Sounds Good Ch 3

Peter sat in Diane's kitchen, patiently waiting for her to finish printing their scripts. She had asked him to wait in there, and mentioned that today they'd be recording in there instead of the usual guest-bedroom-turned-recording-studio. Diane has set up her microphones on and around the large marble-topped island in the center of the room, and her laptop was set up on the counter against the wall, next to the sink. The sun was setting outside, filling the kitchen with a warm glow. Last time Peter had been in this kitchen, Diane had let him fuck her for the first time. Last time Peter had been in this house, he and Diane showered together after an unusual session. With those odd, if not arousing memories in mind, Peter eagerly awaited Diane's return from upstairs.

"Sorry for not being ready before you got here," Diane apologized as she entered the kitchen, dressed in tight jeans that hugged her hips and a thin tank top that teased a lacy bra underneath. Her hair was down, falling in loose curls at her shoulders. As she passed a freshly printed script to Peter, he could feel the paper was still warm. "I had a different script planned for today's recording session, but after last Friday..." She pursed her ruby lips as she thought back to that time they spent in the shower. "With what I learned about you that day, I knew I had to write something new."

"What do you mean?" Peter asked, wondering what had changed. After the previous practice session, Diane had invited Peter to shower with her, a change from their usual routine of showering separately and keeping things strictly professional. She tried her best to assert that the mind-blowing sex they ended up having in the shower was just more practice for the audio erotica they sold, but Peter knew it marked a turning point in their relationship. Diane knew it, too.

"This is going to sound maybe a little silly, but I never knew how talented you were at, um, going down on a woman." Diane was referring to Peter eating her out in the shower, a bit of extra foreplay before he fucked her brains out that day. That was the first time I've ever cum from a man going down on me. Now, whether that's more of a testament to your talents, or the lack of talented men I've been with in the past, it doesn't matter. I hadn't put anything in these stories about you going down on me so far, because I figured most guys don't like it, but—"

"I liked it." Peter cut her off. Diane blushed, surprised by his forwardness. She could feel her heartbeat increase, and her peach got hot.

"Right, well, um," Diane tried to gather herself, feeling flustered and aroused. "Well I figured I might as well write a scene that includes you going down on me."

"You really want me to do it again?" Peter smiled, proud of his talents.

"Well, yes! I wouldn't be doing this if it didn't ALSO serve the narrative of the story!" Diane was almost defensive. "And don't boast, you don't see me bragging about how just the other day I practically made you shoot a quart of cum with just a handjob." She playfully whacked his arm with her script. Diane was glad she and Peter had this comfortable of a relationship, that they were able to have such a back-and-forth. He laughed with her before questioning her.

"Well, should we get down to business?" Peter flipped through the script, speed-reading his lines. After only a couple of recording sessions, he'd gotten pretty good at getting the gist of the scene after a few quick read-throughs of the script. Always enough to know what he was supposed to say and do, but not too much so as to spoil any fun or surprise.

"Yes, let's get to it!" Diane clapped. Peter read the blocking directions, which placed him leaning against the island. She stood next to the laptop, and after a shared nod, she pressed a button to start the recording. Peter watched as she walked around to the opposite side of the island from him, took a deep breath to ready herself, and then walked up to him slowly.

"Hey hon, how's it going?" Diane smiled sweetly, making eye contact with him.

"I'm doing well, just curious as to why you asked me to come over today?" Peter had to feign naïveté, as if he didn't know where this was going.

"Well, i was hoping we could get a chance to talk, just the two of us, mother-in-law to son-in-law." Diane knew it wasn't the cleanest way to give exposition to listeners about what the scene was, but who was listening to her audio erotica for the plot? She continued, "You see, my daughter talked to me, or should I say, she complained to me."

"She what? Oh no, what did she complain about?" Peter played baffled.

"Well, please don't freak out, but she said..." Diane pretended to hesitate, unsure if she should even have brought this up in the first place. "She said you're not satisfying her... in bed." She winked at Peter.

"What? She told you that? I—" He sounded panicked.

"Shh, no, no, don't be embarrassed, sweetie. She's your wife, it's good that she's voicing this. It's important that you two satisfy each other, that's a key to a healthy marriage." Diane seemed so maternal, welcoming Peter into her arms, resting his head on her plush bosom. She coddled him for just a moment more before he spoke.

"But, what do I do? Read Kama Sutra?" Peter tried his best not to laugh at how ridiculous that line was.

"No, no, don't worry. I have an idea. How about you show me what you do to her, and I can maybe help you improve." Diane offered. Peter's let out a small "um..." before Diane cut him off to continue. "Don't worry, it won't be weird. I'm your mother-in-law, it's my job to make sure things are running smoothly in your marriage. My daughter's happiness is my top priority. If you're not satisfying my daughter, she's not happy, and if she's not happy, I'm not happy. Just let me see what you do?" She nodded, putting a finger under his chin to lift his head so he'd make eye contact with her. "Does that sound okay?"

"Y-yes. That sounds okay to me." Peter nodded, acting coy. "Just promise you won't tell your daughter?"

"I won't tell if you don't," Diane giggled. "Now, why don't you start by showing me how you go down on her?"

Peter knew in the script he was supposed to act dumbstruck at the fact that he was expected to go down on his wife, but he couldn't help but smirk at the fact that Diane had written this whole scene because she wanted him to eat her out again.

"You do go down on her, don't you?" Diane prodded. "Oral sex is a pillar of foreplay, it's very important to ensure your partner is sufficiently aroused before just going to town on each other."

"I'm sorry," Peter played a fool.

"Oh, okay. No worries. I've just got more to teach you!" Diane perked up. "Come on, we've got to start somewhere." She stepped back from Peter and began to undo the button on her jeans. She unzipped them and slipped them off, stepping out of them. Diane shrugged and slipped off her shirt as well, now standing in front of the young man in just a simple white bra and matching panties. Peter felt his jaw drop, still wowed every time Diane stripped in front of him. She was chubby, and her large breasts were pushed together by the soft bra, making ample cleavage for Peter to drool over. She turned slightly, teasing her plump ass, wiggling it at him. He could feel his cock hardening against his thigh, held down by his pants. She broke the silence with a taunt, "Do you want to learn how to go down on a woman?"

