of her gorgeous and sexy young tits while she stood in front of me. She was still wearing her short skirt and while it was sexy it still covered my real goal.

Sarah glanced down at my stiff cock, glistening from her juices as it jutted out towards her, and then seemed to make up her mind. She turned and went around the sofa, bent forward and grasped its back. I smiled and moved quickly round behind her, loving the sight of this young babysitter bending over in front of me. Her skirt was covering her ass and pussy and now was the time to make her give herself to me.

"Pull up your skirt Sarah, and open your legs", I said.

She let go of the sofa with one hand and pulled up her skirt so it rested on her back, revealing her soft sexy ass and her pink, tight pussy to me. She shuffled her feet apart a bit giving me an even better view of her sex.

"Wider," I told her, and she obeyed, moving her legs wider still while I moved up close behind her. Her young pussy was still wet, and it seemed to draw me closer.

I held onto my cock and rubbed my smooth cock head along her pussy lips again and teased her with my cock. She started moving her ass, rubbing her pussy against me, eager now to have me back inside her. She was giving herself to me.

"Please Mr Matthews, I need you inside me," she was pleading now, turned on and needing to be fucked.

I lined up my cock at her entrance and pushed forward, and my cock swiftly sank into her young tight pussy, while my hands grabbed her waist and held her as I penetrated her sexy body. I heard her groan as I slid up inside her pussy, deeper than before. This position, with her bent over my sofa gave me room to fuck deep into her body. I held her still and started to thrust repeatedly into her, her blond hair hanging from her head on both sides and across her back while we fucked.

I needed to fuck her hard and I did. I held onto her skirt waistband and started to pull her back against me every time I forced my cock deep inside her slim body. My hips slapped against her sexy ass each time I pistoned into her, and I heard myself grunting each time I bottomed out inside her tight pussy. She was also moaning with every stroke of my cock, and she was getting louder as we fucked harder and harder.

I reached up with one hand and grabbed some of her long blond hair, pulling back gently, bringing up her head so she arched her back while I fucked her.

"Yes, yes, yes." Sarah called out as I rammed my cock into her young hot pussy again and again, now even deeper inside her.

Suddenly she gave out a low moan and ground her ass back at me, forcing me to stay deep inside her and I could feel the clenching of her pussy around my cock as she came. I held still while she moved against me, the feel of her tight pussy contracting around my cock was almost too much for me, and I could feel the cum rising up in my balls. I couldn't help but start thrusting again, fucking this babysitter again, thrusting hard and deep into her.

Sarah started moaning again, pushing back against my hard thrusts and I felt my cock swell up even larger inside her. One last deep thrust and I pulled back, out of her hot pussy, and I grabbed my cock with my hand.

With a groan I came, and my cum spurted out of my cock and the first spray shot up and over her ass and onto her back. The second spurt was even harder and faster and my cum landed in her clean blond hair. I felt her wince in surprise, but Sarah was good, and didn't move from her bent over position in front of me. The next few spurts of cum landed on her sexy soft ass, and I watched in pleasure while I covered her ass with my hot white cum.

Gradually I stopped cumming and looked at the mess I had made of Sarah's ass, short skirt, smooth back and blond hair. I had really marked this beautiful babysitter as mine. Grabbing some tissues from a box on a nearby cupboard I cleaned up my cock and pulled my trousers back on. Then I set to wiping Sarah, carefully mopping up my cum.

"That was good. I liked the feel of your cum on me," Sarah spoke quietly while I cleaned her. I felt my cock twitch when she said that but I knew there wasn't time for more. At least not tonight.

Sarah grabbed her clothes and went to the bathroom to finish cleaning up and to get dressed while I quickly made sure everything in our lounge was tidy and showed no signs of our frantic fucking.

By the time my wife returned from the theater everything was clean and I was sitting chatting and watching TV with Sarah as if we hadn't just finished fucking each other. Sarah and I went out to the car while my wife checked on our baby (who was sleeping soundly, thank goodness). I did have a moment of panic when I saw that there were clearly visible stains on the back of Sarah's skirt which was obviously from my cum, but fortunately my wife didn't notice anything.

So I dropped Sarah safely back at her house and I drive home content, thinking back to a wonderful evening fucking this beautiful, blond, eighteen year old babysitter.