"Yes please." Peter answered, a mix of nervous and eager. Diane nodded and shimmied herself up onto the island. The marble was cold underneath her almost-bare butt, and her legs hung off the edge, not touching the ground. She leaned back on her elbows, smiling at Peter.

"Start by taking off my panties." Her voice dropped from an instructing, maternal one, to a much more sultry, sensual one. Peter stepped between her legs and, wrapping his fingers around her thin, lace panties, began to slide them down her smooth legs. His cold fingers traced down her soft thighs, and she sighed as he went. They fell from her knees to her ankles, and with a slight foot movement, the panties were on the ground. "Very good."

"Now what?" Peter asked, getting a good look at Diane's lap. Her pussy was wet and swollen, he could tell she was eager for this. It was a pretty pink color, and he could hardly resist just diving in.

"Now, give it a kiss." She instructed.

"A kiss?"

"A kiss. Something like this." Diane leaned forward and grabbed Peter by the collar. She pulled him close and kissed him deeply. Her soft, plush lips pressed up against his, and he felt her tongue sneak into his mouth, caressing his own gently. With a soft pucker, she pulled away, and Peter realized that was the first time they'd kissed.

"O-okay, I can try that." Peter leaned towards her lap, and Diane leaned back again. He got his face less than an inch from her swollen lips, and gently planted an open-mouthed kiss on her pussy. He slipped his tongue inside, pushing through her wet folds, and Diane gasped and bucked her hips forward, grabbing a fistful of his hair and pushing his face into her.

"Oh my god!" She yelped as he began to really get into it. He left kiss after sloppy kiss on her peach, tasting her fluids as she moaned softly. "Y-you're doing great, but don't forget about the clitoris." Diane stuttered through.

"Right, of course." Peter began to tease her clit as he went, driving her wild. She was moaning loudly, gasping for breath as he went. He alternated between soft, teasing kisses and deep, penetrating licks. She was practically thrusting into his face, gasping, close to cumming as she cussed under her breath. Peter decided to tempt fate and pulled back, looking up at her with wide eyes. "Is something wrong?"

"No! Nothing's wrong, keep going!" Diane practically shouted, so close to finishing that she was almost angry at Peter for stopping. He descended back into her pussy, massaging it with his mouth, driving her closer and closer to the edge, until she just couldn't take it anymore. Diane screamed as she came, grabbing the back of Peter's head and bucking against it as her sweet fluids ran down his chin.

"How was that?" He asked, wiping his chin. Diane was panting, struggling for words.

"That was... That was pretty good. You're a natural." She playfully winked, trying to regain her energy. "Now let me see your cock."

"But, you're my mother-in-law!" Peter acted aghast. "Isn't that crossing a line?"

"Honey, we crossed the line the moment you put your tongue inside me. Besides, I'm just making sure you satisfy my daughter." Diane's voice shifted to something more teasing. "You do want to satisfy her, don't you?"

"Yes, of course. I need you to teach me."

"Then show me your cock."

With that demand hanging in the air, Peter mumbled a "yes ma'am," and swiftly undid his belt, his button, and his zipper, dropping his pants and boxers to the ground. He stepped out of them kicking them off to the side, as his hardening cock flopped around. As he discarded his shirt, Diane sat forward on the counter, her legs still dangling over the edge, leaning towards Peter.

"Oh my goodness! Who knew my son-in-law had such a fat cock!" She reached for it, and Peter barely thrust his hips forward for her to take hold of it, but she held back at the last minute, her fingers stopping just inches from his manhood.

"It looks okay?" Peter asked sheepishly.

"Okay? It looks amazing! It's so thick! Does this even fit in her mouth?" Diane really played up the feeling of awe. She never really got the chance to just drool over Peter's cock (metaphorically, of course) so she relished in the scene.

"Um, no, it doesn't. She says her jaw gets sore." As Peter said this, Diane subconsciously felt her mouth start to water. She was almost disappointed she didn't include a blowjob in this scene. All this talk about oral, and Peter's cock throbbing in front of her, her small hands orbited closer and closer to his shaft. His pink cockhead was just inches from her soft lips, and she could see the tiniest pearl of precum beading at the top. Without thinking, Diane leaned forward and loudly kissed the tip of his cock, her plush lips enveloping it, and pulled back with a pop, letting a strand of precum drape from her lips to his cock. Peter gasped, surprised because this wasn't in the script.

"Ma'am, you just kissed, uh, my, um—" He stuttered, really in character and really confused.

"I just kissed your cock, and I'm going to do it again!" Diane slid from the counter top, onto her knees in front of Peter, a much better angle. She stopped teasing and took hold of his large shaft with her delicate hands, getting a good grip. She leaned in and planted another wet kiss on his cockhead. "And I'm going to kiss it again..." another wet kiss, "...and again..." another wet kiss, "...and again!" One final wet kiss, and then Diane took Peter's cock into her mouth, pushing him past her full lips, sliding across her soft tongue. She stroked at the base of his shaft with her hands, in rhythm with her mouth around his cock. He gasped loudly and she pulled back.

"You're my mother-in-law, are you sure you should be doing this?" Peter asked, almost asking Diane, out of character, if they should be breaking from the script. With his cock in her hands, she looked up at him.

"Just go with it! This is a learning experience. I want to know you can satisfy my daughter. I have to know you can last long enough to satisfy her, even when you're tempted to burst!" Diane was making it up on the spot, and it felt fun.


"Say 'yes ma'am.'"

"Y-yes ma'am." Peter wasn't about to argue as he watched Diane swallow his cock back down. Her mouth was so soft and warm, and so wet as she drooled on his shaft. She bobbed her head up and down, loudly gagging with each push. Peter moaned, and Diane pulled away.

"You like me sucking your cock?" She asked.

"Yes, yes I do. You're so good at it. I love it." He whimpered back to her as she took it back into her mouth, all the way down, pressing her nose to his lap, feeling his balls brush against her chin. "Oh my god, your daughter can't deepthroat me like that!" Peter watched as his mature neighbor, a mom twice his age, released his cock from her throat, pulling back and letting it spill from her mouth. Her lipstick was smeared slightly, and he watched entranced as a bit of fluid, either her spit or his precum, dripped from his cock onto her soft cleavage.

"I see you looking at my tits!" Diane teased, shaking them slightly. "You wanna fuck 'em?" She stood up, giving his wet cock a quick stroke before hopping back up on the counter. "Have you ever fucked a girl's tits before? Have you ever fucked my daughter's tits?"

"Um, no, your daughter, uh—" Diane cut him off before he could finish.

"My daughter doesn't have big enough tits, does she? She lost the genetic lottery, I guess, because as you can see," Diane gestured to her ample bosom. "My soft tits are perfect for your hard cock. Now, do you know how to take off a bra?" She teased.

"Yes, I do." Peter answered, trying not to play TOO dumb. His character was married, after all, he'd better know how to take off a bra.

"Then take off my bra." Diane sat up straight, her arms at her sides. This perfect posturing pushed out her chest even more, somehow making her plush tits seem even fuller. Peter pretended to nervously reach out, pressing himself up against Diane as she remained on the edge of the countertop, his strong hands winding behind her. They were cheek to cheek and when his fingers silently traced up the small of her back, Diane purred, almost inaudibly, and took a quick nip at Peter's earlobe. He pretended to fumble with the clasp for a moment before undoing it with ease, leaning back to unwrap his present.

"I think I got it." He smirked at her, still sounding naive.

"Yes, you did." Diane smiled back, letting the loose straps fall from her shoulders, her lightly-wrinkled breasts spilling out as the cups fell as well. She tossed her bra in the same direction as her other clothes before cupping her own tits with an open palm, letting them softly jiggle just for Peter. "You like them?"

"I love your tits, they're so much bigger than my wife's!" He announced.

"Then how 'bout you come over her and fuck 'em?" She tugged at his still-hard cock slightly, inviting him up into the counter with her. As Peter climbed up, Diane laid back on the cool granite. "Here, straddle me right here," Diane instructed, situating Peter so he was straddling just above her stomach, his cock resting against the soft skin of her torso. "Now, put your cock in between my tits," Diane continued, gesturing to her cleavage. Peter gingerly placed his cock between her tits. "I'm just going to press my tits around your hard cock, and..." Diane took two handfuls of her own breasts and pressed them around the shaft nestled in her cleavage. "...and now you start pumping."

With her final bit of instruction, Peter began to gently fuck Diane's tits. Back and forth, back and forth, he found a rhythm and was quickly hypnotized by the smooth feeling of his hard cock between her supple breasts. The wet blowjob she had given him just moments ago provided the perfect amount of lubrication, making for a smooth glide with just enough friction for a mind-blowing level of stimulation. He pumped harder and harder, slowly gaining speed.

"Your tits feel so good!" He groaned.

"You like that?" She encouraged.

"I do, I love fucking your tits! They're so soft, and so big! This feels incredible!" With each thrust forward, his cockhead poked out from Diane's cleavage. She lightly squeezed her tits around his cock, also enjoying the sensation. She enjoyed another sensation when she suddenly felt Peter's hand slipping into her panties. Without breaking from his thrusts, Peter had reached behind and found Diane's lap. His hand made its way under her waistband, just brushing up against her swollen pussy lips. She moaned loudly as his fingers brushed against her ever so slightly. She went to speak but bit her lip when she saw Peter shush her with his free hand. He mouthed "don't mention it" and put a finger to her lips. "Oh my god, your tits are amazing. Your daughter doesn't have tits like these!"

Diane, impressed that he never broke rhythm while fucking her tits, and aroused at the idea that he wanted to finger her without future listeners knowing, played along. As she felt his fingers delicately trace over her pussy lips, she said, "No she doesn't, only your mommy-in-law has tits like this. Only your mommy-in-law has these perfect tits for you to fuck!" She pressed her tits together a little tighter, driving Peter ever closer to the edge, to which he responded by pushing two fingers inside Diane. She gasped and moaned as he began to finger her until she was practically bucking against his hand. He shushed her again, fucking her tits with such zeal that he was starting to work up a froth from the leftover spit. She tried her best to stay quiet, and had to bite her lip hard to stifle a scream when Peter began to massage her clit as he went. She let go of her breasts and pounded her fists against the counter as she came, trying her best to be silent, for no discernible reason. Somehow, the idea of having a secret from future listeners made it all even hotter as an orgasm washed over her. Diane bucked against Peter's hand again and again before collapsing back against the countertop, panting. His cock sat between her tits, no longer pressed between them. In a moment of silence, Peter gestured to the script at the far end of the counter, and Diane nodded weakly, knowing they had to finish the scene despite this fun departure in the middle.

"Alright," Diane was catching her breath as Peter climbed off of her. "Foreplay is all well and good, but at the end of the day, I have to know if you can fuck my daughter well." She situated herself once again at the edge of the counter, her legs dangling off the edge. Peter, no longer on the counter, once again stood before her, his cock still rock hard. He smoothly slid her white panties down her legs, over her ankles, dropping them at his feet, and kicking them to the side. Clothes strewn all across the kitchen, the two neighbors were stark naked. Diane's plump ass pressed against the cold granite, and Peter appreciated her curves.

"I can't believe my mother-in-law wants me to fuck her." Peter broke the silence, reciting the line from the script.

"Oh, I do. I really, really do. Now, to make sure you satisfy a woman, start with a little bit of teasing. Make sure she's excited." Diane spread her legs, revealing her swollen, wet pussy to Peter. She took hold of his cock and guided it towards her, just barely brushing it against her lips. She was beginning to regret writing this teasing into the script. Had she known that her "son-in-law" would leave her a whimpering mess with just his fingers while he titfucked her, she'd have just left the teasing out. But now, as his throbbing cock just barely pushed against her swollen lips, she was almost overstimulated.

"Like that?" Peter asked, knowing he was driving her crazy.

"Yes, just like that. Just tease her with your head, make her beg for it." Diane encouraged.

"Beg for it?" He asked.

"Yes, make her beg you to just thrust into her, just go to town on her." As she said that, he pulled his cockhead out of her, which made Diane moan slightly, almost in frustration. She wanted him inside of her.

"I'm supposed to make her beg for it?" He asked again, teasing her.

"Mhm." Diane could barely muster another word as Peter once again brushed his cock against her lips, barely pushing inside her, just an inch in. "M-make her ask you— or t-tell you—" her voice was hitching in her throat as she tried to concentrate. "Make her s-say..."

"Make her say what?" Peter asked, driving her crazy as he pulled back again, his cock just barely brushing up against her clit as he pulled out. This alone was enough to make her scream.

"I want you to fuck me! Please, fuck me, right now!" Diane could take it no longer, desperate to feel him all the way inside her. Peter took her pleas as an invitation, sliding his hard cock deep into her waiting, wet pussy. She moaned loudly as he quickly found a rhythm, pumping in and out, pushing in deep with every thrust.

"Am I doing okay?" He asked, slowing for just a second, making Diane whimper against him.

"You're doing great, your cock feels amazing inside me. You're so big, I can't believe my daughter says you don't satisfy her!" Diane was trying her best to stick to the script. Lying back, she teased her own nipple with one hand, cupping her supple breast with her soft hand. She was so close already, she knew she wouldn't last much longer. She knew he wouldn't last much longer either. "Oh my god, I'm gonna cum. You're making your mother-in-law cum!" Diane yelled as she came once again, wrapping her legs around him and pulling him in closer. He thrust hard into her as she rocked with orgasm, pounding a fist on the granite as she came.

Peter was close to cumming as well, feeling Diane's folds clench around him as she came on his hard cock. "I'm about to cum, too." He groaned, feeling the cum swirling in his full balls.

"Yes, that's great baby," Diane unwrapped her legs from around Peter. "But I can't have my son-in-law cumming in me." Peter looked disappointed for a moment, but remembered the script as Diane continued. "Cum on my titties!" Still lying on her back on the counter, she propped herself up on her elbows, cupping her soft tits with her small hands. "Come on honey, cum on your mother-in-law's big tits!"

Peter pulled out of Diane and began stroking his cock, quickly pumping it up and down in his hand. He took one look at Diane, practically begging him, and cupping her own beautifully supple breasts, and couldn't hold back anymore. The first rope of hot cum splattered across Diane's breasts, sending a tiny ripple through the plush tits on impact. A few more shots painted her breasts in a smattering of white, but Peter wasn't quite finished. As he came more, he gave her a bit of a pearl necklace, and two stray shots even splattered across her lips and cheek. Finally, one last jet of cum landed in her cleavage, and Peter sighed loudly, completely spent.

"My, my, you certainly had a lot saved up. Well, let me just say, if you keep this up, you'll be satisfying my daughter in no time..." Diane gave a laugh. "And if she's still complaining, maybe my son-in-law can just come and satisfy me."

With that, Diane slid off the counter, still plastered in Peter's cum. She sauntered over to the laptop across the kitchen, Peter watching her naked ass bounce as she went, before she stopped at the keyboard, pressed a few buttons and turned back to him with a smile, a strand of his cum still clinging to her lip.

"Well, that certainly was, um, fun." She shot him a sly smile.

"Yeah, that part in the middle when you, uh..."

"Gave you an incredible blowjob?" She cut him off.

"Yeah, gave me an incredible blowjob. What happened to sticking to the script?" He asked.

"It felt right. Remember, improvising can be good, if it feels right. Did it feel right?" She teased.

"Yeah, no complaints here. Anytime you want to, um, improvise..." Peter felt silly saying that, but Diane smiled back at him.

"Alright, sweetie, this was definitely a success," She nodded at him. "But that's all we're doing for today." She walked him to the door, half-dressed, and as she opened it for him to leave, she rubbed his back. "Go get some rest. Next week we're trying something a little different."

As he left her house, Peter looked back at Diane with a confused look. "What's next week?"

"You'll see." She winked before shutting the door with a sly smile.

Peter sat on the couch in Diane's living room, tracing two fingers along the smooth material. He was waiting on Diane, who was currently upstairs, getting ready. He could hear her walking back and forth, humming to herself. All he knew was that she had asked him to come over for what she called an "evening recording session," something that caught his attention.

She had also asked him to come dressed nicely. Peter was wearing a deep green button-down shirt with a darker green tie. His black slacks were old, he hadn't worn them in a while, and they fit a bit tight. He readjusted them.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm coming." Diane called out, now closer to the top of the stairs. Peter shifted his attention up there as he watched her descend the staircase, and he could feel his eyes widen when he saw her. Holding a pair of black high heels, Diane quickly walked down the stairs in a red dress that fit like a glove. It was held up by thin straps that were fighting a war against gravity to keep her ample bosom from spilling out; the neckline dipped in the middle, showcasing a splendid amount of cleavage that drew in Peter's eyes. Just above the cleavage, Diane was wearing a silver necklace with a small assortment of charms. He couldn't see any bra straps, and was absolutely hypnotized by Diane's bouncing form in the silky red dress as she descended the stairs. When she reached the bottom, she looked Peter up and down quickly while she leaned against the banister, putting on her first heel. "You look nice. You ready to go?" She smiled. She was wearing bold lipstick that matched her ruby dress, and her hair was curled, making it extra bouncy.

"Um," Peter finally found his voice, standing up and crossing to Diane as she slipped on the second heel. "Exactly what kind of story are we recording today?"

"We've got an interesting one today. Something a little different."

"Oh, different how?" Peter inquired. "A new kind of roleplay? If you're ever looking for ideas, I have plenty I think would be great for us to try out, things your listeners might love—" Diane cut him off.

"Hold on to those ideas, I'd love to hear them eventually, but there's no roleplay today. That's part of why it's different."

"No roleplay? Wait, you mean we're just Peter and Diane?" He was confused.

"Kind of. Yes. Basically." She nodded. "Today, we're not recording here. For the first time since we've started working together, I'm taking a listener request." Peter furrowed his brow, now even more confused, so Diane continued. "Listeners can pay a higher subscription fee on my site, and it gives them the option to make requests. Every now and then, I go through and write a script based off a request. Sometimes it's small, like including some deepthroating or dirty talk; other times it's bigger, like a specific plot or setup. I've got one guy who keeps requesting a mermaid fantasy," Peter's brow was knit together in full wonder. "Yeah, yeah, I'm working on that script. Not sure how sex would work, so I'm still figuring that one out." Diane waved her hand to dismiss the idea.

"And you do these requests for anyone?" Peter asked.

"If they have an account and pay me enough, yeah, I'll eventually get around to every request." Diane explained. "Anyway, this was a really long-winded way of saying that I got a request for something new, and we're trying it today. I hope you haven't eaten yet, because we're going out to dinner." Peter's jaw visibly dropped when he saw Diane remove a tiny something from her pocket and begin affixing it to her necklace. It looked like just another charm, maybe a little different from the others, but not noticeably so.

"Is that a..." He couldn't even bring himself to ask the full question, it seemed too ridiculous.

"Very, very small microphone that looks like a charm? Why yes, yes it is. Cost me a fortune. If you hadn't guessed already, today we'll be recording in public. We're getting dinner at that old French place uptown, La Gorgée. I think it should be busy enough that there will be ambient noise to cover up any noise we make, but not too packed that there's a high risk of us getting caught."

Peter's mind was racing; he could barely wrap his head around what was about to happen. Diane wanted to record in public, with other people around. Honestly, it turned Peter on quite a bit. As much as he was nervous, he was equally aroused.

As they drove to the restaurant, Diane softly hummed along to the radio while Peter's mind was moving a mile a minute. The sun was low in the sky, and he could already tell it was going to be a gorgeous sunset. However, he could barely focus on that, too preoccupied by the MILF driving the car, who just nonchalantly put her hand on his thigh.

"You're nervous, aren't you?" Diane asked.

"You're not?" Peter replied, almost shocked at how casual she was being about the whole situation. Had she done something like this before?

"I mean, sure, I'm nervous. But don't those nerves kind of make it exciting?" She squeezed his thigh, barely brushing her fingers against his cock through his pants. Peter was tense. "Come on, it'll be fun! Just... Try to enjoy it a little bit." She gave him a genuine smile as she pulled into a parking space.

Stepping out of the car, they walked to the front of the restaurant, and were escorted inside by a young hostess. As they walked to a table, Peter could barely take his eyes off of Diane's ass in her red dress as it bounced with every step. He managed to peel his eyes away to get a look at the restaurant and patrons around him. The place was large, but not too busy. The lights were low, giving it an ambiance of mystery. An elderly couple was eating quietly near the door; a pair of couples on what looked like a double date were laughing and chatting nearby, sharing food and drinks amongst each other. A handful of other groups were scattered around, two friends on maybe a first date, a group of people who looked like they'd just come from the office. Peter noticed one middle-aged woman, probably Diane's age, sitting at a booth in the corner, by an array of windows. She had a glass of wine in front of her, and nothing else.

The hostess led the two through the restaurant, past a multitude of empty tables that Peter thought would have been fine for them, before stopping at the booth with the lone woman. Diane thanked the hostess, and asked if they could get a bottle of red wine for the table, before the young woman nodded and walked off.

"Oh, Diane, it's so nice to see you!" The woman smiled as she stood up to give Diane a hug. She was wearing a dark blue dress and glitzy high heels. Her blonde hair framed her face perfectly, accentuating her thin eyebrows and pale pink lipstick. Her dress wasn't as low cut as Diane's but she was clearly wearing a push-up bra that gave her decent cleavage for Peter to ogle briefly before it was blocked from view as she embraced Diane.

"It's great to see you, Karen!" Diane gave her a quick, tight hug, before pulling away and stepping to the side for introductions.

"You must be Peter?" Karen beamed at Peter, who was still a bit flustered.

"Yes, nice to meet you..." his voice trailed off as he extended his hand out to shake hers.

"Oh, don't be silly, come here." Karen pushed his hand away and embraced Peter in an equally quick, equally tight hug. "I'm Karen. You look surprised."

"Oh, that's probably my fault." Diane cut in as the three sat down. Karen sat on one side of the booth, while Peter sat across from her, and Diane sat next to Peter. "My clumsy brain must've forgotten to tell Peter we were meeting you tonight. I can be so forgetful!"

"Oh, you don't have to tell me twice!" Karen laughed, and Diane and Peter laughed along with her. Diane turned to Peter.

"Did I forget to mention we were meeting my friend? I'm sorry." Diane just barely smirked, enough that Peter could notice and understand that this was all just part of her plan.

"It must have slipped your mind. Anyway, we're all here now, and that's all that matters." Peter tried to seem cordial. Karen passed the two of them menus from a stack to the side, and they began pouring over them while continuing conversation.

"Oh, you're so kind. Diane, you didn't mention how kind he is!" Karen shot a smile at Diane, who smiled back. Peter wondered how much Diane had shared with Karen.

"Karen's my yoga teacher," Diane explained. "A few of us, um, older women get together and do yoga, to keep us active." Not that she wasn't staying active, Peter thought. "Oh, sorry, one second. I got a text from my daughter." Diane apologized as she took out her phone, which Peter could see had no notifications. He was bewildered for a moment before Diane opened an app and pressed a big red RECORD button. Peter surmised that it must be for the microphone on her necklace, meaning their latest session had just begun. Peter could feel his cock begin to swell in his pants as he thought about what may be about to happen. Diane couldn't do anything here and now, right? Karen interrupted his train of thought.

"No worries," Karen gestured to Diane's "texting" before continuing on, making eye contact with Peter. "When I hit 50, I had a bit of a mid-life crisis. I didn't get a divorce or buy a new car or whatever, I just started my own yoga studio. It really helped me find who I am, you know? Oh, just saying that out loud, it sounds so cheesy." Karen laughed at herself.

"No, not at all. It's great hearing people do something they're passionate about." Peter reassured her.

"Well put." Karen took a sip from her wine glass.

"Yes, very well put. You've got such a good head on your shoulders," Diane complimented him. "Such a good head."

Before Peter could react to the compliment, he was surprised to feel Diane's hand sliding across his thigh, finding his hardening cock. She barely pet it for a moment before carefully, skillfully undoing his belt and zipper, inching her hand down his pants. In a matter of seconds, Diane pulled Peter's cock out and began to stroke it. He held his breath and leaned forward, trying to shield his lap as much as possible with the table. Diane was still smiling at Karen, never breaking from the conversation. As Peter refocused on what was going on around him, he realized a waiter was standing at their table, smiling at the three of them. He placed a bottle of red wine down in a bucket of ice, as well as two glasses.

"Here you go, allow me to pour it for you." He opened the bottle swiftly and served two full glasses to Peter and Diane, then topped off Karen's glass. From both the waiter's and Karen's perspective, Diane had her left hand at her side, and reached up with her right hand to take the glass. Peter, trying his best to keep his composure, accepted his glass from the waiter. "Now, is everyone ready to order?"

"Yes?" Karen looked the others for confirmation. They both nodded, but Peter refused to make eye contact with anyone while Diane was still stroking his cock. Karen began, "I'll start. Can I get the butternut squash house soup?" The waiter nodded as he penciled it down before turning to Diane.

"May I please have the arugula salad with walnuts?" Diane asked politely.

"Of course." The waiter smiled. "And for you?" He asked, gesturing to Peter.

"Um," Peter was staring at his menu, not because he wasn't sure what he was ordering, but because he was afraid of giving away the fact that the gorgeous older woman sitting next to him had her small hand wrapped around his throbbing cock, pumping up and down, up and down. "Can I get the salmon?" He managed to peel his eyes from the menu to make eye contact with the waiter, trying to act as casual as possible.

"That comes with the option of a small side salad or roasted vegetables, which would you prefer?" The waiter asked.

"The veg—" Peter's words got caught in his throat as Diane suddenly fondled his balls, taking a break from stroking his shaft to roll Peter's balls around in her hand, feeling how heavy and full they were.

"Sorry, what was that?" The waiter asked.

"Vegetables. The roasted vegetables sound, uh, great." Peter had to try hard to sound as normal as possible.

"Great choices, I'll get these to the chef right away." The waiter gave a big smile and walked away, leaving the three alone at the table again.

"So, Peter, any girls in your life?" Karen broke the momentary silence.

"W-what?" Peter asked, forcing himself to make eye contact with Karen so as to not draw attention to the handjob happening in his lap. He felt funny looking right into Karen's eyes as Diane stroked his cock.

"Oh, come now, don't be shy. A young man like you, charming, handsome, good around the house... Diane told me about how you fixed her sink." Did she mention what happened immediately after, Peter wondered. "Don't tell me there aren't just gaggles of girls chasing after you!" Karen teased.

"Oh, well, I'm living at home this summer and not working until the fall, so I don't meet many new people. The only person I consistently see is Diane." Peter explained, maybe giving away too much. He could feel Diane stop stroking his cock, giving him a quick squeeze. "I-I mean, I see her most b-because she's my neighbor. I also see the mailman a lot." He forced a laugh, but Karen didn't seem to notice. She didn't seem to notice much of anything going on in front of her.

"Well, don't worry, honey," Karen reached out and lightly touched Peter's hand reassuringly. "I'm sure you'll make a girl very happy someday."

"I'm sure he will." Diane gave a genuine smile, still pumping at Peter's cock. She slowed down her pace for a moment, coaxing a small mess of precum to spill out of Peter's cockhead, causing Peter to tense up. Diane efficiently used the precum as lubricant and began to jerk the young man's cock a bit faster. She was careful not to go so fast as to make any noise, just fast enough that Peter's whole body was tense.

"So, Diane, what have you been up to lately?" Karen asked as she sipped her wine.

"Oh, I stay busy." Diane answered vaguely. "You know, I joined a book club. We just read a fascinating novella about a woman who goes to her high school reunion and meets an old friend." She kept stroking, steadying her pace.

"Was it any good? I'm sure I won't read it, so you can spoil it." Karen laughed to herself.

"Yeah, I'd say I enjoyed it. It did start a bit slow..." Diane slowed down her stroking, moving her hand so slowly that Peter had to resist thrusting into her fist. "But it picks up pretty quickly from there." Diane began stroking faster, picking up her pace. Peter loved the sensation, but Diane's hand was a bit aggressive, and Peter was concerned he may not last much longer at this rate. "The main character is fun, but sometimes her internal monologue drags on..." Diane slowed down, allowing Peter to compose himself, but was now delivering long, complete strokes, from his base to his head, her hand slowly trailed all the way up, then all the way back down, sliding with the precum. "It can just drag on... and on... and on..." Peter was about to burst. His whole body was clenched, he was barely able to keep his eyes open, trying to hold out. "And I actually haven't finished." Diane abruptly let go of Peter's throbbing cock, giving him a moment to regain his composure and avoid cumming. He almost gasped, holding his breath to avoid any noise as he tried to settle himself.

"You haven't finished?" Karen inquired.

"No, I haven't. I had to put it down." Her hand hovered just above Peter's wanting cock. "You know when something's just so good, you want to save it?" Her fingers just barely brushed against his tip, and Peter let out a whimper that he covered up by clearing his throat. "Like," Diane continued. "I'm sure that I could just finish the book right now, if I wanted to. But I want to savor it, and only finish it when I'm good and ready." Diane traced one finger up and down Peter's shaft.

"Oh, I know exactly what you mean." Karen nodded. "I've been there."

"What about you, Peter?" Diane asked. He knew she was teasing him, and he could barely take it. He made eye contact with Diane as she swirled one finger around his cockhead.

"Mhm, I-I get it. You want to draw it out." He said through a clenched jaw.

"Exactly," Diane winked.

"Oh, I think I see our food coming!" Karen excitedly pointed out, breaking the tension of the moment between Diane and Peter. Diane remover her hand from his lap entirely, subtly wiping it off on her napkin before taking a plate from the waiter who was now standing before them, a tray full of beautiful dinners.

"The arugula salad for you, ma'am." He handed it to Diane. "And the salmon with roasted vegetables for you," he passed a plate to Peter. "And for you, the butternut squash soup. Be careful, it's hot." He smiled and placed it in front of Karen.

"Thank you so much," Karen smiled back.

"Anything else you folks need?" The waiter asked politely.

"I think we're good for now." Karen replied. The waiter nodded appreciatively and walked off to another table. Peter, Diane, and Karen all began to dig in, and Peter wondered if Diane had forgotten about his cock. Moments ago, this older woman was bringing him to the edge, about to make him shoot cum across the underside of this table, and now she was eating her salad and making small talk with Karen about a third friend of theirs, Jillian, who works at some retail store. Peter was barely listening, focusing more on whether or not he'd have to figure out a way to put his cock away without Karen noticing. As he tuned back into the conversation, Karen wiped her mouth with her napkin and began to stand.

"I'm just going to run to the restroom, I'll be right back." She slid out from her seat and walked towards the back of the restaurant, out of view. Peter caught one look at her rear end in her dress, and could barely see a pantyline, but was quickly distracted from that sight when Diane whispered in his ear.

"I'll be right back, too." Peter could hear the smile on her lips.

"Where are you go—" before he could finish his foolish question, he watched as Diane fluidly slid from her seat and sunk down to the floor, under the table. On her knees, she situated herself between Peter's legs, pressing herself close to his lap. "Oh my god, what're you doing?" He whisper-yelled.

"Relax, this'll be fun." She giggled to herself, reaching for his cock. It was still rock hard. Her other hand cupped his balls, tugging ever so gently, causing Peter to groan softly. Just then, his heart dropped as he saw Karen making her way back to the table.

"Hey, sweetie, sorry about that. Where's Diane?" Karen sat back down, slipping her legs under the table. The way they were seated, Karen's knees were less than a foot away from Diane's side. Peter held his breath for a moment, sure they would be caught. "Sweetie?" Karen prodded when Peter gave her a dumbfounded look. Diane squeezes Peter's balls, waking him from his panic.

"Oh, um, she, uh, she actually just went to go find our waiter." Peter stammered, lying through his teeth.

"Our waiter? What for?" Karen asked.

"Um, sh-she wanted to make sure they're splitting the bill correctly for us." Peter lied again. He shuddered when he felt Diane's hot breath on his cock, and he could tell her warm mouth was only inches away from his member. He could almost feel her drooling on him.

"Oh, that's nice of her. I guess it gives us a chance to chat." Karen shot Peter a playful smile.

"Yep, uh, she's really nice, that Diane. Such a giver!" With that compliment, Diane leaned forward, and Peter felt his sensitive cockhead push past her plush lips, into her wet, waiting mouth. He almost melted, and froze in place for a moment. He held his fork an inch from his mouth, a bite of salmon speared on the tongs, but he didn't dare try and open his mouth for fear a moan would come out.

Diane went to work, and found a rhythm quickly, pumping her mouth up and down on Peter's cock. Her tongue lavished his head with licks and laps, tasting copious amounts of salty precum as she went. She let out soft moans, so soft that even she could barely hear them. They weren't on purpose, she just could barely control herself when it came to Peter's cock. She was barely able to pull away from his cock long enough to pop one of his balls into her mouth. She nursed on it, sucking it and giving it love with her tongue before switching to the other ball. Meanwhile, above the table, Peter was trying his best to maintain a conversation with Diane while saying as little as possible.

"You know Peter, Diane and I go way back." Karen was looking out the window as she reminisced. "We met in college, decades ago. Oh, doesn't that make me sound so old!" She laughed, blushing.

"No, no, not at all! Don't call yourself old, think of it more as mature." Peter comforted her. That was something Diane had said about herself once, so he hoped it helped here.

"Oh, Peter, thank you." Karen smiled genuinely and reached out and took Peter's hand. "You're such a nice young man." While her hand was holding Peter's hand, under the table, Diane's hand was holding Peter's cock, stroking it as she teased the head with her tongue. She was licking it like a lollipop, tasting pearls of precum as it beaded at the top.

"Um, thank you." Peter smiled back, doing his best to make eye contact. There was something so exciting to him about looking Karen in the eyes as Diane sucked his cock under the table.

Karen picked up her wine glass and gestured for Peter to do the same. "To age," She toasted.

"To age," Peter said with her.

"It's only a number. Let's not let it affect our lives or decisions." Karen shot Peter a glance, and he could've sworn he saw her wink at him. She extended her glass to clink against his to complete the toast, and as their glasses collided, Peter seized up. Under the table, Diane had chosen this moment to swallow Peter's cock down, taking him to the back of her throat. As she deepthroated him, he tensed up, and fumbled his wine glass, spilling a few drops on the table.

"O-oh no, I'm s-sorry," he could barely get through. Diane's mouth was so warm and so wet, and her throat was tight around his throbbing cock. She tugged lightly on his balls, and he had to bite his lip to stop from moaning again.

"Don't worry about it, honey." Karen was completely unfazed and completely oblivious. "We can just wipe it up. The only real loss is the wine." She laughed and dabbed at the spill with her napkin. Meanwhile, Peter was working to compose himself enough to look Karen in the eye again as Diane silently gagged on his cock. When Karen finished and looked up from the table, Diane was backing off of Peter's cock, giving him a moment to breath before beginning to stroke him again while sucking on his balls.

"Sorry about that, I can be — uh — I can be such a klutz sometimes." Peter apologized, now on the edge. Diane was working his cock, and she was going to get a reward soon enough.

"Oh, really, it's no big deal." Karen returned to her soup, and Peter to his salmon. The two ate in silence for a moment before Karen spoke again. "What's taking Diane so long?"

Peter's voice was caught in his throat, and Diane stopped nursing on his balls for a moment, waiting to hear what he came up with. "Um..." He had to come up with something, but nothing was coming to mind. Why would she be taking so long to ask a simple question?

"Well, it's just like her to take a while. You know, she's probably trying to work up the courage to talk to the waiter. That Diane, she can be so shy." Karen laughed. With the tension gone, Diane took Peter's cock back into her mouth and began pumping up and down, massaging his balls with her delicate fingers.

"Diane? Shy?" Peter was surprised at Karen's description, and couldn't help but let out a little laugh.

"Of course, she's one of the shyest people I know." As Karen said this, Diane drooled onto Peter's cock, then swallowed him down again. "She's so reserved, and keeps to herself most of the time." Diane wrapped her tongue around Peter's cockhead, rewarding her with more precum.

"Huh," Peter's cock twitched in his MILF neighbor's mouth. "That's funny, she's always been so, um, forward with me." He shrugged.

"Well, different strokes for different folks I suppose." Karen shrugged as well. "She must feel pretty comfortable around you."

As Peter nodded, Diane began nursing on his cock, focusing on the head. She was pumping with both hands wrapped firmly around his throbbing shaft, licking his head with a flat tongue. Peter was barely holding on now, having trouble keeping his composure across from Karen. He stuffed another bite of fish into his mouth, doing anything he could to avoid groaning as he spilled precum onto Diane's lips and tongue. He was so close, and Diane knew it. Under the table, she was whispering to herself, almost inaudibly, begging Peter to cum.

"Come on, baby. Cum for me." She pumped faster and faster, tasting his salty precum. "Cum in my mouth. I want your cum, please, baby, I want your cum." She had to avoid screaming it, she wanted him to blow his load so badly.

"Peter, are you okay?" Karen looked concerned as Peter had stopped chewing, a bite still in his mouth. His hand was frozen halfway between his plate and his mouth, holding his fork with nothing on it. His other hand was gripping the edge of the booth seat with white knuckles, bracing himself for what was about to happen as Diane kept stroking.

"I—" Peter could barely muster. "I th-think—" but he couldn't hold out any longer and Peter grabbed the back of Diane's head with his free hand and pushed her onto his cock. She gagged in surprise, but accepted it, swallowing his cock down as he burst in her mouth.

"Peter?" Karen said with a sense of panic, not knowing what was happening.

"I-I think I swa— swallowed a bone!" Peter choked out, pretending to cough and clear his throat as he grunted. Underneath the table, he shot rope after rope of hot cum into Diane's mouth. He pushed her head down even further, until her nose was pressed against his lap, and shot even more cum down her throat. Diane gagged again, choking on his fat cock, her tongue still massaging his shaft as he emptied his balls.

"Oh my goodness, are you okay?" Karen sat forward, pushing Peter's wine glass towards him. "Drink this!"

His grip on the back of her head loosened as he put both hands above the table to accept the wine glass. Down below, Diane pulled back, and swallowed all of his cum down before exhaling a hot breath onto Peter's sensitive tip, signifying an empty mouth. She stroked him softly, lapping up two last drops of cum, before swiftly tucking Peter's cock back into his pants.

Peter took two sips of wine with a shaky hand, giving a fake cough before clearing his throat and shooting a weak smile at Karen. "All better."

"Oh, thank goodness." Karen breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, I think this wine definitely saved me." Peter shot her a smile as he cheered the glass to Karen, catching his breath. As he put the glass down, he knocked it over, pretending to do so by mistake. This time, it wasn't just a few drops, instead the entire glass of alcohol spilled across the table.

"Oh, heavens!" Karen picked up a few napkins and began dabbing at the mess.

"Oh, shoot! Sorry!" Peter feigned clumsiness and began wiping up the wine, while nudging Diane with his foot. From under the table, she got the signal and crawled out, rising to her feet next to the table. She shot a quick glance around the restaurant to see if anyone had noticed. She made eye contact with the old woman by the door. Did she know?

At the table, Karen was trying her best to wipe up the spilled drink, completely focused on the mess in front of her. Peter was trying his best to seem invested in that, pretending not to notice his neighbor standing up next to him.

"Wow, what did I miss?" Diane announced her presence.

"Oh, Diane, you startled me!" Karen gave a quick laugh. "We just had a little scare, Peter choked on some of his fish, and then spilled a little wine."

"Oh my," Diane said as she sat down, sliding next to Peter, putting a hand on his upper thigh to steady herself. "Guess I shouldn't let this guy drive me home tonight." She joked. Karen laughed, and dabbed up the last of the spilled wine.

"So, what took you so long?" Karen asked, as the three of them all picked up utensils to go back to eating their food. Peter was still almost panting, trying to get back some energy after Diane drained him.

"Oh, you know, the management here can be so complicated. They really make you beg for what you want." Diane shot a sly glance at Peter. "It'll just be easier if we don't split the bill. Just let me pay."

"Oh, come now." Karen shook her head.

"No, really, Karen, Peter, just let me pay. It'll be my treat to you." Diane smiled as she put a small bite of salad into her mouth. Karen shrugged and took another sip of wine before squinting at Diane's breasts.

"What's that?" Karen asked, pointing. Peter followed her line of vision, spying a small glob of his own cum sitting smack in the middle of Diane's ample cleavage.

"Huh?" Diane looked down, noticing the cum as well. Something must've dropped from her mouth when she was gagging on Peter's cumming cock, and she hadn't noticed until now, when her oblivious friend was pointing it out. There was a silence for just a moment, as Peter and Diane figured they'd blown it.

"Oh, clumsy Diane. You must've spilled some salad dressing!" Karen laughed and stirred her soup absentmindedly.

"Salad dressing?" Peter asked, dumbfounded.

"Oh, goodness, you're right!" Diane didn't miss a beat, giving a forced giggle. With one delicate finger, she wiped up the spot of cum before placing it in her mouth and sucking her finger clean. Peter watched with bated breath as she did this, feeling his pants tent almost immediately. "There's just so much, I must've spilled. Well..." Diane shot a wink at Peter. "It's a good thing I love the stuff."